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Social Sciences Essays

Strengthening the Rights of Migrant Workers

Introduction Migrant workers relocate from their countries of origin to foreign countries for work purposes. Migrant workers either move for work purposes on a temporary or a permanent basis, depending on several factors. Migrant labour has grown to become a significant issue globally, but it remains largely misunderstood in ways more than one. The growth ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1734

Social Psychology and Groupthink

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon where people adopt the group’s opinions, and everyone starts thinking alike (Gomes et al.). It allows people to desire harmony and conformity and strive for consensus within a group. People opposing the group’s opinions prefer to keep the peace as a whole by remaining quiet rather than disrupting the uniformity ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 721
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Reproductive Justice and/in International Law

Introduction: Human rights are fundamental principles that make life worth living. Human rights are universal; hence they are applied internationally. Lack of access to proper healthcare, maternal mortality, insufficient family planning services, and gender-based violence are issues that fuel the violations of human reproductive rights globally. On average, 280 000 maternal deaths occur annually, most ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3558

Relationship Is the Greatest Factor for Happiness in Life, Especially During the Pandemic

Relationship refers to how two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected. Family ties, friendships, acquaintanceships, and romantic partnerships are the four main forms of relationships. Happiness refers to a state of well-being in an individual, which is characterized by living a decent life with a sense of deep satisfaction. Feelings ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1459

Race and Partisanship

The contemporary meaning of the word “race” in relation to humans began to appear in the seventieth century. Ever since, the word has taken on many definitions in the dialects of the Western part of world. What utmost definitions have in mutual is an attempt to classify people primarily by their bodily alterations. For example, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2890

Push and Pull Factors of Migration

Migration occurs not only over short distances but also over long distances. People can move to a country or out of a country. Emigration involves people moving out of a country while immigration involves people entering a country. People move for various reasons whether voluntary or forced. Push factors are negative aspects that force individuals ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 681

Psychological Disorders and Their Treatment: Antisocial Personality Disorder

1. Summary  An antisocial personality disorder is also referred to as sociopathy. This is a mental disorder in which an individual might constantly illustrate no affection for honesty and erroneously and overlook the rights and approaches of other people. Patients who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder have the tendency to manipulate, antagonize and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1151

Political Development in a Social Context

Political development can be defined as an increase in political participation due to political unity. Public political participation is thus an increase in the involvement of the people in politics. At the same time advocating for political unity within a community rather than individualism, where people are divided and not engaged in the political development ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Policy Options Towards the Nuclear Programs by Iran

Executive Summary The nuclear programs that Iran has maintained over the years have put the international community into a dilemma. The United States is particularly concerned with Iran’s nuclear programs because it perceives that the ultimate goal is to develop nuclear weapons. The body called International Atomic Agency has never communicated any viable proof that ... Read More
Pages: 23       Words: 6150

Policing in America

Race and Sex In the United States, policing began during the colonial period. During the initial one hundred years of policing, women were not allowed to be hired as police officers. At the beginning of the 1800s females were permitted to join policing, following government involvement and a series of debates. Today, Female cops are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1426

Panic Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Panic disorder refers to a situation when an individual has no less than two panic attacks (one feels overwhelmed and terrified even when one is not in any danger) and continually worries and alters his or her routine to save them from having an extra one. Panic disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder (Richmond, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2444

Modern Family Analysis

The popularity of family TV shows has been prevalent for decades, and regardless of whether audiences have been aware of it or not, they have always presented a message via the depiction of the so-called regular family. With shows such as Brady Bunch and Leave it to Beaver, as well as The Simpsons and Modern Family, society has evolved from depicting the nuclear, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2342

Leading Health Indicator Essay

A comprehensive set of 10-year national objectives and goals to improve the health of all America has been provided by the healthy people of 2020. Healthy People 2020 has more than 1200 objectives sink it has more than 42 areas of concern. Leading Health Indicators (LHIs), a smaller set of Healthy People 2020 objectives, has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1086

Islam and Democracy

Introduction For decades, the question of whether democracy and Islam are compatible has lingered. Numerous western and Islamic intellectuals have conducted extensive research and published their views on whether or not Islam is compatible with democracy. However, the situation remained unresolved for the time being. Numerous experts believe that democracy and Islam should have had ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1576

Iris Center Case Study

Case Study Level A, Case 1- Sam Specific Praise Summary and Rationale Instructors that use motivational and inspiring oral and written statements as the tool for acknowledging the display of the expected behavior outcomes or patterns by their student utilize specific praise (Curran & Iris, 2003). It is an effective method for encouraging appropriate behavior ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2345
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