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United States Essays

Exploring Domestic Violence Among Women in the United States.

Abstract Domestic violence among immigrant women is one of the pressing issues that is unreported. This research explores the pervasiveness of domestic violence among immigrant women in the united states. The study also identifies factors that contribute to this form of violence. Immigrant women face various types of challenges which hinder them from looking for ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3030

National Security Strategy of the United States

Introduction The National Security Strategy (NSS) of the United States incurs policies that promote cohesion between the US national defense and foreign relations. Lacroix (2023) indicates that the United States NSS is upheld through diplomacy to isolate threats and rally allies, maintenance of effective armed forces, use of intelligence services to protect classified information while ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2069
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Apple Inc.’s Economic Activities in China and the United States

Overview of the Company in China and the United States Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that focuses on technological innovation. Apple Inc. primarily manufactures iPhones, Macs, Apple Watches, iPads, iPods, and AirPods headphones (Levy, 2023), among other electronic devices. Apple has released several different operating systems, a browser for the internet, a musical ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3424

The Biggest Problem Facing Manufacturing in the United States

Introduction The manufacturing sector or industry has been an incredible strength in the establishment & the speedy rise of the United States of America. The manufacturing sector is answerable for the massive production of machines, technology, food, building, and even specific parts that will be factory-made to finish a car or plane later. With the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2572

Drug Trafficking in the United States

The US drug trade remains a major issue due to the illegal entry of several narcotics. Drug traffickers utilize complex networks to smuggle drugs into the country and increase profits. We will study the leading traffickers and conduits who use various ways to smuggle cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, and MDMA. For instance, Traffickers hide cocaine ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Senate Bill 17 (SB 17) on Opioid Crisis in the United States

Overview Opioid abuse and addiction have become a critical public health problem in the US. Opioids, including remedy pain relievers and unlawful medications like heroin, have prompted a flood in overdose passings, expanded paces of substance use problems, and scope of adverse health and social consequences. The opioid crisis has impacted people from diverse foundations ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3412

The Fourth Amendment in the United States

Abstract The subsequent academic paper provides a comprehensive examination of the Fourth Amendment in the United States, focusing on its historical roots, fundamental goals, interpretive structure, the requirement for warrants, the standard of probable cause, impact on law enforcement practices, and current debates. The Fourth Amendment, formally adopted in 1791, emerged due to the colonial ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2644

Natural Disaster Resilience and Response Efforts in the United States

Introduction Hurricane Katrina, which hit the country in August 2005, was perhaps the most terrifying and costly disaster in American history (Ahsan & Özbek, 2022). A Category 5 hurricane landed on the Gulf Coast, causing obliteration and flooding in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. The fiasco guaranteed nearly 1,800 lives and caused more than $125 billion ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1024

Income Inequality in the United States: A Social Justice Issue

Introduction Income inequality has been a developing issue in the United States, with the hole between the rich and the poor reliably broadening throughout recent many years. Disregarding being perhaps the most prosperous country on earth, the U.S. has neglected to give equal opportunities to every one of its residents, in this manner propagating a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515
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