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Sociology Essays

Community-Improving Projects in the Watts Neighborhood in Los Angeles

Introduction Watts is a neighborhood in Los Angeles that has many problems. Because of these problems, the number of businesses and the overall quality of life are decreasing. The neighborhood is known for its high prevalence of gang activity, unemployment, and murder. It is considered one of the city’s most dangerous and impoverished areas. Because ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2135

Religion in American Society

A growing number of Americans today have no religious inclinations, with more millennials not recognizing the existence of religion. Worship and religion for the millennials are something new to them. However, it is important to note that the non-religious nature of the United States is not an upcoming trend but something that has existed for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1346
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Regulation of School Restroom Use – Gender Identity

The issue of gender identity has become an emerging issue in our society today. Gender identity is an individual’s innermost self-concept: male, female, or even both, commonly known as transgender. Gender identity refers to the gender with which people identify themselves; it can be the same biological sex assigned at birth or a different gender. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1698

Reflexive Analysis and Practice

Introduction The reflexive practice involves informed reflexivity as an epistemic virtue that promotes using reliable techniques to achieve epistemic aims. The assignment discusses the concept of reflexivity, highlights the difference between reflexivity and reflection, and explains how teachers can benefit from reflexive practice. Finally, it highlights how reflexive practice can improve the effectiveness of future ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1148

Policies for Preventing/Mitigating a Disaster: West Texas Case

In 2013, a grievous explosion occurred at the West Fertilizer Company (WFC) plant in West Texas (Babrauskas, 2018). It killed 15 people, injured over 160 others, and caused extensive destruction to the surrounding area. The West Fertilizer Company plant stored and sold agricultural chemicals, including ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive compound commonly used as a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1470

Multicultural Issues in Human Services

Introduction Human services counseling has become crucial to offering support and help to people from different cultural backgrounds in today’s more diverse and globalized world (Diller, 2018). Human services professionals must now possess the important talent of understanding and effectively communicating with people from various cultural backgrounds. This essay investigates the various course learning outcomes, ... Read More
Pages: 41       Words: 11053

The Impact of COVID-19 on Marriage and Divorce Rates in Australia

Introduction There is no denying that loving relationships can b difficult, complicated, and not always successful. And the rate of divorce in Australia that has varied over the last fifty years reflects this. Ever since the introduction of “No Fault Divorce” in 1975 the family law act influenced the rate of marriages and divorce trends ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1296

Sociology Research Paper

Chinese-American mental health is a complex issue that requires cross-analysis. To fully understand this community’s challenges, consider how factors such as immigration status, economic pressures, and cultural values intersect and contribute to mental health inequalities. Is important. As Kimberly Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality explains, an individual’s experience is shaped by multiple intersecting identities, such as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1098

Brandon’s Childhood Trauma and the Solutions

Childhood trauma can significantly impact an individual child’s emotional and mental well-being. The social worker applied the ecological model to comprehend the situation in Brandon’s case from a person-in-environment approach which helps explore Brandon’e experiences with sexual abuse, his family dynamics, and the more significant societal and cultural factors that shaped his behaviors. The social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Sociological Imagination Essay

Ideally, one of sociology’s key goals and objectives is to evaluate or identify institutional alteration in society. The idea of sociological imagination is one of the concepts that has gained broad use to observe how social structures and arrangements impact individuals’ issues. Understanding the relationship between history and life is crucial for creating a realistic ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1232

Family Sociology: Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis When conducting policy analysis in family sociology, researchers look into how various government policies and programs influence individual families. It is an analytical look at how government action might alter the dynamics within a family. Marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic abuse, and child welfare policies must be investigated. Finding these gaps and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1198

Multicultural Aging Project: Interview With Elder

A conversation with Musa Abdullah, a 70-year-old community representative and elder in the Somali community. We met at the masjid, and he has since been my mentor. I have encountered him in his duties, and he is a passionate leader of the people. He urges today’s youth to avoid conflict, respect one another, and abstain ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1526

Latinos in the United States

Latinos in the United States are an ethnic group with a rich history and culture. This ethnic group has experienced many issues in the U.S. This paper will look at the historical and sociodemographic information on the Latino population and illustrate how future social work professionals can use the NASW Code of Ethics and the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1296

The Impact of Limited Oversight and Non-Regulation on Corruption in Humanitarian Aid

This research’s findings indicated that the respondents supported the notion that limited oversight and non-regulation of humanitarian aid contributed to the corruption experienced in the humanitarian activities context. Limited oversight and non-regulation are internal factors inherent to the humanitarian organizations that increase the chances of encountering corrupt experiences when delivering humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Limited ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3361

Should the Thirty-Meter Telescope Be Built on Mauna Kea

Introduction Mauna Kea is the tallest peak in Hawaii, with an altitude of 4,207 meters above sea level. The mountain has considerable cultural and historical significance and is revered by the Hawaiians. A projected astronomical observatory called the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will be constructed on Mauna Kea’s summit. Astronomers will be able to study ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1853
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