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Physical Health Essays

The Need for Work-Life Balance

Work plays a very important role in our lives. Sometimes, the desire to be professionally successful can push one to set aside their well-being. Recently, there has been a rise in remote jobs, making it hard for workers to set boundaries between work and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This has led to working long ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 612

Transgender Athletes in Sports

Transgender athletes’ participation in competitive sports has become a complicated and divisive topic, igniting debates about justice, inclusivity, and individual rights. The main point of contention in this discussion is whether or not transgender people should be able to play sports that correspond with their gender identity. Within this framework, I support the acceptance of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1107
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Mental and Physical Health

Introduction One interesting psychological concept is cognitive dissonance. This theory was pioneered nearly 60 years ago by Leon Festinger, and it has been one of the most influential theories of social psychology. According to Harmon-Jones and Mills (2019), Festinger posited that two cognitions can be considered relevant or irrelevant. The ones that are irrelevant to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1867

Research Paper on How Child Abuse Affects Us As We Become Adults

Introduction Consider an innocent and hopeful child who suffers terrible pain at the hands of those who should have protected them. Child abuse affects victims for life. Abuse scars victims long after their youth. Adult child abuse survivors face physical, emotional, and psychological challenges threatening their health and happiness. Physical, sexual, emotional, and neglected child ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2123

The Psychological and Physiological Stresses Endured by POWs: Implications for Long-Term Physical and Mental Health

Introduction: The experience of captivity in war conveys one-of-a-kind burdens that can significantly affect the psychological and physiological prosperity of detainees of war (POWs). This paper expects to look at the circumstances persevered by POWs, the normal types of treatment encountered, the psychological and physiological anxieties persevered, methods for dealing with especially difficult times utilized, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2287

Career Paper: Nutritionist

Introduction I decided to pursue a career as a nutritionist. Nutritionists offer professional advice on nutrition and food. They collaborate with people, teams, and communities to advance a healthy diet and prevent food-related illnesses. Personalized meal plans and information on the nutritional worth of various foods are other services nutritionists offer. Nutritionists work in private ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3238

Mental Illness and Physical Health

The agenda of the Equally Well campaign is to enhance monitoring of the physical health of the mentally ill people through measuring care accessibility and their experiences in the healthcare services. The mentally ill Australians experience various barriers when accessing healthcare services compared to those with psychological health problems. According to Roberts et al. (2018), ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1999

The Impacts of SES on Child Development

For children to develop fully and healthily, many factors need to be considered, such as the family environment, parenting style, school, etc. Another essential element studied for many years, and one of the most popular topics in social sciences, is SES, socioeconomic status. Most people assume SES refers to family income. However, it involves several ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1843
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