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Psychology Essays

Anxiety Disorders: Conceptualizations and Approaches To Address the Issue

Anxiety disorders constitute a significant psychological health issue. This condition affects millions of individuals worldwide. The mental disorder is characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, and apprehension. This leads to a significant impairment in daily functioning. Thus, the analysis aims to explore two conceptualizations or frames through which anxiety disorders can be understood and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 875

Addiction Counselling – The Family and Groups Ethical Issues in Group Reflection Assignment

When running group counselling, some ethical issues need to be looked at or considered. For instance, a group leader needs to have training and learn about ethical decision-making so that they can reflect and be good examples for effective group work. Counsellors need to undergo training on certain issues to become effective group facilitators. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999
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People Compare Each Other on Social Media

Comparison on social media has become an increasingly common form of communication and self-expression. Whether through bragging rights or creating a story edited to perfection, these platforms have allowed people to compare themselves with others. This can have positive and negative effects depending on how comparison is used in a given situation. While the comparison ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2730

Key Theories and Practical Applications in Learning Theory

Introduction Many renowned psychologists have made substantial contributions to learning theory—the main hypotheses advanced by three notable psychologists—John Watson, B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura—will be examined in this essay. It will also compare these ideas, noting any possible influences that older theorists may have had on subsequent ones. The last section of the article will ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1587

Understanding the Impact of Conflict Resolution Strategies on Relationship Quality

Why is it so important for partners to resolve conflicts in positive ways? Conflict resolution might be challenging, primarily due to the need for proper communication between individuals. Partners should resolve their conflicts positively to maintain quality and healthy relationships. They should identify the most appropriate strategies for handling differences to ensure sanity and quality ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869

Assessing and Analyzing Personality

Introduction Personality refers to the unique behaviors and traits that have a pattern in an individual and distinguish them from others. They are behaviors that other people notice in us when they interact and communicate with us (Anglim et al., 2020). Personality plays a significant role in the daily life of an individual. In addition, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2004

Babies’ Pre-Linguistic Period & Caregivers’ Support To Facilitate Language Acquisition

Introduction This paper seeks to compare and contrast two recordings of infants’ pre-linguistic period and the caregivers’ role in facilitating language acquisition. “Talking baby at 3 months old” by Weibell is the first video that will be analyzed in depth for this paper. The second YouTube video to be evaluated is “Dad has a hilariously ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1227

Adolescence: Exploring the Impact of Diversity and Global Factors on Development

Introduction Citing the positioning of the stage and fragility of the age, adolescence is a crucial stage of development that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents undergo physical, cognitive, and social changes that shape their identity and behavior during this period. During adolescence, someone fully identifies themselves as either male or female as ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1885

Conflict in Relationships

Conflict refers to a difference of opinion or a collision between two or more people or organizations who have opposing beliefs, objectives, interests, or values. Friendships, familial bonds, romantic partnerships, and commercial partnerships are examples of real-world interactions. Divergent views, attitudes, expectations, and goals are common causes of conflict. Conflict-related emotions and feelings are common ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Breaking Bad: Walter White Psychology

Breaking Bad depicts a man who is projected to die soon due to a terminal illness. This illness causes Walter to live life on the edge and try to set his family up financially for life after him. In the popular television series, Walter who starts as a chemistry high school teacher and is well ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1345

The Effects of Stress

Stress may be a state of mental and enthusiastic strain caused by adverse or requesting circumstances. It could be a characteristic human reaction to challenging or debilitating circumstances. Still, when Stress gets inveterate or overpowering, it can have inconvenient impacts on physical, passionate, and mental stability (Halim, Michael, and Alice 1169). The driving factors may ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1295

Parents Coping With the Loss of a Child

The pain of losing a child can be overwhelming regardless of the child’s age. Though there is no proper way of grieving and the amount of grief that should be experienced when a child dies, parents are left with an overwhelming that they will never see their child again and the loss of future hopes ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913

Exploring Attachment Theory To Address the Impact of Childhood Abuse on Adult Mental Health in Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Introduction Abuse in childhood may have a significant and long-lasting impact on a person’s mental health. Childhood abuse survivors are likelier to have anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal thoughts. According to attachment theory, the nature of the attachment relationship formed during childhood can have a lasting impact on a person’s ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2190
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