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Depression Among Men When Undergoing Negative Feedback


Mental health issues in men, in particular about depression caused by negative feedback, are the most crucial yet ignored dimension in this context. Bipolar disorder is taken apart artistically by the movie “Silver Linings Playbook” through the character Pat Solitano. Understanding the signs of depression in a male-dominated society which expects men to hide their feelings is essential. The present paper seeks to analyze the psychopathology of male depression using the DSM-5’s diagnostic criteria, academic texts, and the depiction in “Silver Linings Playbook.” In this film, “Silver Linings Playboo,” they show what people face when suffering from bipolar, including DSM-5 criteria for it, some cinema techniques used by directors, and the possible treatments. But again, they want to show the reality of bipolar,

Explanation of Disorder

DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria & Explanation of Symptoms

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), depression is one of the most complicated mental disorders that includes emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms (Hyde et al., 2020). Depression in men is usually associated with a constant feeling of sadness, empty-mindedness or irritability, which affects the whole day long. One of the main diagnostic requirements includes a reduced tendency to participate in activities that previously provided interest or joy, demonstrating the severity of pathology in social interaction. Depression manifests physically through changes in appetite or weight, disturbances in sleep patterns, and psychomotor agitation or retardation. Fatigue and loss of energy usually accompany this form of chronic exhaustion characteristic of depression patients. This includes feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt that are largely irrational but also help build upon the emotional burden. These include cognitive deficiencies like decreased power of concentration, which affect daily activities; pervasive ideas of suicide/death also characterize it. For example, men may show these symptoms in their own way by being stoic and refusing to express their inner pain openly.

Aetiology of Disorder

Depression in men has multiple causes that are primarily biological but not exclusively biological but also psychological. Biologically, people can be genetically prone to depression but also neurochemical imbalances like serotonin and dopamine disruptions that result in depression. However, as mentioned, cognitive traits, typical for men, increase complexity (Davis, 2021). Men are sometimes discouraged from being emotional by societal expectations and traditional gender roles. Such cognitive vulnerability results in minimal outward manifestations of depression among men; they act according to cultural norms demanding emotional control. Some societies tend to look down on male vulnerability; therefore, there is a notion that it is unnecessary to expose grief to seek assistance even when the problem appears minor. Men tend to face stigma in societies where they are expected to be stoic and challenging and hence fail to come out openly with their emotional hardships. These cognitive vulnerabilities need to be recognized to design interventions that take into account both biological and sociological influences in depression presentation and response amongst men.

Prevalence/Incidence Rates

Men are more vulnerable to depressive disorder due to the randomness surrounding its incidence. Many men are brought up in a society where they should have it all together, so they try not to admit any sign of depression to themself for years. Masking symptoms may be an adaptation against a cultural prohibition on emoting by men. Saddening enough, this concealment hinders early diagnosis, and therefore, people find difficulties reporting at early stages (Hyde et al., 2020). This then leads to the problem whereby male depression cases are likely to be undermined, and detection will only occur at later stages when the condition is severe. Among the factors contributing to this case is the cultural pressure which pushes men into believing they need to be strong and hardy. Lakhan, Agrawal, and Sharma (2020) note that this cloaking may result in severe disorders, emphasizing the urgent need for de-discrimination when discussing matters related to mental health issues and creating a safe environment for men who don’t care about


Depression among men is manifested through lowered energy levels coupled with continuous feelings of anxiety, leading to an immense feeling of emptiness and exhaustion. The feeling state is marked by irritability and helplessness, and the discursive dimension, the difficulties of thinking and acting, make coping harder. It is essential to acknowledge these symptoms early so that correct diagnosis and appropriate measures can be taken. For a man with depression, the prognosis depends on many parameters, such as seriousness and length of symptoms, simultaneous diseases and therapeutic reaction (Davis, 2021). Creating such supportive environments can help in early detection and improve the outlook by helping in early diagnosis. Because men experience depression in different ways, it is essential to tailor prognosis and treatment to particular cases rather than generalize them all together. Healthcare specialists and support must understand how men can show their troubles silently so that relevant intervention can be undertaken, considering these people have unique problems.

Brief Summary of Film

David O. Russell directs a touching motion picture entitled “Silver Linings Playbook”. It is the story of Patsolitano, played by Bradley Cooper, who has just been released from a psychiatric facility. After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Pat embarks on a journey to re-create his life and discover the “silver linings” in all the difficulties he encounters in his endeavours. He also comes across Tiffany, portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence, whose challenges are equally severe. His adventure is characterized by erratic emotions, powerful feelings, and a deep longing to reconcile with his ex-wife. The film very neatly depicts the difficulties that go along with cohabiting a mental health problem, explaining what it can do to people’s relationships while also demonstrating how far the strength of connecting with another person could go. The movie presents a sensitive case study showing the struggle of people living with Bipolar disorder, with Pat Solitano (played by Bradley Cooper).

Diagnosis of the Character


His character in “Silver Linings Playbook” comes off as an emotionally charged depiction of bipolar disorder -an alternating occurrence of depression and mania. DSM-V describes certain conditions a person should have to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Pat fits all these conditions. In the manic stage, Pat becomes hyperactive and impulsive, as seen in his constant paces, late-night workout regimes and decisions like his impetuous reading of an entire syllabus within one night (Hyde et al., 2020). Bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes that include an unavoidable feeling of hurry and reduced necessity for sleeping. This film offers a detailed analysis of the peaks that can never be predicted of mental illness.

On the contrary, the depressive phase involves a constant low mood, no interest, change in sleeping patterns, and recurrent death and suicidal thoughts. The film shows Pat’s ups and downs in the feelings when he is suffering from depression, anger and lack of hope. Some of these include scenes that highlight the triggering of emotional reaction, the physical manifestations of his unstable mood and its effects on the routines of his daily life, among others. The film cleverly deals with the cyclic character of bipolar disorder, depicting how the different states affect his life, including his behaviour, interpersonal relations, and general health. “Silver Linings Playbook” presents an intricate depiction of bipolar disorder that is devoid of stale stereotypes but very informative about the illness.

Opinion of the Movie

Bipolar disorder in Silver Linings Playbook is praised for displaying something real and beyond stereotypical representations. The art of depicting the challenges that come with suffering bipolar disorder can be observed through the performance of the actor Bradley Cooper playing the role of Pat Solitano. It conveys issues associated with people experiencing ups and downs of the condition while avoiding any exaggeration or accurate depiction of mental health in a movie. “` Contributed by: Gladys Otieno from Kenya “` The film presents the plight of Pat sensitively and profoundly, which extends into the broader debate about mental health issues by challenging public views and engendering empathy. Incorporating interpersonal dynamics and Pat’s condition’s role in relationships adds more realism to the piece, recognizing the connection between mental well-being and familial/ social support.

In addition, “Silver Lining Playbook” does not oversimplify its story and highlights the complexity behind Pat’s journey to self-exploration and healing. The movie acknowledges its relevance in the social support for people’s mental health journey as it touches on understanding, empathy and sincere bonding (Hyde et al., 2020). The movie manages to succeed both artistically and responsibly in its presentation of a bi-polar persona. In essence, it contributes to the reduction of stigma as well as increasing people’s knowledge and understanding of the complex hurdles that people suffering from mental conditions encounter. Essentially, “Silver Linings Playbook” is evidence that movies can accurately show mental health stories to evoke compassion among people.


Available Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Treatment for bipolar disorder is multi-faceted, including drugs, counselling and lifestyle adjustments. Another notable pharmaceutical intervention includes lithium, a mood stabilizer used in controlling the transition back and forth between highs and lows. Likewise, antipsychotic drugs are often prescribed, especially those with a tendency to normalize the patient’s emotions. Similarly, there is a need for caution in using antidepressant medication to alleviate depressive symptomatology while adding mood stabilizers to avoid any incidence of provoking mania (Davis, 2021). The use of intranasal ketamine, which is a ketamine form with rapidly alleviated depressive symptoms. Modality treatment of the glutamate system of the brain (which is a promising option, especially in treatment-resistant depression).

For instance, psychotherapy can be beneficial for people to learn how to deal with the emotional and interpersonal aspects of having bipolar disorder, especially CBT and IPSRT. Such strategies help identify and change maladaptive thoughts, normalize one’s emotional state, and build a regular schedule. However, there are still options like ECT for those with severe disorders or where others fail to work. ECT, or electrical convulsive therapy, is a procedure that uses electrically induced seizures to change neurotransmitter activity in the brain, resulting in symptomatic relief.

Treatments in the Film

Silver Lining’s playbook highlights aspects of psychotherapy as an integral part of Pat’s treatment. Emotional management involves cognitive-behavioural strategies, which he has demonstrated in his interactions with Dr. Patel. Although the particular drugs that Pat receives are not specified in the movie, they focus on establishing a solid therapeutic relrelationshipd and social support as part of his healing.

Best/Most Successful Treatment Plan for Pat Solitano

Since Pat’s characteristics presented in the movie resemble those associated with bipolar disorder, his possible treatment strategy might entail both medicine and counselling. To biologically stabilize Pat’s fluctuating mood, medication such as mood stabilizers and possibly alternative antidepressants were indicated (Davis, 2021). Considering this movie focuses on interpersonal relations, IPSRT may be helpful in psychotherapy. The concept of stabilizing one’s daily routine is at the core of IPSRT, which parallels Pat’s problems in the movie.

Also, because this treatment will continuously change, thinking about something different, particularly for treating depressive episodes, maybe a careful consideration, such as regular psychiatric evaluations, should be conducted to ensure the proper effectiveness of medications as well as avoid any manifest side effects that could appear after such drug intake. As shown in the movie, social support, such as relationships with family and friends, would be essential to Pat’s overall health. Developing a therapy program that considers Pat’s experiences and reactions to bipolar disorder would take into account the inherent variability experienced by people with different symptoms and responses.


In summary, this paper has explored the psychopathology of depression in men through the prism of “Silver Linings Playbook” and how it reflects bipolar disorder’s intricacies. The paper promotes a comprehensive view of mental health by exploring diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and possible treatment options. The character of Pat Solitano is a touching reminder that changes must be brought to social expectations, awareness, and individualized treatment programmes for mental illness patients. We must keep this conversation going, normalizing conversations around mental health and working toward a more compassionate and supportive process for helping those who are suffering from depression.


Hyde, J. S., & Mezulis, A. H. (2020). Gender differences in depression: biological, affective, cognitive, and sociocultural factors. Harvard review of psychiatry, 28(1), 4-13.

Davis, B. C., Warnick, B. J., Anglin, A. H., & Allison, T. H. (2021). Gender and counterstereotypical facial expressions of emotion in crowdfunded microlending. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(6), 1339-1365.


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