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Psychology Essays

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication skills and techniques describe gestures, intonation, facial expressions, body language, eye contact, and posture when conversing (Manusov, 2016). In any conversation, identifying and taking note of nonverbal communication gestures employed is integral in aiding one to understand the feelings and general information a respondent relays. Accordingly, nonverbal communication skills play a significant role ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 927

The Extent That Personality Influences Academic Performance

For a long time, various psychologists using different angles of perception have discussed the concept of personality, but a collective agreeable one has focused on three main aspects. Accordingly, personality entails the natural or learned combination of a person’s mental processes, together with their emotional affective domain, to produce observable behavior. Sometimes, while external environments ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953
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Suicide Among Adolescents: Theories, Principles and Counseling Techniques

Abstract This paper will explore the various theories and principles of counseling suicidal children and adolescents. It will provide a brief overview of the different theories and principles used to effectively counsel these clients, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, hopelessness theory, interpersonal psychological theory, family therapy, and related therapy principles for suicidal adolescents. Additionally, the paper will ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2672

Ana Case Study

Bowen family systems theory is a human behavior model that perceives the family as an emotional unit. This theory utilizes systems thinking in explaining the unit’s multifaceted connections. Generally, it is the family’s nature that its members become intensely inked emotionally. This paper analyzes Ana’s case study using the Bowen family model. The Theory’s Concepts ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1204

Splitting the Rent Evenly: A Negotiation Case Study

Question: How can you successfully negotiate with someone who is resistant to your proposal? I was recently in a negotiation with my roommate about splitting rent evenly. We had been living together for a few months, and I felt like I was shouldering more of the burden financially. I decided to sit down with her ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1625

Social Psychology and World Cup 2022

Introduction The science of how the perceived or actual existence of these other people or social standards influences attitudes, sentiments, and actions are referred to as social psychology. Throughout the timeline of humanity, social psychology has been the ultimate determiner of how people interact with each other well or in quite a rough way that ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1879

Single Factor Theories of Human Intelligence

Introduction Intelligent human behavior is often attributed to a single underlying element or construct in single-factor theories. This construct is measurable, stable, and related to performance on cognitive tasks. According to these theories, intelligence comprises a single general factor or several distinct factors measuring a particular ability or set of capabilities. Spearman’s g-factor hypothesis is ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3313

Should We Study Sex Differences in Psychology?

Studies on sex differences have always been contentious, particularly regarding whether they contribute to prejudice and sex discrimination. There has been some discussion regarding the effectiveness of sex and sexual orientation education in psychology on the life of adolescents in the contemporary world. Women are treated unfairly and oppressively in society, according to feminist theory, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1445

Research in Neuropsychology

Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the relationship between brain function and behaviour. It covers a wide range of topics, from studies of the neural basis of memory and attention to the effects of brain injury on cognition and behaviour. Recent research in neuropsychology has focused on several different topics. One area ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3285

Personality Psychology: Sigmund Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory

Personality psychology is primarily concerned with changes in a person’s personality over time. One of the most extensive and researched areas of psychology, personality psychology, seeks to explain how our traits influence our perspectives and actions. Psychologists specializing in personality research frequently look into personality similarities and differences. These professionals may also be in charge ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2843

Parenting Style Comparison: The Dollhouse and Queen of the North

Parents play a vital role in their child’s life; the styles, attitudes, and parenting practices are critical elements that define the parent-child interaction. Children’s behavioral outcomes are very much intertwined across the various realms of development. The outcomes are based on early interaction and caregiving experiences between the parent and the child. The experiences from ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 983

Norm-Busting: Eating Non-Finger Food With Fingers

Norms are social constructs that help us navigate society. They give us expectations about how to behave, what to expect, and what is acceptable and what is not (Myers & Twenge, 2019). They are often based on traditions, and customs passed down from generation to generation. Norm-busting is when someone breaks a social norm expected ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1013

Motivation in Youth Sports

Introduction Any individual’s aspects of behavior are determined by an internal energy force known as motivation, which significantly affects an individual’s thinking, the feeling of an individual, and how they interact with others. In youth sports, motivation has greatly affected the potential of young athletes and has been accepted as a vital prerequisite enabling young ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1095

Motivation and Work Performance

Overview Employees whose intrinsic motivation rises in step with their output tend to be more productive. The degree of output was largely determined by the workers’ enthusiasm, knowledge, and commitment. Therefore, a business’s success relies on its employees’ enthusiasm and dedication. An intermediate-to-strong connection was found between job satisfaction, specific needs, and personal preferences at ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1265

Motivation and Satisfaction at the Workplace

Motivation in a workplace is what is believed to be behind the behavior and the workers. It regulates the level of performance in the workplace. Satisfaction is the pleasure or joy of making tasks and the sense of achievement in having done a given task perfectly. If the workers are motivated, their job performances will ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1557
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