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Interprofessional Collaboration Essays

Diverse Populations, Age, and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

Chronic Disease Management and Prevention Introduction Chronic disease management and prevention is a top healthcare condition affecting people of all ages. Chronic diseases refer to diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases, which primarily lead to disabilities and high death cases all over America. Yet, the sad reality about these diseases is that they ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1544

DNP-Prepared Nurse Leader, How Can You Guide, Mentor, and Support Other Nurses at Different Levels Within an Organization

As a DNP-prepared nurse leader, my role encompasses a multifaceted approach to guiding, mentoring, and supporting nurses across various organizational levels. This involves tailored strategies to address distinct unit, department, and system needs. Unit Level Individualized Support and Professional Development I prioritize individualized support at the unit level by actively engaging with nurses, understanding their ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757
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Direct Care Summary Executive Summary

The rural Kentucky urgent care medical institution is a significant healthcare center that caters to many patients, including people of various ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultural diversities. The medical institution is fundamental in offering medical services and effortlessly available healthcare awareness to the area’s people, particularly prone populations, including the elderly, socioeconomically challenged individuals, and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1737

A Reflective Investigation Into Increasing Interprofessional Collaboration in Cardiology

Introduction: Interprofessional teamwork is at the forefront of providing complete patient care in the constantly changing healthcare landscape. Recently, I had the chance to have an in-depth discussion with a medical expert who worked in the inpatient cardiac unit of a nearby hospital. This reflective piece aims to examine the lessons learned from the interview ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 752

Pre-Clinical Reflection Paper

Introduction to Self I am [STUDENT’S NAME], a dedicated student at Florida International University enrolled in the RN-BSN Program. My nursing journey started in January 2020 when I began my ASN program, which I completed on May 1, 2021. In 2021, I became a nurse. Before that, I worked as an administrative assistant in an ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

Creating a Communication Model for Effective Hospital Communication

For effective communication, I have devised a comprehensive communication model tailored for hospital settings. The mode focuses on enhancing communication among patients, families, hospital staff, doctors, and hospital administration. This model aims to clarify, improve understanding, and facilitate seamless information flow within the complex hospital environment. The core of my communication model is based on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 640

The Impact of Leadership Intervention and Support on Nurse Burnout, Professional Well-Being, and Patient Safety: A Literature Review

PICOT Question: In nurses working in Sheppard Pratt Health, does leadership intervention and support decrease nurse burnout (compared to no leadership intervention and support), and how does it affect nurse-reported burnout, professional well-being, and patient safety over 12 months? Introduction An urgent problem in healthcare settings is nurse burnout, which seriously affects nurses’ well-being and the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3323

Interprofessional Collaboration and the CIHC National Interprofessional Competency Framework

 Scenario Involving Interprofessional Practice Student nurses are placed in different professional practice settings to experience and witness different care processes to give them an actual experience of working with real patients. Some of these experiences, whether negative or positive, have various implications for the student nurse’s current and future practice. My professional practice setting is ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2635

Practicum Reflective Journal

New Approaches Clinical nursing practices that use evidence-based methods and contemporary technology are becoming more and more in demand. I have been able to understand more about how nurses choose diagnostic techniques and treatment alternatives thanks to my nursing practice in the clinical division. For instance, I now understand the significance of providing oxygen to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1750

Communication and Collaboration

Barely all parts of an individual’s life require communication. Communication is generally important in ensuring everyone functions with the other or even everyone functions on their own. Communication is also important in the healthcare industry as it allows patients to communicate how they feel. On the other hand, the nurses rely on communication from the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1951

Lack of Collaboration From Teammates

The most crucial teamwork problem happening in a team member’s present work environment is the lack of collaboration from teammates. Teammates are not engaging in the necessary conversations and activities to ensure that tasks and goals are being met promptly. This lack of collaboration can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and, ultimately, failure to achieve the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1741

Issues in Management

Since businesses are the foundation of any economy, academics and professionals are interested in how businesses run, function, and adopt organisational structures. Recent years have seen much discussion among economists and sociologists on studying businesses and their behaviour (Kanter, 2019). Social embeddedness and transaction costs are alternate theories describing how organisations behave, function, and choose ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1263

Explanation of Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is a mechanism for an employer and a group of employees, such as a union, to debate salary, working conditions, benefits, and other elements of employment. It is seen as a pillar of the labor movement and an essential component of the labor-management relationship (Strunk et al., 2022). It offers employees a voice ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 882

The Relationship Between Communications and Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction, also known as employee satisfaction, can be described as the state where people are not only contented and happy about their current job but are also looking forward to a long-term engagement with the organization they are working for (Ali & Anrwa, 2021). There are only a few people who enjoy changing their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1291

The Importance of Communication for Business

Introduction I firmly believe that communication in business is essential since it improves the overall performance of a business, builds teamwork when the communication is good, impacts customer service, improves business relations with customers, suppliers as well as shareholders, and prevents misunderstanding and conflicts in workplaces (Radovic Markovic & Salamzadeh, 2018). Therefore, in this essay, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 702
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