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Transgender Athletes in Sports

Transgender athletes’ participation in competitive sports has become a complicated and divisive topic, igniting debates about justice, inclusivity, and individual rights. The main point of contention in this discussion is whether or not transgender people should be able to play sports that correspond with their gender identity. Within this framework, I support the acceptance of transgender athletes according to their gender identification, highlighting the values of inclusivity and acknowledging the numerous advantages sports participation offers in terms of both physical and mental health. In order to address concerns about competitive balance, the perspective emphasizes the significance of developing equitable guidelines, such as those put in place by international sports organizations.

Engaging in sports has a positive effect on the physical and mental well-being of individuals. The enhancement of physical health is among the most well-known advantages of sports participation. Playing sports is a fantastic method to get regular exercise, which is crucial for keeping your body in good condition. Participating in sports on a regular basis can help lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and obesity. Sports also have significant positive effects on mental health. Participating in sports on a regular basis can help lower the chances of sadness and anxiety while also enhancing mood and self-worth. Sports-related exercise has been demonstrated to release endorphins, which are organic mood enhancers that can lower stress and increase pleasure and well-being. Denying transgender individuals to engage in sports may affect their physical and mental well-being. They may feel isolated and end up being depressed. According to research by Eather et al. (2023), sports involvement can contribute to improved mental wellness, which includes psychological well-being (such as increased life satisfaction and self-esteem) and low psychological ill-being (such as decreased stress, anxiety, and depression). It also improves social outcomes (such as pro-social behavior, self-control, and interpersonal relationships) (Eather et al., 2023).

Allowing transgender athletes in sports aligns with the principle of inclusivity and non-discrimination, which promotes justice. Sports participation is a fundamental human right. It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sex or gender identity in several contexts of public life, according to the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (the Act). Since 2013, the Act has acknowledged that gender identification is non-binary. The regulations offer practical advice on how athletic organizations, their employees, and volunteers can encourage the integration of gender and transgender nonconforming individuals by human rights-based standards. They also provide details about how the Act operates. According to the International Olympic Committee (2022), transgender athletes have been permitted to compete in the Olympics by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Additionally, several recreational and professional leagues, such as U.S. Soccer and USA Gymnastics, have expanded their reach to include transgender athletes of all ages by implementing trans-inclusive laws (International Olympic Committee, 2022).

Transgender athletes’ participation in athletics offers a priceless chance to improve possibilities and access for disadvantaged school-age children. Playing sports empowers and supports a population that may encounter additional difficulties in addition to promoting physical and emotional well-being. Playing sports can also assist underprivileged school-age adolescents in having more opportunities. Playing sports may serve as a means of empowerment and resilience for people who endured unfavorable childhood instances, such as death, family structure disruption, poverty, learning disabilities, or behavioral issues. This can help prevent long- and short-term detrimental effects on mental health and well-being. These advantages may last a lifetime. There is proof that involvement in collegiate or high school sports is linked to better jobs and greater salaries.

While also including transgender athletes in sports, it is also crucial to discuss the counterarguments. Some argue that allowing transgender athletes in sports may have an unfair advantage. Even after hormone therapy, transgender athletes—especially trans women—may have physical advantages over cisgender women, such as greater bone density and muscular mass. Burnett (2021) denies the notion that transgender athletes would have an “unfair” advantage in competition, pointing out that a variety of other characteristics influence performance, such as technique and hand-eye coordination, which are important for success in sports like golf. Hemoglobin levels are a significant determinant; in endurance sports, this is the most physiologically substantial component. The blood’s hemoglobin carries oxygen to every part of the human body, particularly the muscles. Non-transgender men typically have greater levels of hemoglobin than cisgender women because hemoglobin levels follow testosterone levels. According to a study, the benefit was eliminated when trans women’s hemoglobin levels were lowered to those of cisgender women due to testosterone suppressants (Burnett, 2021).

Opportunities for cisgender women may be impacted by the competitive environment caused by the inclusion of transgender women in women’s sports. Some individuals cite the lack of a competitive edge that transgender women purport to possess. They frequently bring up previous female transgender athletes who placed last or in the middle. Recognizing the worries expressed over the possible effects on women’s sports, it’s important to stress that rules and regulations may be put in place to guarantee fair competition. A dedication to upholding fair play should guide the admission of transgender athletes, taking into account physiological characteristics and hormone levels, among other things.

In conclusion, the discussion around transgender athletes’ participation in sports exhibits a careful balancing act between advancing diversity and attending to justifiable worries about equality in the game. Even though there are many advantages to inclusive sports environments, rules that guarantee fair competition must be put in place and continually improved. Concerns regarding potential physical advantages and competitive imbalances are attempted to be addressed by the structures that are now in place, such as those set up by international sports organizations. In addition to preserving the values of individual rights and non-discrimination, striking this balance promotes the larger cultural movement towards inclusivity. In order to encourage an inclusive sports environment that values diversity, justice, and equal opportunity for all athletes, regardless of gender identity, ongoing discussion, and flexible policy are crucial.


Burnett, S. (2021, July 24). Fact check: Do trans athletes have an advantage in elite sports? | DW | 24.07.2021. DW.COM; Stephanie Burnett.

Eather, N., Wade, L., Pankowiak, A., & Eime, R. (2023). The impact of sports participation on mental health and social outcomes in adults: a systematic review and the “Mental Health through Sport” conceptual model. The Impact of Sports Participation on Mental Health and Social Outcomes in Adults: A Systematic Review and the “Mental Health through Sport” Conceptual Model12(1).

International Olympic Committee. (2022, August 26). Fairness, inclusion, and non-discrimination in Olympic sport. International Olympic Committee.


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