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The Power of Approval and Disapproval in Shaping Classroom Dynamics

A teacher’s responsibility is not simply to teach in today’s modern world; it involves creating an environment that teaches oneness and respect to encourage the young ones to learn. In the article “Teachers’ use of approval and disapproval in the classroom” by Robyn Beaman and Kevin Wheldall, there is a new level of discussion about teacher-created cues which can change and completely alter student behaviour, motivation and even respect enjoyed within a specific classroom. While reflecting on the findings, I discuss my case, which shows how powerful a teacher’s approval and disapproval are in all aspects of life. As for their research implications, they deal with interpretation.

Personal Experience

My ninth-grade English class had inconsistent sentiments and learning outcomes, indicating how teachers use approvals and disapprovals to influence classroom outcomes. Ms. Johnson appeared to have a bias towards learned and academically privileged scholars despite her positive attitude and praise, which affected students’ success and emotional involvement. The lack of a rating system led to detachment and concentration among students who missed it, creating a disparity between the wealthy and those who focused on airheads, while others fell victim. The disapproval from Ms. Johnson made it difficult for the student to gain positive feedback. The author’s poor academic performance was exacerbated by their teacher’s constant criticism and mockery, negatively impacting their morale and participation in class discussions. The fear of facing disapproval, which initially led to their failure, became a significant obstacle to achieving success, defining them as an “average fair” student.

Critical Analysis

Studying students’ behavioural and academic changes in response to their parent’s approval or disapproval, Beaman Wheldall spotlights the dramatic influence of approval and disapproval on behaviour and motivation towards learning. As such, I found their findings powerful, as they purportedly related to my personal experience and facilitated charging the user of the teacher’s emotional apparatus regarding approval and disapproval in her class anew. The study emphasizes the importance of balancing approval and disapproval in school to prevent divisions and promote inclusivity. “Clearly, one of the most powerful factors in classroom interactions is that of teacher behaviour and, in particular, use of teacher approval and disapproval (e.g. praise and reprimand)” (Beaman & Wheldall, 2013). It highlights the adverse effects of favouritism and the importance of non-verbal cues in indicating students’ reactions to environmental events. Teachers must be aware of facial expressions, body gestures, and tone to ensure minor errors don’t significantly impact students’ emotional well-being and learning readiness.

Thus, my practice concludes that a teacher’s disapproval, sent through signs of body language and raised voice, can cause fear or lack of motivation in students: they start feeling wrong. They are less efficient for the whole academic process. In addition, Beaman and Wheldall recommend that teachers employ styles of corrective feedback that amalgamate negatively incidental experiences with constructive instructions. However, my educational expertise just as sharply differs from this suggestion since the disapproval expressed by Ms Johnson always came without any form of supportive feedback and guidance that could help me move ahead academically. The aptitude to guide students on the correct path was absent, which is a significant factor in giving constructive feedback. In its absence, the fear of disapproval was further reinforced and enhanced by the unsupportive culture, resulting in self-perpetuating spiralling effects of lack of interest and lower performance, even after graduation.

In conclusion, teachers’ praise or open standings affect students’ performance and classroom dynamics. My own experience shows how substantial the impact of teacher approval is on student progress and classroom life. The unbalanced use of approval and disapproval in the classroom destroys the relationship between students and their motivation and limits any possible activity participation. Consequently, it is the responsibility of educators to apply a proportionate approach by looking for approval that makes one creative and innovative, at the same time utilizing disapproval productively through detailed comments and advice. It is up to the teachers to nurture students into lifelong learners who can develop effective coping mechanisms for issues related to academic requirements for themselves.


Beaman, R., & Wheldall, K. (2013). Teachers’ use of approval and disapproval in the classroom. Developments in Educational Psychology, 153-180.,5


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