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Motivation and Work Performance


Employees whose intrinsic motivation rises in step with their output tend to be more productive. The degree of output was largely determined by the workers’ enthusiasm, knowledge, and commitment. Therefore, a business’s success relies on its employees’ enthusiasm and dedication. An intermediate-to-strong connection was found between job satisfaction, specific needs, and personal preferences at work. Motivational speakers, who see it as their calling to inspire their audiences into action, are well aware of the power of inspiration (Judge & Robbins, 2017). Without it, we could not launch, find our footing, or persevere through the inevitable challenges. To realize our professional goals, we need to maintain this level of motivation. Workers’ levels of contentment with their needs being met, their preferences being accommodated, and their working conditions being satisfactory are correlated with their productivity. It seems to have the potential to increase output even more, as seen by the results. Both the theoretical and practical implications of this work are discussed.

Purpose of the Research

Every business and organization that aspires to be successful in today’s market must offer customers something above what their rivals can deliver. The only way for an organization to keep up with the rest of the world is to use the talents of its academics and leadership fully. At the heart of this endeavor lies a source of inner motivation. Each firm should do all in its power to ensure the success of its employees since they are the key to the company’s success (Brethower et al., 2022). When employees believe their efforts are valued and encouraged by superiors, they are more motivated to do their best at work. The findings of this research will be very beneficial to the Bangladeshi educational system. Productivity is the primary emphasis, and the role of intrinsic employee motivation in boosting output is a particular area of study.

Review of the Literature

Productivity and morale are two aspects that might benefit from an exciting working atmosphere. When workers believe they are motivated to offer their very best effort regularly, it benefits the company’s expansion and success. People who are genuinely motivated to successfully undertake the work required to attain their goals because they love working toward their objectives. Absenteeism and turnover rates have both gone down as a direct consequence of the workplace improvements that have been made. Despite the significance of their job, managers have a hard time keeping personnel who genuinely are interested in the firm’s expansion. This is the case even when the work is rewarding (Robbins et al., 2018). A company’s most significant asset is its human resources, which includes its employees and potential employees. There is a correlation between a person’s degree of academic success and their overall efficiency in the workplace. According to Robbins et al., the regime set performance targets for its workers to gauge the level of success its enterprises were experiencing at the time (2018). Considering the importance of employee quality to overall productivity, it seems that companies with a highly motivated workforce attain remarkable results.

Motivating college teachers and administrators is essential since a drop in performance might have catastrophic effects on their careers if they continue to perform poorly. Most administrators working in higher education will inevitably be wrestling with the question of what variables impact staff productivity. However, their claims that they help enhance workplace productivity are not supported by adequate evidence that demonstrates their level of sophistication (Robbins et al., 2018). The analyst is ready to take charge of the investigation into how the level of intrinsic motivation influences the amount of work completed. It is essential to analyze how workers’ attitudes at work affect their productivity. Therefore, we are interested in knowing whether there is a connection between the freedom to choose when and how one recognizes professional success and the following level of productivity in one’s work. A company’s success is inextricably linked to the efforts of its employees. Employee output is a key factor influencing a business’s bottom line. As a result of increased productivity, businesses and their employees both gain from having motivated workers.

We appreciate all the hard work you have put in, and we agree that it increases the likelihood of a company’s success when people are motivated to provide their utmost effort to their jobs. Despite this, many bosses are reluctant to do so out of worry that it would bring morale down among their employees. Chronically uninspired employees are less likely to engage in company events and team-building activities. Furthermore, they are more likely to do sub-par work out of lethargy, and they are more likely to work late to complete their tasks. When employees cannot solve issues creatively, they tend to lose interest in their job (Brethower et al., 2022). Because every worker has their own individual set of circumstances under which they would feel driven to take swift action, managers and leaders need to devise strategies to inspire their workers based on each employee’s particular objectives and criteria.

Practical Application

Success is more likely in a highly driven environment. Workers who like their work are more invested in seeing it succeed. Second, motivation is critical because it has the potential to change employees’ perspectives from negative or indifferent to positive, which will serve the organization’s objectives (Judge & Robbins, 2017). In order to maintain high levels of productivity inside a company, it is essential to draw from a wide variety of motivating ideas. There is a wide range of motivational strategies and programs available, but companies equally well not receive all.


This research lends support to the idea that a motivated workforce is also a productive one. Employer loyalty may be maintained if supervisors pay attention to and address staff concerns as they arise. The result will be increased output and decreased turnover (Judge & Robbins, 2017). The ultimate goal of this research was to advance theoretical understanding by illuminating the many factors that go into optimal whole-labor performance. Further, it has the potential to significantly contribute to the development of models used in the sector of higher education. Getting anything done without some kind of external incentive may not be easy.

Even if all the information, skills, and training required to do the job is on hand, if the staff is not motivated enough, they may not provide quality results. If the source of a lack of motivation is not addressed, a downward cycle of negative feelings and behaviors is likely to follow (Robbins, 2019). When this occurs, not only does the individual’s productivity drop, negatively affecting the rest of the team, but in the worst-case situation, the individual gets a termination notice. Regardless of the circumstances, it is important to provide workers with various opportunities to build confidence and pride in their work. It is possible that a combination of internal and external issues, including disagreements with others and a lack of perspective, are to blame.


Brethower, D. M., Dickinson, A. M., Johnson, D. A., & Johnson, C. M. (2022). History of organizational behavior management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management42(1), 3-35.

Judge, T. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2017). Essentials of organizational behavior. Pearson Education (us).

Robbins, S. P. (2019). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Translated by Ali Parsaeian & S. Mohammad Arabian, Tehran: Cultural Researches Bureau.

Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., & Breward, K. E. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior Ottawa.


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