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Work-Life Balance Essays

Nurse Retention: Solutions for a Sustainable Healthcare Ecosystem

Healthcare flourishes depend on the nurses’ commitment, passion, and professionalism. Unfortunately, one critical challenge- retention- has persisted in the industry. Burnout is one of the significant factors that lead to low retention rates. Long working hours and inadequate support mechanisms increase nurse turnover rates, impacting staff members’ morale, health care costs, and overall patient care ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

The Art of Time Allocation: Unveiling the Choices in How People Spend Their Time

Introduction The temporal money that forms the basis of our being needs to be considered with care while dispensing it. There are numerous options for making decisions on allocating time-based resources in the kaleidoscopic setting referred to as living. These decisions come from internal pursuits and external pressures such as sociology psychology, the influence of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 844
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Switching to a 4-Day Work Week

Vanessa Balintec’s article “These Canadian companies switched to a 4-day work week. Here’s Why” discusses the benefits of reducing work days from five to four. The article argues that the 4-day working model helps employees balance their working and personal lives (Balintec, 2023). It further states that the companies can maintain production efficiency and motivate ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 594

Embracing the Benefits of Working Less Than 40 Hours

Introduction The 40-hour Workweek is a historical and economic norm in modern labor. In the early 20th century, Ford Motor Company established the standard, believing that longer working hours would boost output. However, this conventional model must be reassessed as society and work change. This essay discusses the 40-hour Workweek’s origins and adaptations. A distinct ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 878

Employee Turnover and Its Impacts on Business Objectives

Description of the Problem Aburumman et al. (2022) defined employee turnover as the rate at which employees leave a company and must be replaced. This issue impacts both the short-term and long-term business objectives of most organizations. It has emerged as one of the pressing concerns within organizations due to its significant challenge to both ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2717

Enhancing Workplace Productivity Through Flexible Work Arrangements

In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving business world, increasing efficiency while preserving employee satisfaction is crucial. To achieve this delicate balance, task allocation is essential. The once-dominant 9–5 workplace schedule faces challenges from the needs of a globalized and technologically advanced world. This essay offers flexible work arrangements to solve the real-world problem of declining workplace productivity. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1613

Examining the Effect of Job Design on Employee Gratification and Work-Life Balance

Short Essay Job design techniques, including job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment, can benefit corporations and their workforces. Effective implementation of these strategies can result in higher worker satisfaction, better output, and a more enthusiastic and engaged staff (Irabor & Okolie, 2019). I will talk about the possible advantages and challenges of using these ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1101

Adopting Employees’ Wellbeing Program

Introduction Employee health has become a vital component of cutting-edge groups looking to create a healthier and greater productive body of workers. The Employee Wellness Program we advocate will embody several tasks designed to assist our employees’ physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being. This record will outline the advantages of this type of application and reveal ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1418

How the Move to Remote Working Arrangements During the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Impacted Employee Perceptions of Work-Life Balance

Introduction The 2019 coronavirus pandemic significantly influenced communities and the economy globally. Governments and organizations quickly instituted social distancing and lockdowns to reduce viral transmission (Teslya et al., 2020). These methods accelerated remote working. This article briefly discusses the coronavirus epidemic and the main justifications for remote working. Integrating theory and practice helps understand how ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5753

Hybrid or Remote Full-Time Work and Its Implementation As the Primary Method of Work in America

Introduction Given current technological developments, education, and globalization, a paradigm change is very likely. Full-time workers now operating from a single location is an ineffective and unsustainable strategy. Hybrid or remote full-time employment are two possible answers to this issue. A hybrid or remote full-time position involves working from home sometimes but spending some days ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612

Comparative Case Study: Shopify Inc. and Lightspeed Pos Inc.

Executive Summary: An in-depth analysis of the organizational structure, culture, and human resources policies of Shopify Inc. and Lightspeed POS Inc. is provided in this comparative case study. With Shopify experiencing significant success and Lightspeed POS encountering difficulties, these two businesses present distinct business landscapes. In addition to comparing the HR strategies used by the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2293

Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Employee Job Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance

Alternative scheduling arrangements that stray from typical workday and weekly norms are known as flexible working arrangements. Employees may choose a different work schedule to suit personal or family responsibilities. Employers may choose to employ a variety of schedules to meet the needs of their clients (Govender et al., 2018). According to Inegbedion et al. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1946

Work-Life Balance Among the Millennials

Introduction Finding the ideal balance between work and family has always been difficult, especially for Generation Y. Everyone’s schedules are busier than ever, which leads to much stress that affects various things, including health and job development and general well-being and satisfaction. The issue is addressed from the employee’s perspective in the book Business Ethics ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2177

The Problem of Organizational Toxicity

Organizational toxicity is a combination of dysfunctional behaviours among leaders that causes them to conduct unhealthy organizational practices. Organizational toxicity is driven by disempowering practices, individuals with a mentality of personal entitlement, and resistance to change. Additionally, the increasing challenge of financing care is a significant cause of organizational toxicity in a healthcare system. Influential ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1248

The Concept of Work-Life Balance

The concept of work-life balance has gained popularity in today’s business world with the main goal of achieving societal prosperity and meaningful lifestyle for workers. The term is often used in large companies and it is associated with corporate welfare which involves promoting each employee’s growth and the continued development of the organizations. The main ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 783
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