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Nursing Essays

Foundations of Nursing

Introduction The specific care needs of each person call for the creation of individualised, person-centered care plans in the field of caregiving (Fazio et al., 2018). This essay focuses on the topic of Mr Bartek Janacek, a 75-year-old senior service user who needs a lot of care. The goal is to investigate Mr Janacek’s unique ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4435

Association of American Sign Language (ASL) Culture and Nursing

Introduction Nurses provide healthcare services to patients in clinics, homes, schools, the military, churches, communities, and emergency medical helicopters. Most patients expect nurses to communicate effectively, be culturally competent, and provide quality and safe care. However, when nurses are assigned to care for deaf patients, the issue of cultural incompetence becomes more apparent (Pendergrass et ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2318
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Impact of Care From Nursing Staff Shortages

Introduction Implementation refers to implementing the recommended activities and strategies to address nursing staff shortages and their impact on patient care. It involves considering various factors that may affect the successful execution of the plan. This implementation plan will address technological considerations, institutional structures, strategies for stakeholder buy-in, financial trends, hospital or governmental policy constraints, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1069

Student Guide to Success Through Essentials of Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession is one of the greatest services to humanity that is associated with selflessness and a desire to serve others (Araki, 2019). Nurses are devoted to helping people who are in critical condition that makes it difficult for them to take care of themselves. Usually, nurses are driven by the desire to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1917

Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Initiative in a Hospice Care Setting

Introduction Effective healthcare delivery requires a continuous process of quality improvement. Nurses play a critical role in providing high-quality, efficient healthcare. They must possess the necessary skills to review and evaluate performance reports and effectively communicate outcome measures related to quality initiatives. Patient safety and positive institutional healthcare outcomes require collaboration among nursing staff members ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1582

Leading and Managing in Nursing

Health facilities have meaningful, lucid, and coherent mission, vision, and philosophy statements that motivate and guide the health workers. Mission and vision form the basis of purpose in work and imbue the workers. The vision and philosophy vary from one health facility to another; thus, they form the motto, identity, or creed of each hospital ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 673

Written Scholarly Paper: Self-Assessment Activity/Professional Development Plan

Introduction The NURS 2700 course has greatly influenced the semester’s experience and preparation towards being a nurse. The lessons, materials and experiences were instrumental in equipping potential nursing candidates with the knowledge and skills that they need o effectively serve their patients and excel in the field. The wide range of experiences which were part ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5083

Effects of Nurse Burnout

Nursing is a demanding profession that requires nurses to provide high-quality care while managing a heavy workload and complex patients while keeping up with a healthcare system that is constantly changing. All these factors put together can take a toll on nurses and result in burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment. Nurse ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 868

Developing a Small Nursing Informatics Project

Part 1: Planning Quality projects and initiatives are essential for improving care quality via implementing evidence-based practices and protocols in nursing practice. As DNP-prepared nurses, we play a vital role in leading evidence-translation efforts to support these improvements. This paper discusses a proposal for developing and expanding telehealth into psychiatry at the correctional facility I ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7871

Cultural Competence in Nursing and Its Implication in Muslim/Arabic Culture

Abstract The essay emphasizes the value of nursing care that is culturally competent when caring for Muslim and Arab patients. To deliver high-quality care, healthcare practitioners must be aware of their patient’s cultural values and beliefs and consider those. The essay gives a story with five papers examining how Muslim and Arab cultures are impacted ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1543

The Importance of Clinical Governance in Nursing Care

Introduction Clinical governance was implemented in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s as a direct response to a string of high-profile healthcare scandals that exposed significant shortcomings in the quality and safety of healthcare delivery. Because of the media’s exposure, these scandals came to light. Its goals were to build a systematic approach to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1855

Nursing Theories Comparison

Nursing theories involve the different approaches that nurses apply in their care services to improve patient outcomes and maintain high health standards within various settings. Some common theories include Kolcaba’s theory of comfort, Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relationships, and Watson’s philosophy and science of caring. Although the three theories aim at improving care administration strategies ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 983

Professional Development of the Nursing Profession

As suggested in the National Academy of Medicine 2021 report, happiness and general well-being are impacted by health. Thus, every individual should have access to opportunities to be happy and healthy (Hassmiller et al., 2022). The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path addresses that, to achieve Health Equity, nurses can work to minimize health ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 893

Florida Nurses Association

Description and Benefit to Members Florida Nurses Association (FNA) is a professional nursing organization representing nurses’ interests within various specialties, such as primary care, allowing them to enhance their care administration to communities. The institution ensures nurses’ advocacy to enhance their protection and patients’ well-being during practice. FNA operates with the mission of improving the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1043

Episode of Care Analysis; Case of a 60-Year-Old Female Patient, Admitted for Colonoscopy, Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, and Management Blood Pressure

This essay is an episode of care analysis that aims to discuss the role of adult nurses in the assessment and planning of care. It also highlights how clinical decisions and interventions are influenced by the assessment of patients in healthcare settings, including how various types of knowledge are utilized in making clinical decisions and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4031
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