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Nursing Essays

Nurses’ Burnout Management

Introduction Background and Rationale In recent years, there have been significant concerns about how the growing mismatch between the supply of health professionals and their demand is to be solved. Most countries in the west have since resorted to importing these professionals from developing nations, with evidence asserting that of the 1.9 million individuals employed ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3851

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice

Florence Nightingale is the forerunner of modern nursing. She was the first nursing theorist where she develop the environmental theory in nursing that focuses on healing, leadership, and global action. (Peres et al., 2021)At the time, the population considered nursing a low-class job, but she changed all this since she was from an upper-class family. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 817
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Infection Control – Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)

Introduction Infection control is a crucial aspect of patient care in acute care settings, as hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) can increase morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of infection control monitoring in reducing the incidence of HAIs during hospital stays (Thandar et al., 2021). The PICOT question is: In hospitalized ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Ethical Theories Case Study

INTRODUCTION Working in healthcare may be rewarding and challenging at times. Every day, healthcare providers, families, and patients must weigh legal and ethical considerations related to patient care. A nurse caring for a patient will often face challenging situations while deciding how much information to share with the patient’s loved ones and figuring out who ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4040

Epidemiology in Public Nursing Practice

Differentiating between Incidence and Prevalence In public health, epidemiology, and other areas of health science, the distinction between incidence and prevalence is a topic of extensive inquiry. Some people may use these names interchangeably, but their uses are distinct. The term “incidence” is used to describe the rate at which new cases of a disease ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2014

Therapeutic Relationship With Mental Health

Introduction It is difficult to attain optimal spiritual, bodily, and mental health without the collaborative effort of nurses and patients (Webb, 2020). A therapeutic relationship is essential. The essay will describe a case study of a patient in my ward’s mental health unit for whom I was responsible for providing care and support as a ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2760

Social Media Campaign to Prevent and Reduce Substance Abuse in Dallas, Texas

Introduction Dallas in Texas is among the common rampant drug users in the U.S. In order to address this problem, community health nurses can utilize the reach of social media to create powerful methods for prevention and intervention. Throughout this study, a social media initiative designed to curb drug usage among Dallas’s youth. The campaign uses ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 6011

Healthcare Delivery Challenges

Introduction Medical care delivery is a multifaceted process influenced by numerous internal and external variables. Examples of such factors include the healthcare industry’s budgetary constraints and the availability of relevant resources. Technology and healthcare regulation are two others. Executives in the healthcare industry face complex challenges as they attempt to meet competing priorities, including those ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757

Goals Reflection: Nursing Career

My primary objective when I began my nursing career was to become a pediatric nurse and provide the best possible care to young patients. As I advanced through my degree, my ambitions expanded to include becoming a registered nurse, earning as many certifications as possible, leading my profession, and joining a mentoring program. These shifts ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1060

A Qualitative Study Describing Nurses’ Experiences With Presenteeism

Summary/Critique of the Article The study’s title is an accurate and straightforward overview of the article and indicates the issue to be addressed. Further, the title presents nurses as the study group and presenteeism as the topic of interest. This article’s title enables the prediction of the content it contains by the readers before even ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1411

Application of Concepts From Caring Science

The effective utilization of available healthcare resources is the nursing practice outcome that can be strengthened in the context of my area of nursing practice. This is an especially important issue in the modern period, when expenses associated with medical treatment are climbing at an alarming rate and resources are becoming increasingly constrained. Because it ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1969

Essay on Tobacco Use

Tobacco use, including smoking, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and hookah, is a significant global health concern, causing numerous preventable deaths and illnesses each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths annually (Hollman & Pearce, 2022). Other ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1592

The Vulnerability of Indigenous Australian Teenagers

Their local communities recognize Indigenous Australians as descended from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Compared to other Australians, they reside in distant places and makeup 2.4% of the country’s population. Indigenous Australians are more likely to have mental health issues than the broader Australian population. Their mental and social health is increasingly being recognised ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2170

Inclusive Community Well-Being: Weel 6A

Introduction America has always been a country of “immigrants,” Consequently, the country has been more challenging (Harris et al., 2021). Most immigrants and refugees come to the United States looking for individual liberty, a better quality of life, or a way out of their native countries’ poverty. Some immigrants attempt to avoid accusations or persecution ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2017
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