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Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a common technique for decreasing tension and alleviating stress and anxiety. It is easy to learn and can be done anywhere. The basic premise of PMR is to alternate between contracting and relaxing muscle groups in the body. First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Then, begin to focus on your breathing and let all of your muscles relax. Once you are settled, focus on one muscle group at a time. Start with your feet and slowly tense them, hold for a few seconds, and then release. Move up your body slowly and repeat the process, focusing on each muscle group individually. As you move up, feel the tension leaving your body and your muscles becoming more relaxed. Then take a few moments to enjoy the feeling of relaxation. Then, slowly start to move your body and notice how flexible your muscles feel.

Literature Review

According to Toussaint (2021), Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an excellent way to combat anxiety using specific muscle relaxation techniques. Through PMR, muscles are tensed up and then relaxed in order, which helps to reduce stress and tension, and can bolster a person’s ability to manage challenging circumstances. It also helps to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as increased heart rate and sweating. PMR is a simple, safe, and effective way to reduce stress and improve mental health.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is an efficient technique to reduce stress and anxiety (Torales, 2020). It involves tensing and releasing specific muscle groups in the body to reduce physical tension and, consequently, psychological tension (Torales, 2020). In the study, participants reported a significant reduction in anxiety after practicing PMR. Furthermore, the anxiety reduction was sustained over time, indicating that PMR is a long-term approach to alleviating anxiety.

Liu (2020) determined that progressive muscle relaxation successfully decreases anxiousness. The study found that PMR significantly reduced anxiety levels in participants after they completed the exercise. Furthermore, the study concluded that PMR is a cost-effective and non-invasive treatment option for individuals with anxiety. The study also found that PMR could lead to long-term reductions in anxiety levels in individuals who continued to practice the technique regularly. Overall, PMR is a promising strategy for providing relief from anxiety.

What is PMR

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a method of decreasing tension and stress that involves systematically tensing and releasing the body’s muscles. It is a simple yet effective method that takes only a few minutes to complete and can be used anytime and anywhere. I chose PMR because it is an easy-to-use and accessible technique for anxiety relief.

The resource I used for this exercise was the “Take a Break” Progressive Muscle Relaxation app, available for Android and iOS devices. This app provides step-by-step instructions for each muscle group and includes soothing background music to help further relax the body and mind. Users can also customize their PMR session to their individual needs, such as selecting the frequency of muscle contractions and the duration of each session. With the help of the Take a Break app and the “Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Dr. Steve” video on YouTube, anyone can quickly learn and practice the technique.

Daily Practice Reflection.

Practicing progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety relief for the past ten days has been an exciting experience. The daily routine of tensing and releasing different muscle groups felt like a meditation, and it helped me stay focused and present. A challenge I encountered was that it was sometimes difficult to concentrate on the process, as my mind kept wandering to other thoughts. I overcame this by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on my breathing while performing the exercises.

After ten days of progressive muscle relaxation, I have noticed that my anxiety and stress levels have reduced significantly. I am more mindful and aware of my body and my breathing, and I can recognize when I start to feel anxious and take steps to reduce my stress.

The experience of practicing progressive muscle relaxation for ten days has taught me about the power of the mind-body connection and how beneficial it can be to take a few moments each day for relaxation and stress relief. It has also taught me the importance of self-care and time for myself. Overall, I am glad I took the time to practice progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety relief, and I look forward to continuing to practice it in the future.

Promoting PMR among LaGuardia Students

Promoting Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) among LaGuardia students is essential to creating a healthy and productive environment. PMR is a stress-management method that involves tensing and releasing various muscle groups to lessen tension, stress, and anxiety. Regular practice of PMR can help LaGuardia students improve their focus, concentration, and overall well-being.

To promote the regular practice of PMR among LaGuardia students, a few steps should be taken. First, it is essential to raise awareness about the benefits of PMR, such as improved focus and concentration, stress relief, and improved sleep. This can be done through educational initiatives, such as workshops, informational sessions, and online resources. These resources should provide information about the technique, how it works, and how it can reduce stress and anxiety.

In order to make PMR accessible to all students, it is essential to provide resources that are easily accessible. This could include online videos or apps that provide step-by-step instructions for PMR, as well as guided PMR sessions. Additionally, the school should provide physical resources such as brochures, posters, and flyers to inform students about the benefits of PMR.

In order to promote the regular practice of PMR, the school should create an environment that encourages and supports relaxation activities. This could include providing quiet spaces, such as meditation rooms or study lounges, for students to practice PMR. The school should also provide incentives for students who practice PMR regularly, such as discounts on tuition or access to exclusive resources.

The school should also provide support and guidance to help students stay motivated and on track with their relaxation practices.

Overall, promoting the regular practice of PMR among LaGuardia students is essential to creating a healthy and productive environment. Through educational initiatives and providing accessible resources, the school can create an environment that encourages and supports relaxation activities. By doing so, LaGuardia students can benefit from improved focus and concentration, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved sleep.

A comprehensive outreach and marketing campaign is one of the most effective ways to make other students aware of the resources and programs for Progressive Muscle Relaxation. First, I would create a comprehensive website that provides an overview of the program, what it entails, and how to access it. This website should be linked to the Wellness Center and other on-campus offices offering the program so students can easily find the information they need.

I would then create a series of informative posters and flyers to be distributed throughout the campus. The posters and flyers should provide a brief overview of the program and how to access it, as well as contact information for the Wellness Center and other on-campus offices offering the program. I would also utilize social media to spread the word about the program. This could include creating a hashtag for the program and utilizing popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to promote it.

Finally, I would reach out to student organizations, campus publications, and other on-campus groups to help spread the word. This could include having the program featured in student publications, hosting an informational session on the program, and even having a representative from the Wellness Center or other on-campus offices offering the program attend student organization meetings to discuss the program. By utilizing a comprehensive outreach and marketing campaign, students can be aware of the program and resources available for Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Reflection and Conclusion

Writing this paper on Progressive Muscle Relaxation was a very stimulating experience. It required a great deal of research and critical thinking, forcing me to think deeply about the process and the impact that relaxation has on psychological well-being. Through the research, I gained a better understanding of the physiological and psychological effects of relaxation and the various techniques that can be used for relaxation. I also gained a better understanding of how relaxation can improve overall mental health and well-being. This assignment deepened my awareness and understanding of relaxation and psychological well-being.


Liu, K., Chen, Y., Wu, D., Lin, R., Wang, Z., & Pan, L. (2020). Effects of progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety and sleep quality in patients with COVID-19. Complementary therapies in clinical practice39, 101132.

Torales, J., O’Higgins, M., Barrios, I., González, I., & Almirón, M. (2020). An overview of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation in managing anxiety. Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica29(3), 17-27.

Toussaint, L., Nguyen, Q. A., Roettger, C., Dixon, K., Offenbächer, M., Kohls, N., … & Sirois, F. (2021). Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and guided imagery in promoting psychological and physiological states of relaxation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2021.


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