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Addiction Essays

Unraveling Addiction: Genetics, Neurophysiology, and Environmental Factors

Addiction, termed medically as substance use disorder, is a behavioural disease that suffices when an individual is exposed to drug abuse over a long period. However, the level of addiction is not only influenced by drug abuse; genetics are also involved in a person’s addiction. The societal explanation of addiction is often referred to as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 825
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Drug Abuse and Addiction, Its Effect on Women in Society, and How They Become Homeless Due to the Habit

Introduction In my pursuit to address the intricate communal issue of drug abuse and its distressing connection to homelessness among women, I bring to this project a profoundly enrooted personal interest and unyielding motivation. My fascination with this pressing matter arises not merely from my zeal for community service but also from the emotional tales ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4289

Alcohol Withdrawal Concept Analysis Paper

Alcohol withdrawal describes the indications and symptoms that physically dependent drinkers experience when they abruptly stop drinking (World Health Organization, 2019). These symptoms range in severity from minor “hangovers” to delirium tremens and life-threatening seizures. When people with a history of chronic or excessive alcohol usage abruptly reduce or quit drinking, they experience the complex ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3389

Disease or Choice of Behavior?

Experts have long disagreed on the issue of whether addiction is an illness or a deliberate action. Some people think addiction is an illness, while others think it is a behavior choice. Addiction, in my opinion, is a disease rather than a deliberate activity. This viewpoint is supported by research showing that brain alterations that ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720

Fentanyl Issue in American and Drug Policy Problems

The problem is being unable to stop the Mexican cartel’s production and the harm being caused to humanity. Additionally, the drug issue has caused further harm in other areas of society and how policy makers fulfill policies. With the drug market demand, the transition from heroin to fentanyl occurs quickly. The study conducted by Feliz ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 748

Ethical Issues in Substance Abuse Counseling

Annotated Bibliography Hill, J. C., Stokes, L. E., Froelich, R. J., Emmanuel, D., Landon, T., & Hicks, S. (2022). Ethical dilemmas: Current and projected concerns reported by certified rehabilitation counselors. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 00343552221146159. This source material investigated some of the ethical challenges faced by counselors. Hill et al. (2022) used participants currently practicing as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

What Are Drug Courts?

Concept of Drug Courts Drug courts incorporate the treatment services of alcohol as well as other drugs with case processing in the justice system. The main aim of such courts is to curb the spread of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and criminal activities arising from the use of these drugs. Such courts ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1798

Social Media Campaign to Prevent and Reduce Substance Abuse in Dallas, Texas

Introduction Dallas in Texas is among the common rampant drug users in the U.S. In order to address this problem, community health nurses can utilize the reach of social media to create powerful methods for prevention and intervention. Throughout this study, a social media initiative designed to curb drug usage among Dallas’s youth. The campaign uses ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 6011

Addictive Behaviors in Terms of Public Health

To a tragic extent, a substantial population in the United States has developed an addiction to illegal drugs, making drug dependency a significant issue in public health. Some people can watch their addiction worsen in front of their eyes. Although-of-the-shelf pain relievers and other medical drugs are readily available. There are insufficient resources to treat ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 947

How Addiction Impacts Family Members and Loved Ones

Addiction is a complicated and diverse issue analyzed and investigated from various perspectives. Addiction is characterized by many important qualities, one of which is its effect on the addict’s loved ones. The addict’s loved ones likewise suffer greatly from their loved one’s addiction. This book review will discuss Beverly Conyers’s “Addict in the Family: the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1649

Addiction and Neural Pathways

Abstract Drug addiction problems are severe in society today. Many intervention measures are required to meet the need to stop the patients’ addiction. Drug addicts habitually take the same drug for a while and relapse after intervention measures. The association of drug addiction to the functions and parts of the brain significantly impacts the research ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3175

Addictive Behavior: Abstinence Exercise

Introduction For us to better understand how a possible client struggling with addiction might feel or think, the Abstinence Project is designed to provide us with a hands-on learning experience (Dice et al., 2019). It was a chance to test our ability to empathize and acknowledge the possibility of an unorthodox road to healing. We ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1861

Social Work Paper

Population, Need, and Rationale The population that this work will explain is the elderly. One area of community change is where there is a need to improve the elderly’s lives. Older adults have already played a huge role in society. For instance, some have been essential in growing the community through different programs. Some have ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2177

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation

Lisa Trembly, a 33-year-old female, visited a detox facility thinking about long-term rehabilitation. She presented her case to the healthcare service provider, who was responsible for evaluating her case and finding out how to help. The paper, in this context, refers to the patient. Subjective Information Chief Complaint Lisa’s chief complaint was that she had ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 960
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