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Review of a Case Study


In social work, interdisciplinary collaboration is essential and occurs when a group of experts from different fields works together to help a client. Collaborative practices are effective for performing social work interventions with distressed households (Casado et al., 2020, p. 1). Interdisciplinary collaboration help in handling complicated issues and the client benefit from additional support and access to more resources (Social Work License Map, 2023, par. 11). One evening, the child Az and other children were at home with their parents and the parents and the elder children sat on the floor watching a video. Child Az was on the sofa, and the siblings told their parents something was wrong. The parents observed that the child AZ was not breathing. The child was rushed to the hospital, but Az died despite medical help. The household resided in poverty and had been evicted from their rented house in 2019 without recourse to public funds. Various agencies and services supported the home, including A&E, CSPR, MASH, Children’s Social Care, and Children’s Disability Team. However, the family was distressed and concerned that the agencies would remove the children from their care (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 1-4). The paper will focus on the role of crucial non-education professionals, approaches to interdisciplinary working, and social and political elements involved in the case, and provide a conclusion and a recommendation.

Role of Key Non-Education Professionals

Police constables play the role of front-line in the detection and prevention of offense and criminal justice system and investigate crime (National Careers Service, 2023, par. 1). They work in collaboration with colleagues, stakeholders, local communities daily to promote order and law, offer reassurance, minimize fear of crime and build confidence to enhance the citizen’s quality of life. The role is associated with constitutional power to maintain order and law and remain responsible for making free decisions according to the National Decision Model and Code of Ethics, practicing professional discretion connected to the role according to the policy principles and constitutional frameworks. The constables maintain and meet the highest professional standards according to their position by practicing every action in a proportionate, balanced, legal, and justifiable way to uphold the legislation and attain the most appropriate results in various incidents and situations (College of Policing, 2023, par. 1-3). The police constables must diligently exercise their responsibilities and duties by performing their obligations and commitments to the best of their abilities (Prospects, 2023, par. 3). They must be responsible and remain prepared to justify and explain their decisions and actions. In addition, they must utilize all the equipment, training and information, and management support offered to stay updated on their responsibilities and roles (College of Policing, 2014, p. 10).

The role of social workers includes supporting individuals to meet their needs to protect people from harm (Gwynedd Mercy University, 2023, par. 2). The social workers work in partnership with friends, family members, and other people training to offer support. In addition, they get engaged individuals evaluated as posing risks to other people (British Association of Social Work, 2021, p. 3). Social workers safeguard the socially excluded, neglected, and vulnerable individuals and provide protective actions within the legal frameworks and roles. They liaise with other agencies and make referrals (Prospects, 2023, par. 2). Social workers work in collaboration with other professionals but lead in assisting families, adults, and children to gain control and enhance their lives when they have restricted abilities and safety to participate in their communities (NHS, n.d, par. 1). More so, social workers engage with individuals whose mental incapacity, age and ill-health restrict their capacity to protect themselves and others. In addition, social workers focus on children and ensure their wellness and safety, assist families in changing where appropriate, and attain the needed outcomes. They ensure that support and care remain person center (The College of Social Work, n.d, p.3). Social workers offer social work services to kids with complicated disabilities and their households to ensure children’s welfare remains safeguarded and protected (Northamptonshire Children’s Trust, 2023)

Midwives offer support and care to women and their households during labor. After the baby’s birth (BetterTeam, 2023, par. 1). They offer advice and support to the pregnant womb, provide evidence-based information, and assist women in making an informed decision concerning services and options available during pregnancy. A midwife determines high-risk pregnancies and offers complete antenatal care such as screening, clinical examinations, and parenting classes. The midwives further support and monitor the women during the birthing and labor (NHS, n.d, par. 1-3). Midwives work with socially excluded, homeless, young, and disabled women from various religious and cultural backgrounds. They offer psychological, physical, and emotional support throughout the pregnancy and birth (Medacas, 2023, par. 1-2)

Children and Families Act 2014 Part 3 promotes the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of youth and children with disabilities and special educational needs.

Approaches to Interdisciplinary Working

Interdisciplinary collaboration remains a vital aspect of social work. It happens when a team of experts from various disciplines works together to assist a client (Social Work License Map, 2023, par. 11). Collaborative partnership helps in addressing complex issues to enable the client to benefit from a broader range of support and access additional resources (Scholtz, 2012, p.2). In addition, pooling knowledge and sharing responsibility permits a social worker to navigate barriers. Collaboration assists in building client resource networks that enhance the health and social conditions outcomes and allows collective problem-solving. The partnership further helps define common objectives, share responsibilities, and pool resources to attain the goals (Virginia Common Wealth University, 2022, par. 1-4).

In the case study, interdisciplinary collaboration is evident in various instances. Upon realizing that the family faced homelessness and poverty, A&E staff rallied to offer essential provisions, including food, when the family was evicted from a rented house and had no recourse to public funds. Children and Families Act 2014 states that a local authority remains responsible for a person or child in there are and has been determined as having special needs or brought to the attention of the management as having educational needs (, n.d, line. 24). Therefore, through interdisciplinary collaboration, the Children’s Disability Team determined the unique needs of the elder child and found a suitable school. The needs of the elder child made them qualify for Disabled Living Allowance and the requirements set in Education Health Care Plan (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 4-6). Lack of collaboration would have led to the family remaining homeless, threatening their physical and psychological well-being and exposing them to diseases. It would not have improved their living standards and ensured they met their expected needs. In addition, the disability of their eldest child would not have been identified.

The information was shared with MASH and midwifery. In reference to the case, the Children’s Social Care, in collaboration with Midwifery and Health Visiting representatives, attended meetings on unborn baby tracking to ensure that they identified the vulnerable cases and developed multi-agency action plans to support the households and the unborn child. The collaboration is essential because it facilitates the maximum health outcomes (Ambrose-Miller & Ashcroft, 2016, par. 3). The Children’s Social Care assess homeless families and supports them under section 17 with help to get a temporary house as they work towards more support. As a result, they can identify vulnerable families experiencing homelessness and shelter them (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 4). Failure for MASH and midwifery and Child’s Social Welfare to collaborate would not have offered information concerning the family and the Midwifery and Visiting would not have obtained information concerning such vulnerable homes and their unborn children (NHS, n.d, par. 1-2). When the child Az died, the police visited the family home and identified alcohol in the parents’ lives in collaboration with CSPR and NSCP. The identification was necessary because a Working Group was created, and support for healthcare practitioners when assessing alcohol usage among parents and steps to undertake during concerns was established. NSCP further set a tea break guide for healthcare professionals on Parental Alcohol Consumption (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 15-17).

Social and Political Factors

There are various social and political factors affecting this case. The social aspects that are evident in the case include homelessness, poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, and physical health issues, including disability (Crisis UK, n.d, par.1-2). Political factors include housing policies that lead to a lack of affordable housing and protocols and laws focusing on the assessment and allocation of services. The social factors enabled the organizations such as A&E, Children’s Social Care, Children’s Disability Team, MASH, Midwifery and Health Visiting, NSCP, and CSPR to work collaboratively to provide shelter and improve the well-being of the entire family (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 1-17). For instance, the family experienced poverty and homelessness. The family had been evicted from their rented house and did not have recourse to public funds. In addition, the father was initially jobless but later found a job. The Child’s Act of 1989 section 17ZD of parent carers’ needs assessment states that a local authority should assess if a parent carer within the region possesses needs for support and the types of needs if the parent is aged more than eighteen years or offers care for a disabled child they have parental responsibility (, 2023, line. 1-4).

In addition, the Children Act 1989 17ZF on consideration of the needs assessment of parent carers claims that a local authority that performs the needs assessment for a parent must decide if the disabled child has support needs and if the parent possesses requirements (, 2023, 1). Therefore, when they reported to A&E, they recognized social elements such as homelessness and poverty and helped them with the necessary provisions. In addition, Children’s Social Care evaluated the family’s homelessness to provide them with temporary housing while more support is conducted. Due to the social element of the children’s physical health, including disability, the Children’s Disability Team had to find a school placement for their elder child. The child qualified for the Disabled Living Allowance, and the needs aligned with Education Health Care Plan (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 8). This is in accordance with the Children Act 1989 a17 (1) that develops a general obligation on the services authorities of children to promote and safeguard the welfare of kids within their region who remain in need including disabled people (Regional Child Protection Procedures, n.d, par. 1).

However, the political element of Child Disability Team allocation criteria is evident in the case because there was a lack of clarity on if the child met the CDT allocation criteria or if they required Safeguarding Team (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 4-6). From the review, alcoholism is a social factor affecting the parents. Both parents reduced their alcohol consumption, but the professionals remained unaware of the mother’s drinking level and if it affected the well-being of Child Az and other children. Therefore, CSPR and NSCP developed working groups and tea break guides for practitioners concerning parental alcohol usage (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 15-17). The political and social factors affect the family and how the teams assist them.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The paper focuses on the role of vital non-education professionals, approaches to interdisciplinary working, and social and political elements involved in the case, and provide a conclusion and a recommendation. The multidisciplinary teams worked collaboratively to resolve the matter despite some shortcomings, such lack of awareness of the effects of alcoholism on the children and a lack of clear insight and protocols for cases allocated to the Disabled Children Team. The framework for assessment of children in need and their families demands an understanding of the developmental needs of a child, carers, and parents’ capacity to react to the needs and effects of the broader environmental and family factors on parenting ability and needs (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2023, par. 2). The Child’s Act of 1989 section 17ZD states that the needs assessment of parents should include evaluation of if they remain appropriate parent carer to offer or continue offering care for a disabled kid in connection to their needs for support among other needs. The local authority must assess the parent carer’s needs by concentrating on their well-being and the need to promote and safeguard the disabled child welfare and other siblings (, 2023, lines. 9-10). For instance, in this case, alcohol misuse seems to impact parenting and is the cause of the disabilities in the children and the death of child Az (The Stationary Office, 2001, p.5). Further action could include assisting the parents in overcoming alcoholism to ensure the safety of the children and appropriate parenting. More so, the authority should focus on safeguarding and promoting the children’s and other siblings’ welfare to determine whether the child needs Safeguard Team (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 5). In the core assessment record, the need for more specialists’ evaluation is determined. A more detailed analysis will assist in determining the self-care skills and mobility of the child to determine the best respite care resources and daycare for the child. The core assessment record should be completed for every child in the family because a disabled child may affect others in the family leading to other siblings demanding support (Turney et al., 2011, p. 5)


Ambrose-Miller, W., & Aschroft, R. (2016). Challenges Faced by Social Workers as Members of Interprofessional Collaborative Health Care Teams. Health Soc Work, 41(2): 101-109. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Baginsky, M., Manthorpe, J., & Moriarty, J. (2020). The Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families and Signs of Safety: Competing or Complementary Frameworks? The British Journal of Social Work, 51(7): 2571-2589. Accessed: April 24, 2023

BetterTeam. (2023). Midwife Job Description. Accessed: April 24, 2023

British Association of Social Work. (2021). The Basic Code of Ethics for Social Work. Birmingham: BASW. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Casado, T., Riera, J., & Cardona, J. (2020). Social Work with Families with Special Distress: Collaborative Practices. Soc. Sci. 9 (7), 121. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership. (n.d). 1.8 Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families. Accessed: April 24, 2023

College of Policing. (2014). Code of Ethics. Accessed: April 24, 2023

College of Policing. (2023). Police Constable. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Crisis UK. (n.d). About Homelessness. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Gwynedd Mercy University. (2023). What do Social Workers Do? Accessed: April 24, 2023 (2023). Children Act 1989 section 17ZF. Accessed: April 24, 2023 (2023). Child Act 1989. Accessed: April 24, 2023 (n.d). Children and Families Act 2014. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Medacas. (2023). Midwife Job Description. Accessed: April 24, 2023

National Careers Service. (2023). Police Officers. Accessed: April 24, 2023

NHS. (n.d). Social Worker. Accessed: April 24, 2023

NHS. (n.d). Midwife. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Northamptonshire Children’s Trust. (2023). Social Worker-Disabled Children’s Team. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership. (n.d). Learning Briefing-Child Az. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Prospects. (2023). Police Officer. Retrieved from Accessed: April 24, 2023

Prospects. (2023). Social Worker. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Regional Child Protection Procedures. (n.d). 2.4 Children with Disabilities. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Scholtz, L. (2012). Social Workers Interactions within the Profession and the Effects on Collaboration in the Workplace. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Social Care Institute for Excellence. (2023). Ways of Working: Framework for Assessment in Children’s Social Care. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Social Work License Map. (2023). Collaborations in social work-How to Effectively Serve Clients through Teamwork.,provide%20service. Accessed: April 24, 2023

The College of Social Work. (n.d). Roles and Functions of Social Workers in England. Accessed: April 24, 2023

The Stationary Office. (2001). Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Turney, D., Platt, D., Selwyn, J., & Farmer, E. (2011). Social Work Assessment of Children in Need: What do we Know: Messages from Research. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Virginia Common Wealth University. (2022). The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Social Work. Accessed: April 24, 2023

Working Together to Safeguard Children. (2018). Chapter 1: Assessing Needs and providing help. Accessed: April 24, 2023


Needs Assessment Framework

The needs assessment framework evaluates the needs of all children in need. It offers evidence for assistance and informs and guides judgments concerning the safety and welfare of children (Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership, n.d). It provides decisions such as the safety and welfare of children, how to offer assistance to children and other family members, the interventions for the most appropriate outcomes, and the intended results from the intervention (Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2018). The need assessment framework is represented graphically as an equilateral triangle with three sides showing)the family and environmental elements, parenting capacity, and child developmental needs (Baginsky et al., 2020, Par. 3).

Graphical Representation of Needs Assessment Framework (Baginsky et al., 2020, Par. 3)

Graphical Representation of Needs Assessment Framework (Baginsky et al., 2020, Par. 3)

Job Descriptions

Police constables

Police constables play the role of front-line in the detection and prevention of offense and criminal justice system and investigate crime (National Careers Service, 2023, par. 1). They work in collaboration with colleagues, stakeholders, local communities daily to promote order and law, offer reassurance, minimize fear of crime and build confidence to enhance the citizen’s quality of life. The role is associated with constitutional power to maintain order and law and remain responsible for making free decisions according to the National Decision Model and Code of Ethics, practicing professional discretion connected to the role according to the policy principles and constitutional frameworks. The constables maintain and meet the highest professional standards according to their position by practicing every action in a proportionate, balanced, legal, and justifiable way to uphold the legislation and attain the most appropriate results in various incidents and situations (College of Policing, 2023, par. 1-3). The police constables must diligently exercise their responsibilities and duties by performing their obligations and commitments to the best of their abilities (Prospects, 2023, par. 3). They must be responsible and remain prepared to justify and explain their decisions and actions. In addition, they must utilize all the equipment, training and information, and management support offered to remain updated on their responsibilities and roles (College of Policing, 2014, p. 10).

Social worker

The role of social workers includes supporting individuals to meet their needs to protect people from harm. The social workers work with friends, family members, and other people training to offer support. In addition, they get engaged individuals evaluated as posing risks to other people (British Association of Social Work, 2021, p. 3). Social workers safeguard the socially excluded, neglected, and vulnerable individuals and provide protective actions within the legal frameworks and roles. They liaise with other agencies and make referrals (Prospects, 2023, par. 2). Social workers work in collaboration with other professionals but lead in assisting families, adults, and children to gain control and enhance their lives when they have restricted abilities and safety to participate in their communities (NHS, n.d, par. 1). More so, social workers engage with individuals whose mental incapacity. Age and ill health restrict their capacity to protect themselves and others. In addition, social workers focus on children and ensure their wellness and safety, assist families to change where appropriate and attain the needed outcomes. They ensure that support and care remain person center (The College of Social Work, n.d, p.3).


Midwives offer support and care to women and their households while pregnant during labor. After the birth of a baby (BetterTeam, 2023, par. 1). They offer advice and support to pregnant wombs and offer evidence-based information and assist women in making an informed decision concerning services and options available during pregnancy. A midwife determines high-risk pregnancies, offers complete antenatal care such as screening, clinical examinations, and parenting classes, and teaches expectant and new mothers how to bathe, feed and care for their children. The midwives further support and monitor the women during the birthing and labor (NHS, n.d, par. 1-3). Midwives work with women from various backgrounds, including socially excluded, homeless, young, and disabled women from multiple religious and cultural backgrounds. They offer psychological, physical, and emotional support throughout the pregnancy and birth (Medacas, 2023, par. 1-2)

Summary of the case

One evening, the child Az and the other children were at home with their parents, and the parents and the elder children sat on the floor watching a video. Child Az was on the sofa, and the siblings told their parents something was. The parents observed that the child AZ was not breathing. The child was rushed to the hospital, but Az died despite medical help. The household resided in poverty and had been evicted from their rented house in 2019 without recourse to public funds. Various agencies and services supported the home, including A&E, CSPR, MASH, Children’s Social Care, and Children’s Disability Team. However, the family was distressed and concerned that the agencies would remove the children from their care (Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, n.d, par. 1-4).


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