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Small Business Essays

Legal Needs of a Small Business: Contributions of Community Support Systems Towards Mitigation of Legal Challenges

All business operations, including small businesses, are anchored on legal factors that dictate how their owners should carry out their respective entrepreneurial activities. Before opening any business, entrepreneurs (business owners) must consider the legal requirements of the enterprise they intend to set up. The government often offers these requirements through the respective departments and institutions. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 632

Proposal for ABC To Align the HR Function With the New Strategic Direction

Introduction/Background Aligning HR functions with the organization’s strategic direction is an integral skill for all human resource managers. This extends beyond human resources’ traditional operational and administrative elements, including integrating HR initiatives and practices with the company’s overall strategic goals and objectives. For HR managers, there is also a significant difference between HR practices when ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1671
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Maine Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Introduction Maine’s economic landscape is shaped by entrepreneurship and small businesses. The State of Maine is prominent for its thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and serene lifestyle, allowing fresh ideas, start-ups, and innovative companies to grow. Additionally, small organizations and businesses are vital for Maine’s economy, which thrives in providing revenue for the state and economic growth ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 716

Cavoodle Capers Pty Ltd

Introduction Cavoodle Capers Pty Ltd is a small enterprise located on the outskirts of Sydney. It specializes in breeding and selling cavoodles, a small dog breeds popular among dog-loving Sydneysiders. The business succeeded from early 2020 until early 2022 but experienced a decline in demand in 2022 as the pandemic subsided and people turned their ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2622

Company: Magnolia Bakery

Executive Summary The culture of Magnolia Bakery places a premium on quality, consistency, and customer service. The leadership style is collaborative and customer-focused, and the organizational structure is hierarchical. The human resource strategy focuses on recruiting and maintaining qualified personnel. The firm invests in training and development programs to ensure staff has the skills to ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4173

Cookie Business: An Analysis of Shi’s Tasty Cookies

Abstract This paper analyzes Shi’s Tasty Cookies, a small business that produces and sells cookies. The analysis examines the business’s operations, performance, and future improvement strategies. Reviewing the company’s contribution margin, full and variable costing, special orders, internal rate of return, cash budget, and material and labor variance are all included in the analysis. According ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1451

The Challenges of Starting a Small Company in Kuwait

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This business report explores entrepreneurs’ challenges when starting a small company in Kuwait. With Kuwait only obtaining 3% of the GDP from small enterprises, starting a small company still faces many barriers. Therefore, the nation’s overdependence on oil has shifted the interest in supporting and creating an enabling environment for the growth of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1334

Utilitarianism: What Value Does Technology Provide to Life?

The answer ‘yes’ and, no ‘ cannot merely ascertain the value of technology without solid backing for either answer. This acknowledgement is the basis of seeking the truth while expounding on the current technological advances and how they have influenced life in one way or the other. Thus, this analysis shall b positioned on the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 845

Small Business Management

Introduction Business management is the act of unifying people to accomplish desired goals and objectives of a business. To create a successful brand, creative strategies and a business plan are essential to provide efficient services. Thus, it encompasses planning, organizing, directing, and controlling a business to accomplish its goals of the business (Storey, 2016). According ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462

New Zealand Small Business Definition, Issues and Their Economic Impacts

Small businesses play a vital role in the economic contributions of any country. A small business is a sole proprietorship, a business, or a partnership that earns less yearly revenue and fewer employees than a regular-sized business and is privately owned (Ferran & Ho, 2019). In many nations, especially the Organization for Economic Co-operation and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1844

Small Business Financial Plan

Business Model Technology is one of the major developments made by humankind. With each new day, new technologies are innovated and designed to improve the quality of life and how various activities are carried out. A smartphone is one of the most owned treceheno0logicaal devices. In Canada, 86% of the citizens own a smartphone (Hardy, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1944
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