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Student Behavior Essays

The Power of Approval and Disapproval in Shaping Classroom Dynamics

A teacher’s responsibility is not simply to teach in today’s modern world; it involves creating an environment that teaches oneness and respect to encourage the young ones to learn. In the article “Teachers’ use of approval and disapproval in the classroom” by Robyn Beaman and Kevin Wheldall, there is a new level of discussion about ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Enhancing Classroom Dynamics and Improving Student Behavior

Problem Identification Behavior challenges in the classroom. This central classroom problem encompasses various disruptive behaviors impacting the learning environment (Hew et al.,2021). It signals a need to delve deeper into specific causes for a more effective resolution. Causes Identification In the book, “monitors the Quality of Student Learning” by Richard J (1998), he identifies that ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071
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Comparing Approaches to Experiential Language Learning

Introduction The article “Classroom Management for Teaching English to Young Learners” focuses on effective classroom management as a crucial component for optimal learning. Classroom management theory discusses the history of the development of management approaches used over time to achieve high student participation, great learning satisfaction, low dropout rates, and less disruption. This paper reviews ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3622
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