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Organizational Behavior Essays

Contextual Factors on Deviance

Introduction  According to the sociological perspective, deviance means behaviors against social rules and norms. Deviance may vary from culture to culture. There are factors contributing to societal deviancy, such as contextual factors such as friendship networks and organizational culture, which play a significant role in shaping behavior. Therefore, one needs to understand the dynamics of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 888

The Way Organizations Use Reward in Organizational Behavior Management Programs and How They Can Use Punishment Most Effectively When Administering Discipline in an Organization

The foundational element that underlies Nike Inc.’s operations is Organizational Behavior Management (OBM), whose contribution to shaping the organization’s culture and dynamics cannot be downplayed. The deployment of rewards and punishments is the strategic focus of this analysis about influencing Behavior within Nike’s OBM, which further addresses disciplinary issues. The argument centers around the elaboration ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 708
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Resolving Interpersonal Conflict in a Medium-Size Marketing Firm

Abstract Managing conflict at the workplace is a significant part of organizational behavior, influencing productivity, employee motivation, orga, and national effectiveness. This paper will discuss a comprehensive strategy for solving the intra-organizational conflict in a medium size marketing firm, by an example involving two vice presidents competing for an organization account. The essay relies on ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2331

Applying Organizational Behavior Analysis: A Real-World Samsung Case Study Analysis

Introduction According to Moon et al. (2021), organizational behavior principles offer a framework and a toolkit for explaining strategic actions within organizations. By analyzing the ideas of these concepts based on real-world case studies, individuals can understand how the principles are translated into practical situations. This assists in translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills, enabling ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2461

BSc Hons Occupational Safety, Health & Environment

Introduction In recent organizational management, eliminating human errors has become vital for the sake of improving productivity, safety, and overall performance. In many cases, proactive measures have been recognized as the most potent method that has the advantage over the reactive cause in the mitigation of errors before they occur. Therefore, preemptive strategy has now ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2032

Microsoft Change Plan

Introduction: Analysis and Diagnosis The Problem The Nadella Case Study highlights that Microsoft’s organizational structure, especially its “stack-ranking” employee management system, is a significant problem that hindered the company’s growth before Nadella took over. This model encouraged a fixed mindset, which reduced innovation in Microsoft’s teams and created an unconducive working environment characterized by infighting ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4133

The Role of Politics and Power in Organizational Behavior

Organizations are political environments where people can utilize formal or informal forms of power to advance their agendas. The manifestation of politics and power dynamics in organizational behaviors such as decision-making, communication, and conflict resolution significantly impact how organizations function (Bicer, 2020). The interplay between formal and informal power in organizational departments influences an organization’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1612

Managing Organizational Power and Politics

Managing organizational power and political issues is the process of exploring the elements of impact, navigation, and authority in an organization. Power and politics are the two primary fundamental pillars where the organization’s decision and movement rests (Adebayo and Samour, 2023). Although they differ from different organizations in terms of implementation and manifestation, they play ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 724

Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare

In organizational behavior and theory, the significance of leaders’ behaviors in organizational learning cannot be put into words. Leaders go about as good examples, characterizing the way of life and impacting the behavior of the entire association. Their activities, choices, and correspondence styles affect how learning is esteemed and upheld in the working environment (Walston, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1030

Consequences of a Failure To Report

Failure to report, especially in a healthcare setting, can have profound and far-reaching consequences. Patient safety becomes jeopardized at the forefront, potentially resulting in avoidable injuries or even fatalities. Institutions may encounter legal ramifications in such instances, culminating in substantial financial liabilities (Zabinski & Black, 2022). Additionally, these oversights can erode the hospital’s reputation, diminishing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1145

Review of “Damn Lies and Statistics” by Joel Best

“Damn Lies and Statistics,” by Joel Best, dives into the realm of statistics and their sometimes erroneous usage in public debate, politics, and policy-making. Best reveals the complexities of how data may be manipulated, misconstrued, or exploited to affect public opinion and impact decision-making chapter by chapter. In this examination, the article will concentrate on ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1311

Employees’ Social Media Presence: Impact on Managers’ Perception and Organizational Behavior

In the digital world, workers’ social media presence is everywhere. This phenomenon may be due to the extensive usage of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, where people express their personal and professional lives. Employees’ social media presence dramatically impacts organizational behavior. It affects how coworkers and, most significantly, supervisors see them. This dynamic interaction between social ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2488

Factors Affecting Organizational Behavior and Opportunity.

Introduction Organizational behavior is the review and utilization of information about how individuals, people, and gatherings act in associations. It displays human association connections with regards to the entire individual, and social framework, especially in a workplace setting. Business in this day and age is a feverish and dynamic endeavor because the climate wherein associations ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 822

Emotional Intelligence in Non-Profit Organizations

Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that awards an individual the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, reason, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Further, Barreiro & Treglown (2020) defines emotions as complex, multifaceted psychological and physiological response that involve a range of thoughts, feelings, and physiological responses. Consequently, emotional intelligence is coined ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2534

How and Why People Change Their Behavior When They Work in a Company

Introduction Organizational behavior, management science, and psychology all have important roles to play in understanding how and why people change their behavior in the workplace. Organizations are becoming more aware of the value of human capital as the corporate landscape continues to change and become more competitive. Understanding the complex factors that influence behavioral changes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 959
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