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Our giant database of free essay examples will be useful to all those who write essays and are looking for examples for inspiration.

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Mental Disability/Illness Should Not Be Granted as a Defense

A defendant’s mental disability should not excuse their negligence. According to the corrective justice theory, if an individual injures another and their actions are attributed to mental illness, the action is thus immaterial. Scholars have argued that mentally disabled individuals should be excused from liability due to the lack of mental capacity to commit negligence ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2019

MBA Strategic Marketing

A brand name is the most crucial element and soul essence for any business as it is the face of the product. Choosing an effective brand name will either attract more consumers or distract consumers from the product. A vital characteristic a business person should consider in selecting a brand name is distinctiveness (Voella, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 786

Mass Incarceration in the US

There are around 6.7 million persons who are subject to some form of court-ordered supervision in the US. The inability to vote has long-term or even permanent ramifications for millions of felons who have been convicted of crimes. Even though the US criminal justice system covers many crimes, many citizens have a skewed perception of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3169

Marketing Plan for Nando Company

Introduction Marketing plan is essential because it describes how a company is going to market its products and services. It is therefore, pivotal to come up with effective marketing plan. Basically, a marketing plan comprises information concerning things such as consumer behavior in which it outlines the target segment and their purchasing behavior. Additionally, a ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4445

Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta Intended Discoveries in the 17th Century

Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta are the most known people in early history due to their unique and different approaches to exploring and adventure. Their legacy lingers even in the present as there has been no one to compare their actions and discoveries. They took so many years and still emerged strong. They did writings ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1691

Managed Health Care

Managed Care is a systemic health service and care delivery structure which have an organized and managed cost, quality, and utilization of health care. The evolvement of managed care plans started in Newyork with prepaid group practice plans such as Health Insurance Plan and Group Health of Puget Sound, where group physicians provided health medical ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 599

Madison and Hamilton: United or Divided in the Federalist Papers?

Federalism is a concept which involves territories or states that serve under a common control system. It is a form of government where several states can maintain their integrity while sharing a centralized government system. The USA uses federalism which was introduced in the 18th century. Before then, many people felt like Congress did not ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3265

M-Health Applications

M-health usage has rapidly increased over the years. The increased ownership of smartphones has facilitated the growth of m-health applications among people. In the United States, 77% of the population owned a smartphone in 2018 (Mahmood et al., 2019). These apps can be used for disease prevention, health diagnosis, and finding the healthcare profession. In ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 979

LVMH Strategy and the Environmental Metrics

Introduction LVMH sees environmental protection as more than a responsibility; it’s a need and a reason for its success. It is critical since LVMH Missions’ sustainable success is strongly anchored on preserving and appreciating the natural resources they utilize to manufacture their goods. Taking environmental considerations into account in their manufacturing processes renders them more ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 585

Los Angeles Anglican Church Sustainability Programs: Field Notes

The Anglican church is one of the major religions in the world, with origins from Europe and has grown and spread all over the globe. The church has been instrumental in promoting environmental sustainability programs and looking for ways to address issues of great importance and ramifications to the environment. In Los Angeles, the Anglican ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225

Long Term Effects of Child Abuse on Adults

Childhood maltreatment has long-lasting effects, some that could have implications for adulthood. Researchers are concerned that early abuse may increase the risk of various psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and depression, as people continue development through adulthood. In line with this perspective, researchers have investigated the relationship. This essay appraises the literature on the topic, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430

Literary Analysis of “Dinosaurs in the Hood”

In the poem “Dinosaurs in the Hood” by Danez Smith, the author presents an invitation to make a movie and employs juxtapositions to set the mood of the poem. Smith goes ahead and presents the image of an African American lad playing with a toy dinosaur. In his poem, Smith chooses not to focus on ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Life Span Development Psychology Research Paper

Social anxiety is a type of disorder also called social phobia that is an overwhelming and long-term fear of social situations. The problem is distressing and can have significant adverse effects on the child or teenager in their development stages (Evans, 2021). However, several theories have been used in helping people understand the relationship between ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1352

Life in Colonial America (13 Colonies)

Introduction Life in colonial America (thirteen colonies) involves studying how life was conducted in the age and day of colonial America. As a result, one has to consider the views of every party involved with settling and colonization. The perspectives involved range from slaves to merchants. When the colonists first entered America, there were minimal ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3911
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