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Topic Search Strategy Paper

Part 1: Clinical Question

Diabetes impacts millions of people globally. Our group will focus on addressing the challenges in diabetes management and exploring ways to improve patient outcomes. Diabetes has health risks and it affects patients’ physical, emotional, and financial well-being (Bellou et al., 2018). Complex nature of diabetes care and the need for effective therapies to improve patient outcomes are the major issues.

Significance of the Problem

Due to its prevalence and health risks, diabetes has become a public health issue. In 2021 the world health organization estimated that 422 million people had diabetes, and this number is expected to grow in the future. If untreated or properly managed, the disorder can cause cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, blindness, and lower limb amputations (Bellou et al., 2018). Furthermore, diabetes places a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems, with significant costs related to medical care and reduced productivity.

PICOT Question

Population: Type 2 diabetic adults.

Intervention: Managing diabetes with lifestyle changes, patient education, and routine monitoring.

Comparison: Diabetes care without a comprehensive management program.

Outcome: Improved glycemic control, better quality of life, reduced diabetic complications, and lower healthcare costs.

Timeframe: 12 months.

Purpose of the Paper

This research examines diabetes management difficulties and possibilities and assesses the efficacy of a comprehensive diabetes management program to enhance patient outcomes. This study will examine diabetes as a health issue, the effects of improved management on patient outcomes, and the cost-effectiveness of healthcare systems through a comprehensive literature review and analysis. This paper also provides healthcare providers tips to improve diabetes care and quality of life.

Section 2: Levels of Evidence

The right level of evidence for clinical questions is crucial. Different questions require different evidence to draw accurate conclusions (Lefebvre et al., 2019). This section identifies the question type and examines the best evidence to answer it.

Question Type

Healthcare questions vary depending on the patient care environment. Some of the most common questions include therapy questions, meaning questions, and prognosis questions. Therapy questions assess a disease’s treatment possibilities. For instance, “Is the implementation of a comprehensive diabetes management program more effective in improving glycemic control compared to standard care?” On the other hand, prognosis questions anticipate a disease’s course and results (Bellou et al., 2018). “What are the long-term health outcomes for individuals with type 2 diabetes who achieve sustained glycemic control?” is an example of a diabetes prognosis question. Meaning questions strive to understand patients’ experiences, values, preferences, and how an intervention affects their quality of life (Lefebvre et al., 2019). An example of diabetes care meaning question is “How does participation in a diabetes support group influence patients’ emotional well-being and self-management behaviors?”

Best types of evidence

The type of evidence depends on the issue and the level of evidence needed for a complete answer (Lefebvre et al., 2019). For therapy questions, RCTs are the gold standard for efficacy evaluation. RCTs randomly allocate people to treatment groups, enabling valid outcome comparisons. An RCT comparing comprehensive diabetes management program outcomes to standard treatment would provide high-quality evidence for the diabetes management therapy question (Bellou et al., 2018). Cohort studies are best for prognosis questions. The studies monitor results over time. A longitudinal cohort study of patients’ glucose control and health outcomes would help answer the diabetes prognosis challenge.

On the other hand, interviews and focus groups work best for meaning questions. These studies give researchers in-depth patient perspectives (Lefebvre et al., 2019). Qualitative interviews with diabetes support group members could help answer the diabetes meaning question.

Clinical research relies on selecting the right degree of evidence. RCTs can answer therapy questions, cohort studies can answer prognosis questions, and qualitative research can answer meaning questions. Healthcare practitioners can improve patient care and outcomes by understanding evidence levels and their uses.

Section 3: Search Strategy

Answering the PICOT question and providing insight on how to improve diabetic patient outcomes requires a thorough search for relevant and reliable research (Lefebvre et al., 2019). This section describes the search approach, including search phrases, databases, and refining selections to find relevant articles for review.

Search terms and results

We searched using diabetes management and patient outcomes-related keywords. The keywords included diabetes management program, glycemic control, patient outcomes, comprehensive care, type 2 diabetes, and intervention effectiveness (Bellou et al., 2018). We also added PICOT phrases like adult patients, lifestyle modifications, and regular monitoring. The initial search revealed many articles across databases, requiring refinement to focus on the most relevant and recent research.

Databases used

We started our search in the CU library database, which had many scientific journals, research articles, and peer-reviewed publications. We also searched PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar for pertinent studies. We carefully sought papers on the effectiveness of comprehensive diabetes management programs on adult type 2 diabetes patients. We prioritized 12-month trials on glycemic control, patient quality of life, and diabetes complications.

Refinement decisions

During the search, we found too many articles. We made the following refinement decisions to reduce volume and focus the selection for review. We searched for articles from the past five years because current evidence is important (Lefebvre et al., 2019). This allowed us to focus on diabetes management research and advances. We also concentrated on RCTs and cohort studies because the PICOT question required high-quality data (Lefebvre et al., 2019). These study designs provide strong evidence for intervention efficacy and causality. To ensure accessibility and complete evaluation, we confined the search to English-language full-text articles (Lefebvre et al., 2019). We reduced the number of relevant and methodologically rigorous publications by applying these refinement decisions and constraints.

In conclusion, our search method sought the most relevant and reliable data to answer the PICOT issue on diabetes management patient outcomes. Our review included current, high-quality papers by utilizing proper search terms, accessing credible sources, and making thorough refining judgments.


Bellou, V., Belbasis, L., Tzoulaki, I., & Evangelou, E. (2018). Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: an exposure-wide umbrella review of meta-analyses. PloS one13(3), e0194127.

Lefebvre, C., Glanville, J., Briscoe, S., Littlewood, A., Marshall, C., Metzendorf, M. I., … & Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group. (2019). Searching for and selecting studies. Cochrane Handbook for systematic reviews of interventions, 67-107.


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