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Political Science Essays

Significance of Following Orders Set Forth by NCOs

The Army is a formal group that works by sending orders up a “chain of command” in a particular order. It makes it possible for the Army to work well. Anyone who wants to join the military must be able to follow orders. It is an essential skill to have. When people do what they ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Possessive Investment in Whiteness: An Analysis

Introduction Social hierarchy is a phenomenon that defines most societies around the world. The social stratification of people has existed for thousands of years, and societies still continue to take pleasure in advancing these social divisions. The ruling class always tops the social hierarchy, while those that are considered to be “weak” in terms of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1176
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Mission Command Theory

Revolutionary War did not practice the mission command principles. The Mission Command theory, however, has been put into practice in major combat engagements by any military leader. To accomplish the goal of defeating the enemies, leaders in the US Army must fulfill a set of requirements at all levels. The six principles of mission commands ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

Essay on Federalism

Federalism is a political structure that enables distinct states or other polities to coexist peacefully within a larger political structure. Federal systems accomplish this by mandating that fundamental policies be decided upon and carried out after some dialogue, allowing for the participation of all members in the decision-making process. Even though many different federal political ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778

Digital Media as a Tool for Greater Democracy

Technology advancements have been prevalent in the 21st century following various innovations that have impacted the governance of nations in one way or another. Generally, the emergence of digital media has been associated with the prevailing technological innovations that tend to address various needs and gaps in society. Generally, the role of digital media in a ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2547

Challenges Faced by Native Communities in America

I). Loss of Land. Loss of land and dispossession of property is a great challenge faced by the Native tribes in the United States of America. The new data set quantifies that these communities have lost 99 percent of their land, leading to forced migration. They are forced to reside in fewer valuable areas, which ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1108

Women and Politics in America

It took at least seven decades for Woman Suffrage Movements to realize ultimate success, marked by Congress passing the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919, and its ratification on august 18, 1920. This was the desired outcome of the journey that began in 1848, inspired by the desire to elevate women to a status equal to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Essay on Texas Government

Texas State is the 2nd largest State in America by both population and land area. Texas declared its independence from Mexico in 1836 after being colonized in the 18th century by the Spanish. With a sturdy economic growth engine, Texas is still growing and increasingly diverse in its population since it becomes a state. Anchored by the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 967

Reverse Logistics Affecting Redeployment in Military Operations

Introduction According to military regulations, reverse logistics is the process by which equipment and supplies are returned to some point in the distribution system for credit, reworking, restocking, or disposal (Pawelczyk, 2018). Reverse logistics in military operations are supervised or overseen by the department of defense, which guides the use and distribution of equipment, supplies, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 746

Governance Systems in Africa

Introduction Many nations are on the edge of poverty, and markers of democratic backsliding are crucial, particularly in this context. It’s tough to adapt, but this is a new world where things are always changing, and human rights are important. In terms of both goal and emphasis, democratic backsliding varies from more generic democratic degradation. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2112

Global Problem-Solution Research

Background The research paper focuses on problems and solutions experienced globally, using Pakistan as an example. Pakistan is located in South Asia and is ranked 33rd largest, occupying 881,913 square kilometers. Moreover, Pakistan is the fifth most populated country with a current population of 228.9 million, of which the majority are Muslims (Shahnawaz, 2022, April). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1366

Documentary Commentary: Bush’s War

The documentary analyses how meticulous planning and luck helped the United States wage war against some of the countries and insurgent nations in the Middle East. The panning was enhanced by the president’s Iraq war policy and the destruction of those who were opposed to peacekeeping efforts in the Middle Eastern countries. Notably, the government’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 565

Differences in the Strength of States

Literature has long recognized the power of states as a crucial component in ensuring the survival of many political and economic developments, like the consolidation of democracy, the rule of law, the proper supply of fundamental social infrastructure, and economic development. When, during a conflict, the state refuses to safeguard all of its inhabitants and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2186

What Biases May Be Present in the Intelligence Report, and What Accounts for These Biases?

Introduction Policy strategy formulation from intelligence reports can be difficult because it requires supporting significant action using volumes of evidence. The process is influenced by several biases developed from inclinations and preferences by the intelligence parties leading to distortion of an impartial judgment. According to theories of intelligence, a common source of bias is human ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 892

Reshaping the American Politics

Introduction Over the years, American politics have been revolving and re-shaped. The re-shapes can be attributed to contributions of different occurrences, the influence of certain individuals, and the impact of particular movements. Some of the factors have had negative influences on the current political outlook in the country while others have positively contributed to better ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1789
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