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Conventional Smear vs. Liquid-Based Preparation in Fine Needle Aspirations Cytology

Introduction  Fine Needle Aspirations Cytology (FNAC) serves as a critical modality regarding the diagnosis and management of deep-seated and superficial malignant and benign lesions. FNAC provides the primary investigative method for diagnosing and managing cancerous lesions in different body parts, such as the head & neck, breast, and cervix. The assessment method is considered non-invasive, ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3894

Contemporary Nursing Practice

In the last fifty years, the practice of nursing has significantly grown and changed. Today nurses are required to think and receive more education and training. The new evolution has developed caregivers’ capability, helping them make complex care decisions that only physicians could make in the past. The nurses have opportunities to acquire higher education, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1072

Contemporary Issues in Management

Different techniques and approaches reported in the literature help managers and leaders enhance and strengthen one’s influence over personal supporters. Many of the most effective are narration. If used appropriately, it aids the leader in explaining his views to his constituency, sharing his understanding with them, creating a shared vision, and amicably resolving disagreements. People’s actions, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3217

Contemporary Global Accounting Topics Paper

The accounting profession is a unique field where laws and regulations govern the practices involved in it. With the technological, economic, and cultural advancement, there has been the development of other practices favoring the business environment in which companies operate. The paper discusses the intellectual capital and Financial Reporting Standards and how they differ from ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1370

Contemporary Development in Development in Employee Relations

Over the years, there have been various discussions concerning the nature and importance of collective bargaining. Specifically, collective bargaining can be defined as a practice whereby industrial disputes between employer and employee can be settled through negotiation and discussion. The name collective has been derived from the fact that both conflicting parties will agree eventually ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2806

Consumers’ Power To Change the Brand Narrative

Power of Consumers Childhood memories of fairy tales, fables, and campfires often come to mind when one thinks about storytelling. As a type of human communication, stories play an important role in conveying cultural values and customs. Using tales to teach children is a common practice, and there’s a good reason why. The human brain ... Read More
Pages: 23       Words: 6101

Christian Conversion and the Sincerity of Constantine

The conversion of Constantine was of pivotal importance to the Christian faith, arguably Christianity’s position today would not have been solidified if not for the imperial support Constantine afforded it. However, the issue arises as to when Constantine developed his own Christian faith, as well as, the sincerity of his conviction. Contemporary Christian sources are ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4264

The Constitutional Convention

Significant people who shaped the Constitution A committee wrote the U.S. Constitution in the Constitutional Convention over months. The Convention convened on May 14, 1787, without a quorum. The meetings reconvened on May 25 with a quorum present. Twelve states named 74 Delegates, though only 55 ever attended the Convention, and ultimately, only 39 signed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1403

Confucianism and Daoism Assignment

China’s two major indigenous theological and philosophical traditions, Confucianism and Daoism, originated around the same time in the sixth century in what are now the adjacent eastern Chinese counties of Shandong and Henan, respectively (Matthyssen, 2021). Both traditions have saturated Chinese society for about 2,500 years. Both Daoism and Confucius had a founding, although in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 737

Conflict Resolution in Teams and Groups

A team is a collection of people who have definable membership, group consciousness/solidarity, and a sense of shared purpose, are interdependent, able to interact and sustain one other, and have the ability to work together. A team is built when a need the provision of problems solution is required, when decisions by agreement are essential, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1559

Conflict of Mineral in Sierra Leone Between 1991–2002

Introduction The Sierra Leonean fight for independence, which lasted from 1991 to 2002, is one of the most important instances of civil war in recent African history( Zulu et al. 1104). [1]It was not only a gruesome concept of geopolitical tension in the Black Continent, but it was also an event that influenced the practice change ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3745

Conditioning, Memory or Motivation and Emotion

Introduction Justice and fairness have been an area of significant concern for researchers. Providing appropriate solutions to societal problems remains a problem despite the remarkable advancements in law. Technology has significant impacts on development, yet ineffective judicial systems are still experienced. Societal problems such as domestic violence, robbery, and corruption can be associated with judicial ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1397

Computer Science: Software Components

A software component is a single piece of software with a well-defined interface and established dependencies. Software Components are the fundamental software parts used to offer an application in the high-level architecture of an Application Provider. The distribution of software components used for Application Deployment occurs because they are software components within the architecture framework ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 664
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