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Impact of Care From Nursing Staff Shortages


Implementation refers to implementing the recommended activities and strategies to address nursing staff shortages and their impact on patient care. It involves considering various factors that may affect the successful execution of the plan. This implementation plan will address technological considerations, institutional structures, strategies for stakeholder buy-in, financial trends, hospital or governmental policy constraints, regulatory requirements, and patient diversity concerning the proposed change.

Technological Considerations

Technological challenges may arise when implementing changes to address nursing staff shortages. It is essential to assess and address these challenges to ensure smooth implementation. Potential considerations include:

  • We are upgrading technology systems to accommodate new staffing strategies and workload management tools.
  • It is implementing communication technologies that facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing among nursing staff.
  • Training and supporting stakeholders in utilizing technology effectively.
  • Utilizing technology for evaluation and monitoring of the impact of staffing interventions.
  • Ensuring the necessary systems and infrastructure are in place before going live with the plan. (Wager et al., 2005)

Institutional Structures

Institutional structures refer to the organizational systems and processes that will be affected by the proposed change. These structures include workflow processes, reporting structures, and communication channels. Consider the following:

  • It analyzes the existing institutional structures to identify areas that require modification to accommodate the new staffing strategies.
  • Developing a clear plan for implementing new workflows, communication protocols, and reporting structures.
  • Ensuring effective communication of information within the facility through appropriate channels. (Baugh, 2015).

Strategies for Stakeholder Buy-In (including nurses)

Stakeholders in healthcare settings are individuals or groups who have an interest or are affected by the proposed change. This includes nurses, healthcare providers, administrators, patients, and their families. The following competencies should be under consideration:

  1. Identifying direct stakeholders: These include nurses, nursing leaders, nurse managers, and other healthcare providers directly involved in patient care.
  2. Identifying indirect stakeholders: These may include patients, patient advocacy groups, healthcare administrators, and regulatory bodies.

To strategize buy-in among stakeholders, including nurses:

  • Communicate the rationale for the proposed changes, emphasizing the positive impact on patient care and workload management.
  • Address stakeholder concerns by actively listening, providing accurate information, and involving them in decision-making.
  • Establish open lines of communication and engage in collaborative problem-solving.
  • Offer education and training to enhance understanding and acceptance of the proposed changes.

Financial Trends

Finances play a crucial role in implementing changes related to nursing staff shortages.

The following should be under consideration;

  • Recognize that all changes require resources; identify the specific resources needed for the project.
  • Analyze financial trends within the healthcare system to anticipate available resources.
  • Identify the relevant budget(s) that will be attributed to the project, such as recruitment and training or operational budgets for staffing enhancements.
  • Develop a comprehensive business case highlighting the potential return on investment and improved patient outcomes associated with addressing nursing staff shortages.

Hospital or Governmental Policy Constraints

Consider the operational policies, workplace safety standards, compliance requirements, and care delivery standards that may affect the implementation process. Factors to consider include:

  • Risks associated with departments developing policies in silos lead to inconsistencies and inefficiencies.
  • Assess if policies differ across settings (ER, OR, ICU, Unit) and if conflicts exist.
  • Determine if state or federal policies, such as those from the Department of Public Health (DPH) or federal regulations from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), apply to the proposed changes.

Regulatory Requirements

Consider lawful viewpoints, licensure necessities, authorization guidelines, and other administrative prerequisites that might influence the execution of the proposed changes.

Key contemplations include:

  • Guaranteeing consistency with state practice acts, licensure necessities, and expert guidelines.
  • Complying with unofficial public laws, like those set by the Division of Wellbeing and Human Administrations (HHS).
  • Tending to license guidelines set by associations like The Joint Commission or the Authorization Chamber for Graduate Clinical Instruction (ACGME).

Patient Diversity

Patient diversity incorporates the scope of social foundations, values, convictions, and encounters addressed inside the population looking for medical services. It recognizes people’s remarkable attributes and viewpoints, featuring the significance of socially skilled consideration that regards and addresses their particular requirements. Understanding and embracing patient variety is critical for giving comprehensive and impartial medical care benefits that meet the assorted requirements of the population (Drennan & Ross, 2019).

The following should be under consideration;

  • Define and describe culturally competent care, which involves providing care that respects and addresses the unique needs of diverse patient populations.
  • Address any implications associated with the proposed change, considering how it may impact the delivery of culturally competent care.
  • Incorporate knowledge from diversity courses and sources to ensure that the proposed changes promote inclusivity, cultural sensitivity, and equitable access to care (Campinha-Bacote, 2011).


This implementation plan acknowledges the factors that may affect the successful execution of strategies to address nursing staff shortages. By considering technological challenges, institutional structures, strategies for stakeholder buy-in, financial trends, hospital or governmental policy constraints, regulatory requirements, and patient diversity, healthcare organizations can develop a comprehensive plan that supports the effective implementation of changes and improves the overall quality of patient care.


Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2005). Managing health care information systems: a practical approach for health care executives. John Wiley & Sons.

Baugh, A. (2015). Stakeholder engagement: the game changer for program management (Vol. 18). CRC Press.

Campinha-Bacote, J. (2011). Delivering patient-centered care during a cultural conflict: the role of cultural competence. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing16(2).

Drennan, V. M., & Ross, F. (2019). Global nurse shortages: the facts, the impact, and action for change. British medical bulletin130(1), 25-37.


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