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Resource Scarcity Essays

Factors That Influence Armed Conflict in Less Developed Countries – a Case Study of Niger

Literature Political instability Political instability continues to be the breeding ground for conflict in less developed countries because weakened governance structures and immature political institutions foster an environment that supports many disputes (Schleussner et al., 2016). Thickening public belief in the government’s capability to satisfy its citizens may cause social tension and discontent. These unresolved ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2662

Embracing Wastewater Recycling To Alleviate California’s Water Crisis

California confronts a critical issue: an urgent water supply challenge marked by a substantial decline, demanding immediate attention. This dilemma necessitates innovative solutions, and ongoing efforts are underway to address it. Wastewater recycling emerges as a promising remedy in the face of this multifaceted problem. The state’s water scarcity poses threats to agriculture, ecosystems, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 601
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Environmental Protection and Resource Sustainability

Given the global challenges of climate change and natural resource depletion, environmental protection and resource sustainability have assumed greater urgency. An essential sub-topic explored in this essay is the contribution of renewable energy to climate change mitigation. Renewable energy emerges as a promising alternative, presenting a feasible resolution to mitigate our ecological impact and shift towards ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810

A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Policies in DRC and Australia: Mineral Resources and Sustainability

Introduction The extraction and exploitation of various mineral resources is vital in the global economy, providing the raw materials necessary for various industries. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Australia are two countries that significantly influence the global mineral supply chain. The DRC, situated in the heart of Africa, is regarded as a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3160

Improving Ethiopia’s Sustainable Food Production

Introduction Action against hunger was funded in 1993 with the motive of eliminating hunger. The company was founded because the medical community did not yet have a cure for malnutrition, which was prevalent in Ethiopia then (Action Against Hunger, 2022). Over the years, the company has come up with various ways to treat malnutrition, such ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2379

Structuring the Power Delivery Programme

The power delivery scheme in Beronia is an innovative project with broad ramifications for the growth and prosperity of the country. The need for fundamental infrastructure, particularly in communication, healthcare, and power generation, has emerged as Beronia is an autonomous republic. Among these, power production is of utmost importance because it provides the framework for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1313

Decades of Global Fishing

(1) Give a background on the topic: What is the state of the literature on this topic? For years, there has been high concern about the lessening fish biomass in the worldwide oceans. To examine the main reasons for this reduction, many investigations have been executed to comprehend the scope and the reasons for this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 674

Water Conservation of Farmers

Introduction Sustainable agriculture entails the farming practices that allow for nutrient replenishment and fertility for supporting future population. Due to the continual growth of populations across the world, farming practices should integrate measures for environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, such as water reservoirs and rainwater. The sustainable agricultural practices established in light of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3043

Brownfield Site – The Allston Railyard (Beacon Park Yard)

Though brownfields are available, they have often been among the most challenging development projects, primarily due to the complexity of achieving sustainable development (Caparros-Midwood et al., 2019). Due to changes in the landscape used by the railway corporations where operations have ceased or relocated to other areas, it is easier to map brownfields for development. ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3675

The Green Revolution and Bio-Revolution

The Green Revolution and Bio-revolution changed world food production. The 1940s–1960s Green Revolution increased crop yields to relieve global food shortages (Hamdan et al., 2022). The late 20th-century bio-revolution, the Gene Revolution or Biotechnology Revolution, used genetic engineering and biotechnology to increase agriculture and food supply. Globalization revolutionized agricultural and food production through the Green ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

Biosphere Eco-City in Canada

Introduction The chair of Biosphere Eco-City Canada, Jim Birtch, has a podcast on Innovation Fuel discussing the Biosphere Eco-city initiative. Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) is a metropolitan region and its surrounding countryside where cooperation and collaboration guarantee that everyone’s actions may contribute to sustainability, ultimately developing a culture of sustainability. BEC coordinates organizations on sustainability in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 698

The Essence of Moral Principles

According to Charles Taylor’s theory, morality includes doing what is right and good to be done at a particular time. He states that morality and ethics should not be separated as they are handy in hand. Further, he notes that moral reasoning should be applied to examine both demands and moral principle essence. Today’s world ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 749

To What Extent Are Genetically Modified Crops a Necessary Tool in the Battle Against Global Hunger

Introduction Despite significant improvements in farming technology over the past several centuries, hunger is still one of society’s most significant issues. More specifically, world hunger, which affects close to 10% of people across the globe, is on the increase after consistently dropping for a decade (Gbashi et al., 2021). Hunger is more complicated than having ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 806

Alternative Fuels for Private Cars on Gotland

Introduction The desire to transition from conventional energy fuels to sustainable energy systems is urgent and evident in the research objectives. This thematic analysis evaluates complex factors influencing Gotland residents’ decisions to adopt alternative motor fuel. It explores the current and prospective motor vehicle fuel for the population surveyed and the primary factors influencing their ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4196

Environment, a Lot of Rubbish

Introduction The natural environment, also known as the natural world, includes the majority of living and non-living things that arise naturally, or in this case, without artificial means. The expression is often used concerning Earth or specific areas (Buell et al., 2019). This ecosystem includes the interactions between all living things, the temperature, the weather, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1760
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