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Sociology Essays

Methods Used by Africans to Fight for Self-Determination

Introduction The fight for self-determination in Africa has a long and complex history. For centuries, foreign powers have subjected African nations to colonization, exploitation, and subjugation. In response, Africans have employed various methods to fight for their independence and autonomy. These methods have varied over time and across different regions of the continent, but all ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1826

Supervision Concerning Social Work

Introduction Over the years, the knowledge base for social work has grown tremendously as the population that relies on it has become increasingly complex. This means that there is a necessity for assurance in this profession that all social workers are properly equipped with skills to deliver competent and ethical services. The responsibility to protect ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2198
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Literature Review: Social Problems

The social problem concerns the negative role modeling experienced by African American teenage boys aged 13-17 in single-parent households through their consumption of hip-hop on Instagram. I explored that 23% of U.S. households are single-parenthood. African America holds 35% of the population of single-parent households. I further investigated and found that 23% of children under ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1673

Intervention and Evaluation Plan

Introduction: The customer is a 16-year-old single mother with two children who are struggling financially and need help. This intervention and assessment plan seeks to spot potential sources of financial support for the client and her children to improve their economic and social well-being over the following four months, precisely by 8/1/23. Objectives: 1st Objective: ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2486

How Modern Technology Changed the Way Individuals Socially Interact

Impact of modern technology on social interactions Technology has revolutionized the way people interact and communicate with each other. The emergence of social media platforms and other digital communication tools has enabled people to connect and communicate instantly and globally. It is no surprise that modern technology is drastically altering the way people interact with ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1459

Exploring Non-Traditional Housing Units

As the number of students seeking education worldwide continues to rise, there is a corresponding escalation in demand for specialized accommodation designed specifically for students, commonly referred to as purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA). Unfortunately, this dramatically increases the competitive nature of the PBSA market, often making it difficult for students who are economically or socially ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1469

Development of an Anti-Discriminatory Approach

Introduction In the decades, a disabled community group has faced various challenges in their daily life activities, for instance, in sectors like social services, employment, education, and healthcare. In the work environment, this disadvantaged community group enables social workers the privilege to improve their equity, human rights, and social justice. In addition, the essay provides ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1363

Debate Over Women’s Rights

For ages, and even now, people have disagreed on how to protect best and advance women’s rights. It has been argued both for and against granting women equal rights to those of males (Offen). This essay will analyze Dr. Todd’s arguments against women’s rights and Gail Hamilton’s counterarguments to those arguments. In her article “The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1339

Failures of Humanitarian Intervention in Congo

Introduction For foreign organizations and governments seeking to help and support the area, humanitarian intervention in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been a complicated and continuous problem (Kabemba, pg. 140-157). The situation in the DRC has worsened despite repeated efforts at intervention, and bloodshed, displaced people, and misery for decades have plagued ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2797

Feminism and Racism

Introduction Feminism lite as a social aspect has been mainly ingrained in the different groups from different races across the globe. Feminism is conditional on female equality. Writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie expresses his strong feelings against feminism in his article. Likewise, racism is a vice whose impacts are well-known by everyone in America. Racism has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 966

American Red Cross – Service to Armed Forces Services

Introduction Founded by Clara Barton in 1881, the American Red Cross’s original mission was to distribute disaster aid to individuals and families in need throughout the United States. The federal government did not take notice of the American Red Cross until 1914, when it received a legislative charter to help U.S. troops fighting in Europe ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3466

Overarching Themes: Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionism

Introduction Symbolic Interactionism is a critical sociological theory exploring how people use symbols to interact and create meaning in their social world. It offers an alternative perspective to conflict theory, which often has a negative view of family dynamics. Smith and Hamon (2020) the three overarching themes of Symbolic Interactionism as the importance of symbols, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1121

Struggle for Civil Rights Among African and Latino Americans

Minority segments of the population in the United States, like African Americans and Latino Americans, faced inequalities that led them to form movements to struggle for their civil rights. Latino Americans began the Chicano Equality movement, whereas African Americans had the Black Panther Party. Hence, the two movements from different segments of the minority population had commonalities, like the emphasis on ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1336

Social Work’s Role in Riverbend Flood Disaster

Theoretical Framework (s) for Managing Crises and Natural Disasters Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Disaster prevention and mitigation are sustained actions that reduce the risk of the disaster or crisis or minimize potential negative consequences suffered by the people of Longley and Ruby Lake. According to Eid and Arnout (2020), the disaster prevention and mitigation phase ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2971
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