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A Case Study: Fetal Abnormality


People tend to act differently according to specific situations depending on how they affect them mentally, physically, socially and economically. The case study on fetus abnormality has raised different perspectives about its moral status. Some people believe that a fetus has rights from as early as conception, others believe they have no right, while a good number believe that the moral status of a fetus increases with gestation. In that context, this paper will discuss the theories used or associated by Jessica, Marco, Maria and Dr William from the case study and how these theories determine their views and recommendations.

A Christian view of the nature of the human person and the supporting theories

Human beings are created in God’s image and likeliness; therefore, they should act and lead morally upright lives. According to White, human dignity should be valued and upheld by all beings since it is linked to God’s image (2020). A good percentage of Christians believe that all human beings have God-given free will: this means they are free to make their own choices and decisions. Christians believe that human beings are unique in God’s creation, which is why they are capable of making conscious decisions and can lead a moral life.

Theories compatible with Christian beliefs on moral status include virtue and deontological theories. Virtue theory focuses on individual character and human nature. Christians ought to live lives that glorify God, for God himself gave human beings moral commands to live by in their daily lives. The deontological theory emphasises the biblical teachings of treating others with the same capacity you would like to be treated. Since every human being is created equally in God’s image, they deserve to be treated equally and righteously as God’s unique creation.

Theories used by characters in the case study and their influence

In the case study ‘Fetal abnormality’, Marco, Jessica, Maria and Dr Wilson are influenced by different moral theories in determining the moral status of Jessica’s fetus. Dr William applies the approach of cognitive properties to assess the situation. He believes he should tell Jessica about the fundamental nature and conditions surrounding the fetus, and not doing so is going against his obligations as a doctor. He acts rationally by relaying Jessica’s options for the fetus, which shows that he sees the fetus as having no moral status; hence the mother is the one to decide (GCU, 2015). Marco uses the relationship theory on the fetus’s moral status because he considers Jessica’s feelings. As Jessica’s husband, he acknowledges his responsibilities, including protecting his wife’s feelings. He values Jessica’s reaction more than the fetus’s moral status. Maria applies the theory of human properties as she does not consider abortion an option. She wails, prays and advises Jessica against abortion. She believes that all human beings have moral rights; thus, abortion is immoral. Aunt Maria has a Christian worldview, as seen in her prayer, phoning the priests and her beliefs in God’s plan for all creation, including the unborn (GCU, 2015).

On the other hand, Jessica uses the theory of moral agency and sentience theory. Jessica feels the fetus is alive and deserves a chance at life but is also torn between her financial ability. Jessica is a moral agent and tries to work for herself to make the most appropriate decision.

In comparison with all other characters, Jessica is in a better position to determine the moral status of her unborn child. She holds the sole decision of undertaking abortion or saving the child. The relationship theory will also influence her decisions since she has to look into her family’s economic status and consider Aunt Maria’s advice and Dr William’s.

Influence of the theories on the recommendations for action

In relationship theory, Jessica shares a relationship with her child, which is why she finds it hard to consider abortion. Maria also acknowledges that Jessica is responsible for caring for the fetus as a mother. Marco respects his relationship with Jessica and is ready to go with her decision. Dr William understands his relationship with Jessica because, as her doctor, he is obliged to explain the nature of the situation and the possible alternatives.

Theories I agree with

I agree with the theory of human properties that all humans and animals have full moral status but varying degrees. Mentally incapacitated human beings have more excellent moral status than that animals. Therefore, the fetus, in our case, is of no difference. The fetus still has a better chance of surviving, and the possibility of it being mentally stable is low. Also, on the relationship theory, I believe a fetus is part of a woman’s body; hence it is her responsibility to take good care of it. Getting rid of a child is like getting rid of a considerable part of you. I recommend that Jessica carries the baby to full term since the chances of survival are higher despite the abnormalities. There are a lot of children with abnormalities who still lead everyday lives like any human beings.


Despite lacking rationality, a fetus will eventually grow and become an ordinary being; therefore, they deserve a chance at life whether they have abnormalities. Since the unborn child is created in God’s image, it should be allowed to live.


Dunnington, K. (2018). Humility, pride, and Christian virtue theory. Oxford University Press

Grand Canyon University (GCU), (2015). Case Study: fetus AbnormalitySebo, J. (n.d.). Moral Status

Metz, T. (2019). An African theory of moral status: A relational alternative to individualism and holism. In African Environmental Ethics (pp. 9-27). Springer, Cham.

White, N. (2020a). God, humanity, and human dignity. GCU Digital Resources. Web.


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