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Utilitarianism Essays

An Ethical Critique of Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in Addressing Criminality

Introduction Various philosophies have long debated the most appropriate method to address criminality. Some philosophers contend that punishment is the best way to address criminality since individuals should be held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, rehabilitation advocates believe that societies should endeavor to transform criminal individuals into productive members through deliberate effort ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 987

Moral Analysis of “My Sister’s Keeper” Using Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction “My Sister’s Keeper” is a 2009 film that tells the heart-wrenching story of the Fitzgeralds, a family facing a complex medical situation and legal battle. The family’s youngest child, Kate, is diagnosed with leukemia at age five and has to undergo multiple blood transfusions, surgeries, and chemotherapy treatments in an attempt to prolong her ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1591
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Ethics in Healthcare

Key Issues Faced as an Administrator Due to unique societal norms, handling claims of child abuse in the Crisis Room can be challenging. Handling these situations is a challenge for the personnel of treatment centers and professionals. Directors must learn to be sensitive to other cultures while ensuring children’s safety is guaranteed. This entails reporting ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1158

Ethical Analysis of AI Bias in Facial Recognition Technology

Introduction Face recognition technology has found its way into entertainment, security, spying, and marketing. However, the fact that it can actually be deployed in real-life applications raises some ethical concerns, particularly regarding whether gender or race may influence the fairness of FRT algorithms (Almeida et al., 2021). This case study describes a story about an ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2217

Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) in Malaysia

1.0 INTRODUCTION Corporate behavior is significantly shaped by ethical decision-making in the ever-changing business environment in Malaysia. This is especially true for businesses such as Petronas, Malaysia’s well-known oil and gas company (Hasni, 2023). Navigating Petronas’ ethical conundrums becomes crucial as the study delves into the complex balance between utilitarian ideals and Kantian ethics. This ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 914

A Reflection On: What Is Ruthlessness and Its Relationship With Authority?

Introduction “Ruthlessness, Public and Private” is the podcast episode title in which Very Bad Wizards initiates an in-depth examination of the intricate connections between power, authority, and right and wrong. As individuals currently employed or intend to work in the criminal justice system, the discourse prompts contemplation regarding the ethical dimensions of exercising authority over ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 645

Utilitarianism and the Moral Dilemmas of Batman

A consequentialist ethical theory known as utilitarianism holds that an action’s morality is decided by its repercussions (Quiambao, 2022). While seeking to enhance joy and curb distress, one must pick the deed that maximizes pleasure and limits displeasure. This influential theory concerning the assessment of actions and policies by the total sum of individual well-being ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1007

Understanding Early Menstruation in Young Girls

Early menstruation in young girls is a complex healthcare issue that requires a thorough ethical and cultural analysis (Mendle et al., 2019). This essay sets out on a quest to investigate the moral and cultural ramifications of this problem. It asks, “How do ethical theories apply to the issue?” from an ethical point of view. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1704

My Sister’s Keeper Ethical Dilemma

Introduction The film, My Sister’s Keeper, explores the lives of the Fitzgerald family, their relationships with one another, and their dynamic as a family. Kate, who is terminally ill with acute promyelocytic leukemia, was diagnosed as a small child, and Anna, who was genetically developed and born only with the sole purpose of helping save ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1731

The Ethics of Lying in Sales: A Case Study on Selling an Audio System

In this case study, a stereo system comprising an amplifier and speakers must be sold to fund an overseas trip. The ethical dilemma centres around whether to be truthful about the pricing or to deceive the buyer by claiming a higher offer. This paper explores sales ethics, particularly the consequences of lying during the selling ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1420

Ethical Considerations of Conceiving a Child To Save a Sibling

Part 1: Case Study: Jack and Lisa Nash’s Dilemma This case study investigates the moral dilemma of whether or not parents should create a child to preserve the life of an older sibling. Molly Nash, the child of Jack and Lisa Nash, was delivered with Fanconi anemia, an uncommon and fatal genetic disorder that prohibited ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1411

Utilitarianism and the Ethical Dilemma

Synopsis of the Fictional Piece My Sister’s Keeper (2009) was my selected movie for analysis in this paper. It narrates the story of a young couple Sara and Brian, who once faced a difficult situation, seeing their daughter have leukemia and making questionable choices with grave ethical implications. For starters, realizing that they and their son, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1527

Utilitarianism: An Ethical Framework for Moral Dilemmas

Introduction Utilitarianism, a consequentialist ethical theory, holds that an activity is moral if it makes the most people happy (Matti). The theory says we should always increase utility and minimize pain. Therefore, this paper applies utilitarianism to Jim, a botanist travelling in South America who witnesses a public execution, and I’ll compare a utilitarian’s approach ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1361

Should We Encourage Veganism in Society?

Veganism is a lifestyle and dietary choice that aims to exclude the use of animal products in all aspects of life. This includes abstaining from meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and other animal-derived ingredients. In addition, vegans also avoid using or wearing products that are made from animals, such as leather, fur, wool, and silk. In ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 998

Ethics Theory and Business Ethics

1. Introduction: The significance of ethics theory and business ethics cannot be denied in shaping the ethical decision-making and moral conduct of individuals and organizations. Ethics theory entails a framework of values and principles that steer individuals in distinguishing right from wrong, whereas business ethics include principles and practices guiding organizations in their interactions with ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4191
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