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Goals Reflection: Nursing Career

My primary objective when I began my nursing career was to become a pediatric nurse and provide the best possible care to young patients. As I advanced through my degree, my ambitions expanded to include becoming a registered nurse, earning as many certifications as possible, leading my profession, and joining a mentoring program. These shifts happened as I better understood the many choices and career routes accessible in the nursing sector. My ambitions also include empowering and inspiring the next generation of nurses. These shifts directly result from the personal and professional development I’ve gained while studying nursing.

As a nursing student, I’m proud of my achievements. I have completed all my courses, acquired valuable clinical experience, and improved my critical thinking ability. One of my greatest accomplishments was figuring out what works best for me in terms of studying, which ultimately led to my academic success. Another achievement that stands out to me is the capacity to serve patients and their loved ones with care characterized by empathy. Connecting with patients on a human level and providing comfort through tough moments is crucial to being a nurse. These achievements are significant to me because they represent the growth and development that I have done during my journey as a nursing student and are critical skills that will help me succeed in my future job. Over my journey as a nursing student, I have undergone a lot of personal growth and development.

My ambition to become a pediatric nurse has not changed. Nonetheless, I’ve discovered that other nursing units fascinate me and may be worth exploring. This realization has made me more flexible regarding my career path and broadened my perspective. I’ve also learned to prioritize my mental health and reduce stress, which has changed how I study. I’ve also realized the value of continuous education and would like to earn a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and specialize as a nurse practitioner. These adjustments in my dreams and objectives have given me a more well-rounded picture of my future profession and motivated me to keep improving as a nurse.

My favorite moment in professional practice was seeing how my empathy and care affected a patient and their family. One of the most gratifying experiences I’ve had on my path to becoming a nurse was seeing the patient and their family’s expressions of gratitude and relief after getting compassionate treatment. That strengthened my ambition to be a nurse and provide compassionate care to the needy. My best moment in the classroom was discovering the most effective method of studying for myself, allowing me to earn higher grades and feel more confident in my abilities. These encounters have shaped my aims and ambitions by reminding me of the significance of compassion and empathy in nursing and giving me a feeling of success and a desire to keep pursuing my objectives.

I need to concentrate on my academics and keep learning to reach my objectives. I want to remain on track with my studies by being organized and using time management techniques. In addition, to get extra knowledge and experience in the sector, I want to look for additional learning opportunities such as seminars or chances to volunteer at events related to healthcare. To reduce stress during this journey, I want to take each day as it comes. This involves prioritizing chores and not overworking myself. I also want to include stress-relieving activities, such as exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones, into my stress management strategy. I have faith that if I go with these further stages, I will continue to develop professionally and personally. I want to improve as a nurse and a mentor by learning as much as possible about the field. In addition, reducing my stress will assist me in remaining motivated and focused during this journey.

I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge that will help me as I continue to pursue my objectives. The importance of living each day as it comes is one of the most valuable things I’ve learned. I’ve learned to live in the now. This lesson has helped me maintain a low level of tension and retain a focused mind on the activities at hand. Patience is another crucial skill I’ve learned. As a nurse, patience is important while interacting with patients experiencing a challenging situation. I have learned to be patient and attentive to my patients’ needs. In addition, I have learned the significance of expressing gratitude and affection for others. Throughout my clinical rotations, I have seen how kindness and compassion can affect patients. I will use these lessons as I continue to strive toward attaining my nursing objectives.

Along this journey, several opportunities for personal development have inspired aims and aspirations for the future. First, my confidence in my abilities has improved. I was able to acquire academic achievement and clinical competence as a result of my hard work and devotion. This has inspired me to set higher objectives and pursue excellence in all parts of my life. There’s also more empathy and compassion. Working in a professional environment has allowed me to see the fragility and pain of patients and their families. This has sparked a passion for improving their lives and give the best treatment possible.

There has been an increase in spiritual development. Understanding the significance of thankfulness, patience, and faith has provided inner peace and happiness. This progress will shape my ambitions and aspirations to serve others and glorify God. The Lord has revealed a spirit of patience and appreciation throughout the fall semester. I have been given a chance to care for patients in a clinical environment as a nursing student. While I negotiate the hurdles of compassionate care for the needy, this experience has taught me to be patient with myself and others. In addition, the Lord has taught me to be thankful for the simple things in life, such as a patient’s smile or a colleague’s nice words. These experiences have taught me to value my blessings and know that every day is a gift. As I continue my path, I will carry these lessons with me and endeavor to demonstrate patience and thankfulness in all I do.


Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Basic Books.


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