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Philosophy Essays

Ancient Greece: Socrates

The ancient Greeks were obsessed with wealth, physical beauty, and past glories. This affected their thinking and even felt threatened by Socrates way of thinking and solving problems because they felt he undermined their way of life, leaving a trail of uncertainty. His teachings on the other hand emphasized more on the mind, how to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 551

Essay on Philosophy

Plotinus (c. 204/5 – c. 270 C.E.) founded Neoplatonism. After Plato and Aristotle, this ancient philosopher was a major influence on philosophy. Neoplatonism is the tendency of historians to divide history into “periods.” Using the term “Platonic renaissance” at this point means that Plotinus started a new chapter in the ritual’s development. This “newness,” if ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653
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Rene Descartes’s Methodological Doubt

Methodic skepticism is a means of looking for clarity through doubting everything. Firstly, all arguments are categorized by knowledge type and source (e.g., mathematical, empirical, and traditional,). A class example is then explored. René Descartes, a rationalist, employed methodic uncertainty to prove cogito, ergo sum (“I think, therefore I am”). He identified disputed knowledge in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1087

Moral Principle of Life in Socrates’ Apology

Moral principles can be described as guidelines that human beings live by to ensure that they behave the right way and that their actions are appropriate. These ethical principles include qualities like equality, fairness, and honesty. However, these moral principles are different for different people because they are dependent on a person’s background and how ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 594

Evaluating Happiness According to a Utilitarian

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory focused on the principles of promoting happiness. This theory advocates for actions that are right when they enhance the happiness of individuals but wrong when they subvert an individual’s action. John Stuart Mill explains happiness as a pleasure in the absence of pain, which is varying in quantity and quality ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 846

Auguste Comte and the Law of Three Stages

Auguste Comte is a French philosopher born on January 20th, 1798 in Montpelier (Heilbron & Werknick, 2017). He is believed to be the founding father of sociology, the study of the development and functioning of society. In addition, he is considered the founder of positivism, a movement that enjoyed huge support in the 19th century but ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 902

What Is a Good Life and How To Live It

Introduction Living the good life can have different connotations to different people though in basic form, living a good life involves exploration that gives a person joy and satisfaction. A good life may mean finding purpose as well as meaning in life and obtaining happiness from what one does. Almost everyone aspires to live a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1503

Utilitarianism and Kantianism

Moral Theory of Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory that explains whether an act is right or wrong depending on its consequences. An action is morally right if gives happiness and pleasure to the highest number of people. According to this theory, action or inaction with negative effects outweighing the positive consequences is viewed as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 776

Mission, Goal, Philosophy, and QSEN Competencies of Chamberlain College of Nursing

Chamberlain is a nursing and healthcare school with branches across the United States as well as online programs. The institution offers public health master’s degree as well as a doctorate, master’s, and bachelor’s degree programs in nursing. Mission: To avail quality education experience distinguished by innovation, academic excellence, compassionate, integrity, quality services, and to produce ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1203

Death Is Inevitable

Losing a friend through death can be quite a painful experience but realizing you can die when you thought you were immortal is worse. Human beings must accept that death is inevitable and live with meaning and purpose in their short lives. This experience is evident in the epic of Gilgamesh, where a historical king ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1578

Critical Analysis of Seneca’s Moral Essays

Introduction The essay On benefits is concerned with the nature of relative benefits to either givers or receivers in social interaction. Within society, this comprises benefits-exchange, cooperating, and willingness to share. The works’ subject might be classified as social ethics, especially Stoic ethics. On benefits is concerned in political leadership ethics. As a result, the work ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1594

Aristotle’s Metaphysical Theory

Q1: Roles Played by Senses and Reason According to Aristotle Aristotle’s metaphysical theory was based on the idea that there are four types of causes: formal, material, efficient, and final. For him, the most important cause was the final cause. The final cause is the purpose or end of a thing. For example, a human ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 876

Philosophy – Copernican Revolution and Analytical/Synthetic Distinction

Copernican Revolution The Copernican Revolution was a shift in thinking, a shift in man’s perception of the cosmos and his place in it. It can alternatively be explained as the transition in astronomy from a geocentric (focused on the earth) to a heliocentric (centered on the sun) conception of the universe. Between 1500 and 1700, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778

Paulo Freire and His Philosophy

Freire is among the most influential educational philosopher in history. He dedicates his life to helping individuals through his philosophical aspects and practicing critical pedagogy. Having a Brazilian origin, his main objective was to eliminate illiteracy among people from different colonies and continents. He considered illiteracy the primary cause of oppression and underdevelopment (Fishman & ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 581

The Philosophy of David DeGrazia

We are persons because of the complex forms of consciousness, such as those linked to reasoning, self-awareness, and linguistic thought. This implies that the different forms of consciousness differentiate us from animals and other individuals. Therefore, if one loses their ability or state of consciousness, they are more or less losing their personhood (Degrazia, 2002). ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1662
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