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The Need for Work-Life Balance

Work plays a very important role in our lives. Sometimes, the desire to be professionally successful can push one to set aside their well-being. Recently, there has been a rise in remote jobs, making it hard for workers to set boundaries between work and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This has led to working long hours and overtime, even during weekends, hence minimizing their personal time. Although they do that with the intention of achieving more in their career, striking a balance between both personal commitments and professional responsibilities can result in a substantial impact on one’s well-being, leading to lasting productive benefits. Therefore, work-life balance is the state where an individual is able to prioritize their professional demands and personal life demands equally. This paper further expounds on the need for work-life balance.

A well-adjusted way of living is important for maintaining good psychological health and physical health. One is able to manage stress in a better way as well as reducing the danger of developing long-lasting conditions like depression and depression. Having an equilibrium in one’s life gives them the chance to take part in regular exercise, which helps them relax their body and prevents burnout. The individual also gets the chance to pay attention to self-care, which includes going to the doctor’s checkup and having time to prepare a nutritious meal for themselves. This balance gives one time to recharge and go back to work relaxed, making the work atmosphere to be enjoyable.

Other than that, increased productivity and greater job satisfaction are achieved through work-life balance. Individuals who handle effectively their career obligations and personal responsibilities are satisfied with their professions, which makes them focus more on the tasks at hand and perform them at their best (Cookson,2016). These individuals are likely to feel satisfied with their work. This leads to the production of high-quality work, and they are able to remain loyal to their employer. This earns them favour in their workplaces, which helps them attract and maintain top ranks due to the dedication they show toward work. As a result, increased productivity is achieved, and one ends up feeling a sense of accomplishment.

In addition to that, a balanced work-life improves the relationship between a person and the people around them. One gets adequate time to spend with the people they care about most. This gives them the opportunity to engage in fun activities like swimming and going for nature walks. Investing in such relationships creates deeper connection and more emotional support. Improved communication and mending of broken relationships are also achieved (Brough et al.,2020). Well-built relationships play an important role in the individual’s overall welfare and offer one a safe space during distressing moments.

A huge number of people try to find work-life balance but find it hard to achieve. The balance varies from one person to another since everyone has their special needs and different priorities. Nevertheless, in order to achieve balance, one needs to find a long-lasting rhythm that gives them the chance to do well in their career and enjoy a satisfying personal life. One of the main ways of helping one strike a balance is setting boundaries between work and personal whether working from home or the organization. Maintaining the balance will help one to live a more fulfilled life.


Brough, P., Timms, C., Chan, X. W., Hawkes, A., & Rasmussen, L. (2020). Work–life balance: Definitions, causes, and consequences. Handbook of socioeconomic determinants of occupational health: From macro-level to micro-level evidence, 473-487.

Cookson, C. S. (2016). The role of work-life balance programs in job satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).


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