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A Practical Odyssey in Sports Marketing and Fan Engagement


The fan engagement of sports marketing depends on the nature of sports communication, one of the key parts of the sports industry, as a dynamic and integral part of the sports industry. Identified as a situation where people within the sports arena exchange symbols to signify the meaning through interaction (Pedersen et al., 2007), sports communication has been through tremendous growth, with the development of the worldwide global sports business industry presenting a clear parable. The sector, estimated at a value of $600 billion in 2019 (Plunkett Research, 2019), has been facing unique challenges, particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the highly adaptive nature of the industry is evident from the 13.5% rise of the sector from 2020 to 2021 despite disruptions to sports events in live action, which shows the role of strategic communication and management in ensuring resilience (Pedersen, 2013). However, the ubiquity and power of communication and media, including digital marketing and advertising, have been crucial in propagating sports events, boosting brand equity, and maintaining fan loyalty. The two-way communication channels that are facilitated by the two-way nature of digital marketing have helped to connect fans, athletes, coaches, and leagues (Byon & Phua, 2021). This transformation from conventional telecasts to digital platforms has been even more impressive in the post-pandemic era, showing how interactive sports communication is a marketing, advertising, and management tool for sports organizations. The importance of sports communication is emphasized by its inclusion among the key functions of sports management as identified by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA), alongside sports marketing, sports finance/ economics, and sports operations (Pedersen, 2013). Certainly, as noted by Pedersen, “sport cannot live without communication” (2013, p. 57).

This acknowledgment has led to the creation of an extensive fund of knowledge in this area, theoretical frameworks, and empirical studies focusing on different aspects of sports communication, especially in the marketing communications arena. Those areas include sports sponsorship, social media-based marketing efforts, athlete-brand image development, and emerging technologies such as AR. Recently, scholars have investigated various issues in this field, including how sports sponsorship affects brand equity and social media engagement, which helps to rank athletes as brand endorsers. The ongoing merger of sports marketing activities with evolving media and communications technologies demonstrates the increasing significance of digital and interactive marketing communications in the transnational sports marketplace (Byon & Phua, 2021).

In such a way, during my internship as a marketing consultant with the St. Andrew’s College men’s hockey team, where I am going to engage with and analyze the elements of sports marketing and fan engagement within the scope of digital and interactive communication, I would want to learn in-depth more about what happens at work. This research seeks to provide insights regarding current topics and approaches in this rapidly developing area, particularly regarding the potential for live streaming, XR experiences in sponsorship activations, athlete representation via Instagram Stories, and social media performance as an indicator of ranking athletes as brand ambassadors.

Examining the Conceptual Model

I studied every aspect: the drama conveyed by the storyline of the game, the real-time participation options, and the contributions of fans’ videos and remarks. All of this provided a foundation upon which I constructed a strategy designed specifically for the St. Andrew’s team, aiming to increase the number of viewers and supporters of each game broadcast on digital platforms.

Investigating the Impact of Social Livestreaming Services (SLSS) on Fan Engagement Processes

Integration of SLSS into our strategy became crucial. Understanding the SLSS effect on fan engagement processes was crucial for creating content that attracted the audience’s attention. The fanbase preferences and behaviors enhanced the ability to find optimal channels and content formats for live streaming. I also investigated how other successful sports organizations used SLSS. This comparative analysis influenced the choice of platforms, types of interactions, and content themes tailored to the tastes of St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey fans. The aim was to achieve a smooth, engaging environment that encourages unity among the fan base.

Assessing the Role of Livestreaming in Enhancing the Overall Fan Experience

My role as a sports marketing consultant transcends past engagement attributes. I evaluated the entirety of the livestreaming effort on the St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team fan base experience. Analyzing this assessment, the qualitative aspects of fan interaction, such as the emotional bond that passes in live moments, were evaluated. Moreover, the assessment considered the implications on content consumption habits. Knowing which types of content are most popular among the audience during live streams allows for customizing future broadcasts according to the fans’ needs. And in return, live streaming would connect the St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team closer to its loyal fans.

Extended Reality (XR) Experiences in Sponsorship Activations

Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies is essential to developing engaging and memorable fan experiences (McCarthy et al., 2022). The focus of XR activations to sponsorship has been a matter of strategy and a journey of transformation that has impacted both the team and its fans.

Examination of User Responses to XR Experiences

As an intern, I investigated how spectators reacted to XR elements in sporting events sponsored by sports leagues. I concentrated on GoPro’s usage of round-view videos for their ad pushes since I was curious about our followers’ opinions of such immersive settings. Analyzing clicks, likes, comments, and mood metrics provided me with profound insights into the preferences and needs of St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team supporters. These XR technologies gave supporters a new and exciting way to interact with the club; they gave each fan a feeling of identity and excitement.

Exploration of XR Technologies in Sport Sponsorship

Regarding using XR technologies in sports sponsorship, my duties included figuring out how best to integrate these activations into the team’s marketing plan. This included developing and delivering XR experiences representing the partner’s and the team’s identities in collaboration with sponsors, technology partners, and the internal creative team. XR technologies in sports sponsorship at St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team exceeded the basic marketing measure; it became the measure of innovation and the proof of dedication to the level of fan experience that no other team could deliver. The activation not only provided sponsor brands in an immersive way but also added a measure of anticipation to the overall fan engagement strategy.

Evaluation of Interactive and Experiential Benefits

The core of the assessment process hinged on the ability to explain the interactive and experiential lessons afforded by XR technologies. Using surveys, social media polls, and direct fan engagement, I measured the effect of XR activations on users’ perceptions and impressions of the league and sponsors. This has yielded highly positive results ranging from increased enthusiasm, increased brand recall, and pride in being connected to a team that works with cutting-edge innovations. However, Burton and Schlieman (2021) suggest the interactive aspects of XR experiences, including virtual meet-and-greets with players or backstage glimpses, allow the team, sponsors, and fans to develop a stronger link. One of my most prominent accomplishments in my recent internship is successfully integrating XR experiences into St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team’s sponsorship activations. The response by the team regarding this innovative approach has been characterized by enhanced fan involvement, positive comments on social media, and improved relationships with sponsors. The reaction was resounding if a large sponsor’s XR activation enabled fans to virtually ‘step onto’ the hockey rink during a practice. Social media were flooded with excitement, spreading beyond the direct fanbase. This outcome enhanced the sponsor’s profile and made the team a leader in adopting XR technologies to improve the fan experience.

Athletes’ Self-Presentation via Platforms and Social Media Engagement Metrics

While athletes compete on the fields, they act as digital influencers understanding the dynamics of self-presentation on Instagram Stories and other platforms, and the social media metrics at play have become significant in sports marketing (Brison & Geurin, 2021). Not only was my choice of focus on this dimension aligned with contemporary research, but it also played an important role in shaping the team’s digital narrative and brand identity.

Analysis of Elite Female Athletes’ Self-Presentation

Drawing insights from the research conducted by Li et al. (2021) on the self-presentation of elite female athletes during the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, I found the intricacies of how athletes used Instagram Stories to reach their audience. It was essential to understand the intricacies of this self-presentation in order to apply similar tactics to our male athletes at St. Andrew’s. By analyzing the research findings, I was able to discern similarities in the information disseminated by elite female athletes. This balanced emphasis on on-field prowess, behind-the-scenes moments, and personal opinions represents a central theme. This study thus served as a standard, a model for the team on how to write a story not only for the fans of hockey but for a broader audience.

Investigation of Prevalent Posting Purposes on Instagram Stories

Firstly, based on the common posting motif discovered in the research, namely interaction, BTS stories, promotion, match-related information, sharing information, and opinion, I examined how such motif might be used tactically to benefit athlete branding. As for the St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team, stories became a multidimensional canvas for storytelling through Instagram, showing the fans the full picture of the team’s path. For example, BTS stories gave a window into the team’s training, creating an intimacy between the stories and the players. Match information and promotion exacerbated the anticipation for the forthcoming games, while the moments of opinion-sharing enabled the athletes to emotionally engage with the audience. However, the broad implementation of these posting intentions not only enhanced the content strategy but also provided a stronger and more refreshing brand image to the team.

Exploration of Social Media Engagement Metrics for Athlete Ranking

Based on the study by Brison and Geurin (2021), which evaluated social media engagement measures for the placement of US Olympic athletes as brand ambassadors, I embarked on an assessment of the effects of these measures on athlete endorsement as obtained within our purview. To assess the performance of our athletes as brand advocates, I considered aspects such as follower engagement, brand-relevant posts, and regulatory compliance to create an inclusive framework. Adopting a data-driven stance, I could determine how different content types, posting frequency intervals, and engagement techniques work best. This not only supported improving each athlete’s profile but also helped to form the overall digital strategy for the St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team.

Connection to Previous Generations and Team Response

In the example of St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team, this method is a modern trend and a heritage. By following the trends of athlete self-representation, I also honor the sport’s heritage while taking steps into the digital world. The team has received this strategic move very well. Fans now see the players as athletes and human beings following their lives, bringing them closer to their beloved stars. Through Facebook’s incorporation of Instagram Stories and their attention to engagement metrics, the team’s digital presence has been elevated, fan loyalty has increased, and the audience has become much broader and more engaged.

Bridging Theory and Practice in Sports Marketing

Reflecting on the transformative journey during my internship as a marketing consultant for the St. Andrew’s College men’s hockey team, the study of sports communication, marketing, and fan engagement through the various lenses of live streaming, XR experiences, and athletes’ self-portrayal on social media has proven to be an enriching experience. My understanding of sports marketing expanded via an academic perspective combined with real-world application; theory was not its exclusive emphasis. I explored how live streaming might change fans’ perspectives by delving into Wymer and colleagues’ (2021) suggestions. I saw how user-generated material, interesting features, and compelling narratives forged strong bonds with St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team supporters. Live events have a tremendous influence beyond statistics; they have changed people’s emotions.

This strategy’s foundation is that live streaming enhances every aspect of being a fan. It’s evident from studying social live streaming services (SLSS) that digital strategies need to consider followers’ preferences. This was practical advice for selecting platforms and material that engage during St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey games, not merely study hall fare but also customized streams for our audience. A skill that will undoubtedly help me later. As part of St. Andrew’s game day charm, with the help of the sports staff, we created XR marvels in collaboration with sponsors and creatives on hand—an innovative step forward. As the fanbase reacted to this in terms of engagement metrics and tangible enthusiasm, it confirmed the realization that adopting frontier technologies is not just a trend but a must-have, a necessity in modern sports marketing.

The appraisal of immersive and interactive opportunities allowed for a more detailed account of how the use of XR technologies impacts the formation of brand images as well as the development of brand loyalty. This knowledge is not limited to sponsorship activations; it sets the stage for integrating immersive experiences across the wider marketing tactics. Through this practical engagement, I became a proficient professional who can grasp and lead change in sports marketing. Analyzing the self-presentation and most popular posting purposes of elite female athletes on Instagram Stories was used to illustrate the storytelling of St Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team athletes. The use of Instagram Stories by the team has not only made the team’s digital presence more colorful but has also made the players closer to the fans. Such an individualized way of staging leads to more than just a sports marketing tool; it makes athletes more human and reinforces the emotional bond with the audience (Manoli, 2018).

Exploring social media engagement metrics for athlete ranking has equipped me with a data-driven approach to endorsement. The ability to evaluate athletes’ effectiveness as brand endorsers through quantitative analysis ensures a strategic and measurable approach to digital marketing. As I navigate towards seeking full-time employment, the synthesis of theoretical knowledge and practical insights gained during this internship positions me as a dynamic and forward-thinking sports marketing professional. Livestreaming, XR experiences, and athlete self-presentation are not isolated concepts; they are integral components of a holistic approach to fan engagement and brand building. The exposure gained during my internship has instilled in me the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements, understanding fan dynamics, and humanizing the athlete’s narrative. These insights will not only guide my approach to crafting innovative and effective sports marketing strategies but will also set me apart as a professional ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the ever-evolving sports industry. My journey with St. Andrew’s Men’s Hockey Team has been a transformative experience, and I am eager to carry this momentum forward as I embark on the next chapter of my career in sports marketing.


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Burton, N., & Schlieman, T. (2021). User response to extended reality sponsorship activations on social media: Exploring impressions of GoPro’s use of 360 videos in marketing. Journal of Interactive Advertising21(2), 93-107.

Byon, K. K., & Phua, J. (2021). Digital and interactive marketing communications in sports. Journal of Interactive Advertising21(2), 75-78.

Li, B., Scott, O. K., Naraine, M. L., & Ruihley, B. J. (2021). Tell me a story: Exploring elite female athletes’ self-presentation via an analysis of Instagram stories. Journal of Interactive Advertising21(2), 108-120.

Manoli, A. E. (2018). Sports marketing’s past, present, and future: An introduction to the special issue on contemporary issues in sports marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing26(1), 1-5.

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Wymer, S., Naraine, M. L., Thompson, A. J., & Martin, A. J. (2021). Transforming the fan experience through live streaming: A conceptual model. Journal of Interactive Advertising21(2), 79–92.


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