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Psychology Essays

Revisiting Personality Theories: Eysenck vs. Big Five

Introduction Comparing and contrasting Eysenck’s and Costa and McCrae’s personality trait theories, the essay compares and contrasts these personality traits, helping individuals understand the difference in psychological characteristics. Thesis statement: the essay aims to compare and contrast the Trait theories of personality, thus aiding in understanding and describing the individual differences in psychological traits and dimensions ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1573

Long-Term Care Option- Assisted Living Community

Abstract This essay examines the pros and cons of running an assisted living facility for senior citizens. In addition to discussing the economic, social, and regulatory issues involved, it evaluates the available research on the services and care offered by assisted living facilities (Resnick et al., 2019). It also explores how management procedures in assisted ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1131
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The Relationship Between Anxiety and Academic Achievement of Chinese University Students Facing Important Examinations

1. Introduction Students’ responses to past, present, and future events in academic settings often include emotions. One the one hand, the students’ actions and reflections in the learning process may be greatly aided by positive emotions like interest, pleasure, and pride via motivation and performance (Pekrun and Stephens, 2010). However, unpleasant feelings like rage, impatience, ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5026

Forensic Psychology Career Risks and Self-Care Practice

The FBI’s forensic psychologists work with upsetting incidents both in the field and at their stations. Burnout is a major risk factor for forensic psychologists. Due to contacts with aggressive criminal offenders, forensic psychologists in the field run the danger of receiving a significant bodily harm or perhaps dying afterwards. Additionally, dealing with the danger ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 705

Factors That Affect Retirement Transition

Retirement, like work, starting school, and other transitions, requires individuals to adjust. It entails individuals transitioning from working to relaxing and other activities once they quit their jobs, either at the legal retirement age or earlier. As a result, retirees are often older persons. The fundamental purpose of obligatory retirement ages is to guarantee that ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 689

Exploring Forensic Psychology

Introduction In this reflective essay, I discuss my ideas on the course, what I learnt, how competent I felt I was in the subject, my hobbies, and my career worries (Carriquiry et al., 2019). I will also go through the assignments, DB posts, and the technical aspects of how the course is delivered. I will ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1047

Experience and Strategies in the Practice of Mental Health Among Psychiatrists

Introduction Mental health has become a significant concern in public health over the past few decades affecting individuals across all populations. The public health systems have recognized this challenge, seeking intervention measures to improve mental health outcomes. Considering that most activities in mental healthcare still significantly rely on human participation, psychiatrists are still an essential ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1520

Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Practices (Mbsr) on the Quality of Life of Hispanic Spanish Speakers

Introduction Several researchers have identified the positive impacts of mindfulness-based stress reduction practices on patients’ quality of life, especially by reducing mental health challenges. Mindfulness training has been proven to reduce the effects of various issues, such as physical health problems, substance abuse, depression, disordered eating, and anxiety (Castellanos et al., 2019). After reading the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2172

Behaviour Change Project: Reduce Daily Screen Time by 50%.

Goals of the Project For the behaviour modification project, I had the following 2-week SMART goals: Specific: I aimed to reduce my daily screen time by 50% compared to my baseline. Measurable: I tracked my screen time using a smartphone app. Achievable: I analyzed my current screen time habits and identified areas where I could ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1329

Psychology of Human Behavior

One of the most complex and intriguing characters in literature is Iago, the antagonist in Shakespeare’s play Othello. Although he usually uses weak reasoning and has vague objectives, he is an excellent manipulator who can persuade others to do what he wants. Academics and critics have written extensively on Iago and the characters he can ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1453

Annotated Bibliography: Inadequate Public Knowledge About the Significance of Mental Health Concerns

Mental health literacy is influenced by knowledge of the issues and solutions related to mental health. However, there is a knowledge gap among the general population about the importance of mental health issues, which is addressed in this study. The paper outlines a list of five quantitative research publications that deal with the issue in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1270

Exploring the Foundations and Contemporary Relevance of Behavior Psychology

Behaviorism, a school of thought within psychology, has significantly shaped our understanding of human behavior. Over time, various schools of thought have emerged with distinct perspectives and theories about the science behind this discipline. Among these schools is behaviorism which holds that observing behaviors and environmental factors is critical to comprehending human actions. The rise ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2261

World of Work

The world of work comprises several things that most people resonate with, for instance, employers, promotions, occupations, and jobs, among others. In other words, in most cases, people tend to label all these aspects based on their understanding of the nature of workers and the nature of the organization; for instance, in as much as ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2386

Personality Borderline Disorder

Introduction While many individuals have borderline personality disorder (BPD), the adverse implication of BPD on brain functioning has not been exhaustively comprehended. BPD is largely associated with cognitive dysfunction in memory, social cognition, problem-solving and executive functioning. Extensive research is required to ascertain the extent of cognitive impairment in BPD because there exist inconsistencies in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1911

Is Intelligence a Part of Creativity?

Intelligence and creativity have formed the cornerstone of studies in the educational system and psychology for a long time, with a key question being; is intelligence a part of creativity? Based on their co-occurrence, it is easy to confuse or mistake intelligence and creativity or completely miss the existing relationships. Scientists have tried to lessen ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1379
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