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Analyzing the Issues With Telecommuting and the Associated Remote Access Policies for Remote Workers.


As the new CIO for a company looking to offer options for working from home, I have been asked to closely examine security concerns with allowing employees access when working from home. This assessment involves the evaluation of vulnerabilities that can lead to compromised corporate data and infrastructure, identifying potential cyber threats that remote workers may be exposed to, and defining security controls and best practices for secure remote access. A critical review of the risks, given the flexibility that telecommuting offers in terms of productivity and the protection of company information, should also be made to enable leadership to come up with a suitable decision regarding the implementation of telework policies and how best they can be implemented.

Vulnerabilities of remote access

Availing remote access refers to opening several new vulnerabilities that can leave corporate assets open to compromise. The attack surface significantly increases when given access to the corporate network from several employee personal devices outside an office (Gillis, 2019). This means it opens more doors to attackers such as malware, or they can use unpatched software vulnerabilities. Another significant threat is data loss with sensitive information over unsecured Wireless information networks of Home services or public WiFi. Suppose organizations do not provide adequate encryption and access controls to their remote staff who work from unprotected networks. In that case, there is a high risk that communications may be illegally intercepted and, in turn, confidential customer information, intellectual property, or other classified business data may get leaked (Gillis, 2019). Based on the latter, the telecommuting workforce has to be controlled by technical measures and remote access policies to ensure the security of corporate assets and minimize attack vectors.

Potential threats

Remote employees may encounter many potential cyber threats, which can result in data or system compromise. One significant danger is malware intrusions via phishing attacks and drive-by downloads that are more successful outside the corporate firewall than within it. Remote workers can be tricked into installing malware; this is a way through which attackers gain entry points into the network(Borky & Bradley, 2018). Another danger is the fact that a lot of sensitive communications are normally intercepted over unsecured WiFi networks. An on-site attacker can use man-in-the-middle techniques such as IP spoofing to listen in to the communications between remote workers’ devices and corporate resources(Borky & Bradley, 2018). Other threats are also possible, including loss or theft of devices to which somebody could give direct access to company data. As a result, in considering the broader reach of the threat environment, which emanates from an enlarged population of telecommuting employees, national security agencies must put in place multilayered technical and policy controls to protect corporate assets, end users, and data.

Necessary security controls

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is one of the most important access controls to remote work vulnerabilities and threats that should be implemented on all remote access to ensure only authorized users get connected to corporate resources. Secondary authentication, such as an SMS password, is a primary requirement for MFA, in addition to the username and password credentials, which can help prevent the potential compromise of login credentials (Shacklett, 2021). All remote communications with the corporate network should be encrypted through a virtual private network (VPN) to prevent interception of sensitive data such as financial reports, customer records, or proprietary source code. Through the VPN connection, remote users can access internal resources as if they were in the office, making those parts of traffic visible to anyone viewing the network. Encryption protects the confidentiality and integrity of that traffic (Borky & Bradley, 2018). For instance, ConnectSecure by ConnectVPN provides a secure tunnel to remote users after authenticating using its AES 256-bit encrypted connection and secure certificates that support identity-based access controls, allowing the users to access authorized corporate applications and resources based on their authorization level.


In conclusion, treating an employee workforce for telecommuting secure remote access entails a delicate balance between flexibility for the employees and stringent controls. Technical controls such as Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and VPN encryption address the first line of defence. Nevertheless, policies that can create appropriate behaviour of teleworkers, security awareness training of staff members, and a regular remote access audit are no less important. Telework presents certain risks, considering the huge number of vulnerabilities, threats, and required safety actions. While these may be true, the productivity gains balance them. On the other hand, a sound cost-benefit analysis guided by security best practices enables leadership to make an appropriate call on whether or not to implement telework for the company.


Borky, J. M., & Bradley, T. H. (2018). Protecting Information with Cybersecurity. Effective Model-Based Systems Engineering, 345–404. NCBI.

Gillis, A. (2019). What is an attack surface and how to protect it?

Shacklett, M. E. (2021). What is multifactor authentication (MFA) and how does it work? SearchSecurity.


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