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Racism Essays

The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics

Introduction “Race is a social construct with fatal societal ramifications,” says the author. George Lipsitz contends in his book “The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics” believes “investing in white privilege, to stay committed to a culture that gives them with wealth, influence, and ambition” is in whites’ best interests. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1013
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Rhetorical Analysis of “Some Thoughts on Mercy”

Ross Gay’s article “Some Thoughts On Mercy” is an account of an African American’s experiences in America’s racist society. The story begins in an ordinary setting in the author’s garden. However, he remembers being profiled because of his color and this sparks the journey into his experiences as an African American. The story highlights the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1746

Racial Bias in Prosecutorial Decision-Making

Introduction In the United States, crimes are committed by individuals from distinct races and ethnicities every day. The criminal justice system handles the cases distinctively based on their origin, gender, and race. There is no fair and just procedure to hold the judicial processes due to discrimination and biases relating to racial differences. The resources, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1920

Exploring the Black Lives Matter Social Movement

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an online international social movement cofounded in 2013 by Opal Tometi, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, and Alicia Garza. The main goal of the BLM movement was to fight racism and the violence on black people that mainly happened through police brutality. Black people in the US are considered more likely to be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 573

Concept of Miscegenation: Anti-Miscegenation Laws

The concepts of miscegenation revolve around the intermarriages that occurred between non-whites and different races in early American society. The early White-American society opposed the relationships involving individuals from other races, especially the Blacks (Hagan, 2009). Hence, the laws that banned such relationships led to the concepts of miscegenation, popularly called ‘anti-miscegenation laws.’ The regulation of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1060

Effects of Racism Among American Students

Racism in America is legendary from the days of colonization. In the modern-day, racism is felt like second colonization as it affects minority ethnic groups. This paper analyses racism association with harmful health outcomes and poor academic performance due to prejudice and stress, and how inequality due to school dropout has led to low living ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 735

Contemporary Racism Essay

Multiple forms of racism have harmed African American women’s sexual and reproductive health, including discriminatory medical practices that stretch back to slavery and have lasted into the post-Civil Rights period. Studies, on the other hand, do not take into account how racism’s historical roots affect African American women’s health now. Despite significant progress in ensuring ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 679

Summative Assessment: Crime and Victim Statistics

Introduction The United States of America is arguably the world’s most racially diverse nation. However, the country’s economic prosperity gains are unevenly shared across the societies, marginalizing some segments of American communities. One aspect of the marginalization is the racial and ethnic disparities in victims and offenders. This paper seeks to analyze this disparity using ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1078

Social Problem: Racism

The social problem that will be analyzed in this paper is racism. Racism describes a system of assigning values and structuring opportunities based on physical characteristics such as hair texture and skin color. This system discriminates or disadvantages one group or some individuals, damaging their physical and emotional health. Racism is usually based on a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1274

Ferguson, Missouri Riots

Darren Wilson, a white police officer, shot and killed Michael Brown unarmed black teenager, on August 9, 2014. The shooting occurred in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis in Missouri. After the shooting incident, there were rights in the area for several weeks. Although the region had started gaining its calmness after weeks of protest, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1145

Sociological Perspectives in the Movie Crash

Introduction and Thesis In diverse perspectives, what are the arguments for and against societal orientations toward race, class, family, and gender? Regarding differing interpretations of these concepts, several social theories are discussed. Crash (2004) is a drama about race, gender, class, and family in Los Angeles. The narrative of the film focuses on elucidating and clarifying ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2091

Book Review: White Guys on Campus – Racism, White Immunity, and the Myth of “Post-Racial” Higher Education; the American Campus

“White Guys on Campus: Racism, White Immunity, and the Myth of “Post-Racial” Higher Education” humorously discusses racial discrimination that continues to impact higher education in the USA. Nolan Cabrera unveils decades of racial discrimination in higher learning institutions and provides insight into how white supremacy has evolved and mutated over the years in these facilities (Cabrera, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1160

“The Hate U Give” Novel by Angie Thomas

What insights does the novel generate concerning the national conversation and ongoing debate over police brutality, racial profiling and social justice? What perspectives does the novel present? How does the novel use these issues to enhance the story? When it comes to policing, the term “bad apples” is frequently used. Bad apples, after all, fall ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1150

Social Activism and Data Analysis: Institutional Racism

Racial minorities have disproportionately high rates of significant morbidity and mortality. Racism, which has impeded the lives of ethnic minorities and immigrants throughout history, may be to blame for these inequalities. Racism is associated with a higher prevalence of sickness in people who report it. Racism in the medical field is a severe ethical issue. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1950
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