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Participation and Equality in Tourism


The dynamic interaction between tourism and society issues is crucial since it affects not only commercial participants in the tourism industry but also societal actors. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehend the ramifications of this relationship to establish effective ways to address the challenges. Fundamentally, tourism is an industry that involves the cross-border movement of people, products, and services. Consequently, it is intrinsically connected to societal challenges. Tourism may contribute to economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure improvement, but improper management can harm local communities (Amanor & Moyo, 2008). Mass tourism, for instance, can result in overcrowding, pollution, and greater competition for scarce resources. Due to increased land values, there is also the possibility for the exploitation of local people and traditions and the displacement of local communities. Moreover, the tourism business can significantly contribute to the global gender gap, as women are frequently relegated to low-paying and undervalued roles.

The business actors in the tourism sector must realize the positive and harmful effects their operations might have on society. They must ensure that their activities are sustainable and do not result in exploitation or relocation. This can include the creation of laws and practices that encourage responsible tourism, such as providing fair pay and working conditions, investing in local communities, and safeguarding the environment. Sustainability is also crucial to governments, non-governmental organizations, and local communities, among other societal actors (Amanor & Moyo, 2008). Governments are responsible for regulating the tourism industry to ensure its responsible operation. Non-governmental groups can assist in raising awareness of the potential negative effects of tourism and advocating for more sustainable practices. Local communities can gain from increased tourism, but they must also be aware of the possible threats and take precautions to safeguard their interests.

The two societal issues discussed in this essay are accessibility and equality. Accessibility and equality in the tourism sector are two essential topics in the industry today. Accessibility is the ability for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to access and participate in tourism experiences. Equality is the principle that everyone should have the same opportunity to access and participate in tourism experiences, regardless of their background, gender, or ethnicity. Accessibility in tourism is critical to ensure that all individuals can participate in tourism experiences. This includes providing access to physical spaces such as hotels, attractions, and transportation. It also includes providing access to information and services such as sign language interpreters, accessible websites and applications, and accessible customer service (Guimaraes & Silva, 2015). Accessibility also includes providing access to enjoyable and engaging experiences for people of all ages and abilities, such as accessible tours and activities, wheelchair-friendly attractions, and accessible restaurants. Equality in the tourism sector is vital to ensure everyone has the same opportunity to access and participate in tourism experiences. This includes equal access to information, services, and experiences regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.

Accessibility and Tourism

The first societal issue is accessibility. The link between tourism and accessibility is intricate and crucial. This is particularly true when tourism grows in popularity, and more people can enjoy its numerous advantages. Accessibility ensures everyone has equal access to and enjoyment of possibilities, including visitors (Guimaraes & Silva, 2015). Unfortunately, several obstacles prevent visitors from enjoying the same experiences as others. These hurdles might be physical, such as a lack of accessible accommodations, or systemic, such as a lack of accessible information or cultural attitudes that make it challenging for individuals with disabilities to engage in tourist activities. It is impossible to measure the severity of this problem, but it is evident that there is still much work to be done. According to a recent study conducted by the World Bank, just one in seven persons with disabilities participated in foreign travel in the preceding three years. This demonstrates how much development is still required to make tourism more accessible.

The link between tourism and accessibility is intricate. On the one hand, tourism may be an excellent means of promoting accessibility since it can generate cash and resources to finance accessibility projects. On the other hand, if it is not built to accommodate the requirements of persons with disabilities, it may be a cause of exclusion. People with disabilities are effectively precluded from participating in tourist activities if, for example, hotels are not wheelchair-accessible and there are insufficiently accessible transportation choices. Similarly, if tourist sites are not created with the requirements of those with disabilities in mind, they may not be able to have the same experiences as other visitors. The connection between tourism and accessibility is a crucial problem that must be addressed. Tourism has the potential to be a powerful force for good, but only if it is created with the needs of people with disabilities in mind. By doing so, we can guarantee that everyone can enjoy tourism’s advantages.

Accessibility in the tourism industry is a significant concern, as it affects the ability of many individuals to travel and explore the world. According to a recent World Bank report, more than one billion people have some form of disability worldwide. This significantly impacts the tourism industry, as approximately one in seven individuals have a disability. Unfortunately, many of the world’s tourist destinations cannot accommodate individuals with disabilities. According to a survey by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), only 25 percent of global destinations provide accessible infrastructure and services for individuals with disabilities. This means that for most destinations, people with disabilities do not have access to the same facilities, activities, and experiences as those without disabilities (Meethan, 2021). The lack of accessibility in the tourism industry can substantially impact the lives of individuals with disabilities. Without the ability to engage in the same activities as their peers, individuals with disabilities are frequently excluded from the travel and exploration experience. This can result in isolation and a decline in quality of life.

Equality and Tourism

The second societal issue is equality. The connection between tourism and equality is complex and multidimensional. Tourist has the potential to be an effective weapon for furthering social and economic equality, but they also can generate gaps between those who have access to tourism resources and those who do not. This social problem is especially acute in developing nations, where tourism may provide economic possibilities and worsen preexisting inequality. It is essential to comprehend the possibility of uneven access to tourist resources. Others with more financial means often have access to more costly tourist places and services, while those with fewer resources are excluded. This disparity in access might exacerbate existing economic and social disadvantages. In underdeveloped nations, limited infrastructure and high transportation costs might restrict access to tourism locations and services, disproportionately affecting the most disadvantaged segments of society. Tourism may also have harmful effects on the environment, in addition to uneven access to resources. The construction of resorts and other tourism-related activities may contribute to pollution and the degradation of natural ecosystems. This may exacerbate inequality since disadvantaged groups may be more susceptible to the harmful effects of pollution and habitat degradation.

Additionally, tourism may result in the exploitation of local workers. In certain instances, people are compelled to work in the tourist business for poor salaries and without the most fundamental labor safeguards. As individuals from underprivileged origins are more prone to exploitation, this exploitation may exacerbate existing socioeconomic disparities. Tourists may provide economic possibilities to developing nations, but it can also lead to a dependence on tourism as a source of revenue. This may result in a lack of economic diversity, making nations more susceptible to economic downturns. The severity of inequality and tourism can be seen in the statistical data, showing the gross disparities between haves and have-nots in many tourist destinations. In the Caribbean, for example, the top 10% of the population earns more than half of the region’s total income, while the bottom 10% earns less than 1%. In Latin America, the wealthiest 10% of the population earns more than 40% of the region’s total income, while the poorest 10% earns less than 3%. This inequality is reflected in the tourism industry, where the higher-end resorts and attractions cater to wealthier travelers. In contrast, the lower-end attractions often lack essential services and amenities.

In addition to this inherent inequality, tourism development can lead to other adverse effects. For instance, the rapid development of tourist attractions can lead to the displacement of local communities and the destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems. This can lead to further disparities between locals and tourists and a loss of cultural and natural heritage. While tourism development can create jobs, it can also lead to exploiting workers and displacement of locals, leading to further inequality (MENG, 2018). In some cases, the influx of tourists can put an additional strain on local resources, leading to a decrease in the quality of life or an increase in poverty. In addition, tourism can contribute to environmental degradation, as tourist attractions and sites require large amounts of land and resources and can lead to pollution and climate change. Overall, tourism development can mitigate some of the adverse effects of inequality and tourism, but it can also exacerbate existing inequalities and cause new problems. For instance, tourism can create jobs, but if these jobs are low-paying and lack essential benefits, it can further increase inequality. Similarly, while tourism development can bring in much-needed revenue, it can lead to the exploitation of local resources and displacement of communities if it is not adequately managed and regulated. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that tourism development is carefully planned and managed to mitigate the adverse effects of inequality and tourism. Policies should be implemented to ensure that local communities are not displaced, and that the environment is protected. Furthermore, efforts should be made to ensure that tourism benefits locals by providing job opportunities that pay a living wage and offer essential benefits and that tourists are educated about the importance of sustainable tourism. Finally, tourism development should be regulated to ensure that it does not lead to further disparities between locals and tourists.

The interrelationship between tourism and accessibility, and equality has changed dramatically. In the past, tourism was seen as a luxury and a privilege reserved for the wealthy. This meant that many people, such as those with disabilities, were excluded from the industry because they could not afford to travel (Reece, 2020). This created a two-tiered tourism system, where wealthy people could experience the sights and sounds of the world while those who were not were denied this same opportunity. However, in recent years, technology has made travel much more accessible. Computers and the internet have easily allowed people to book flights, hotel rooms, and other travel-related services. This has made it much easier for people with disabilities to travel, as they can now book their tickets and make arrangements. Furthermore, many hotels and attractions have become more accommodating to those with disabilities, meaning they can now enjoy the same experiences as those without disabilities. In addition, advances in technology have also made tourism more equitable. In the past, those with disabilities often faced discrimination and exclusion regarding travel. However, with the rise of technology, travel has become much more open and accessible to those with disabilities. This has allowed them to experience the same sights and sounds as those without disabilities, giving them an equal opportunity to experience the world.

Finally, the rise of social media has also significantly impacted the relationship between tourism and accessibility and equality. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have allowed people to share their experiences and connect. This has allowed people to share their stories and experiences, creating a sense of community among travelers and allowing those with disabilities to connect and share their experiences. This has helped to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for those with disabilities, allowing them to experience the same sights and sounds as those without disabilities.


In conclusion, the tourism sector has long been an essential part of the social well-being of a nation. It provides significant economic benefits to communities and countries, including creating jobs, increasing foreign currency earnings, and increasing tax revenues. In addition, tourism can bring social benefits, such as an increased sense of community and the promotion of cultural understanding and respect (Theobald, 2015). In recent years, there has been an increased focus on accessibility and equality in the tourism sector. This is mainly due to the recognition that not everyone has the same access to tourism resources and that this can lead to inequalities in the way people experience tourism. As such, the sector is increasingly focusing on ensuring that all people, regardless of their economic or social background, have access to the same tourism opportunities. This includes initiatives to make sure that the tourism sector is open and accessible to people with disabilities, as well as initiatives to ensure that those from lower-income backgrounds are not overlooked when it comes to tourism opportunities. Moreover, the tourism sector is also increasingly focused on promoting diversity and tolerance. This includes initiatives to ensure that different cultures and religions are respected and that all people are given a fair and equal chance to experience the tourism offerings of a given destination.


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