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Political Science Essays

The Impact Of The Western Sanctions On The Russian Economy

The US and EU member countries have imposed and are considering more sanctions that are targeted at the Russian economy. They are aimed at limiting the country’s ability to fund the existing war with Ukraine, where the Russian administration is considering annexing some of the regions in Ukraine. Western nations have prevented Russian oligarchs from ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1551
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Parties and Elections Policy Brief

This policy brief mainly focuses on how the modern political parties and new US government elections led to Inequality in wealth and status in society. It explains how the two main American parties led to voting constraints, restrictions, and racial disparities in the American states. It also explains how American political parties gained power and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1899

Obstacles to an Independent Kurdish National State

Introduction The establishment of an independent Kurdish national state is an issue that has been discussed for many decades. The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group whose people inhabit a large portion of the Middle East and parts of Asia, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Despite their large population, the Kurds have never had ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3269

North Korea Nuclear Weapons Program

Across the globe, North Korea has the fourth-largest military, with more than 1.2 million warfare men and biological and chemical weapons. Additionally, it has the world’s largest conventional military armies, nuclear tests, and missiles (Kristensen et al., 2018: 47). Despite being among the poorest countries in the world, North Korea has dramatically invested in its ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2054

Neo-Liberalism in Latin America

Introduction Neo-liberalism in Latin America has led to the government privatization of many services and industries when deregulating the rest. This action has led to increased poverty and inequality levels leading to a drastic decline in the quality provision of those services and the concerned industries. In the past few decades, neoliberal policies have constantly ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2918

Reasons Why Wealth Countries Have No Right To Exclude Potential Migrants

Migrants are individuals who are fond of moving from one country to the other. According to some professions, for example, James, there is no clear definition of migrants. However, the more straightforward way various individuals define the term is to consider it to be the process in which individuals coming from a given state or, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2411

Research Design: In What Ways to Celebrities Have an Influence on Voter Turnout?

Introduction In Political Science, elections and voter turnout are major topics of discussion that are heavily researched. Elections in the United States, help make up our democracy. Our democratic government depends on the involvement of qualified individuals to vote to grant representation to its citizens. Voting is very important in a democratic government because it ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3156

Political Economy of War

Introduction The past ten years have introduced fundamentally new military conflicts with distinctive properties, unlike the old Cold War conflicts. A challenging and fascinating area of research is the political economy of war. It looks at the interconnected economic, political, and military aspects that affect how war is fought and how it ends. It is ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2539

How Politics Influences Laws

The purpose of politics may be defined as maintaining some set of mostly legal principles or institutions. In such a scenario, certain institutions and values political understanding become almost equal to the genuine legal understanding and comprehension of the same values or institutions. Second, the political realm may see the law as nothing more than a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1846

Homeland Security Overview Assignment

Introduction The American national security coined the term homeland security with regards to the collective effort by the nation to ensure a homeland that is secure, safe and resilient to hazards and terrorism, ensuring that the Americans’ aspirations and interests can thrive. The definition of homeland security continues to change with time and what its ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1765

The Idea of Anarchism

Introduction The idea of anarchism, according to the current century, is the societal point of view in which an individual choice can make a range of viable desired choices. However, anarchism in political ideology is based upon values and ideas individuals stand for and believe in. On the other hand, anarchism is a political ideology ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1138

Administrative Procedure Act and Nondelegation Doctrine

Introduction The Administrative Procedure Act ( APA) is a piece of federal legislation that mandates the processes that must be adhered to by federal agencies whenever they draft, amend, or implement new rules. The Administrative Procedure Act specifies federal agencies’ procedures for formulating regulations, rendering decisions, and carrying out other agency activities. The APA also ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2003
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