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Medical Errors Essays

Misdiagnosis and How It Affects Short and Long-Term Patient Care

Introduction Medical diagnosis in patient care is a critical health concern due to the significant harm it causes to healthcare. However, the increasing cases of misdiagnosis in the United States have gained global popularity and concern due to the declining rates of quality patient care. Medical misdiagnosis occurs due to failure, delayed and incorrect identification ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 833

Medication Administration Reflection

Studies conducted in 2019 show that about 700,000 emergency department visits and 100,000 hospitalizations are due to adverse drug events (MacDowell et al., 2021). Sadly, the statistics state that about 5% of hospitalized patients end up experiencing ADE due to medical errors (MacDowell et al., 2021). These statistics have been phenomenal to how I have ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 602
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Improving Healthcare Safety

Safety in healthcare is an important issue needing sustained concentration and refining. Research estimates that 1 in 10 healthcare users have suffered from some form of harm, resulting in more than 3 million casualties each year (WHO, 2023). In poor to middle-income countries, the fatalities due to inadequate care rise to 4 out of every ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1445

Proposal (Medical Errors)

Healthcare Barrier/Issue: Medical Errors The problem of medical mistakes is a significant barrier to the efficient provision of high-quality healthcare. These mistakes have serious negative effects ranging from jeopardizing patient care and driving up healthcare costs to legal repercussions (Rodziewicz et al., 2023). Inadequacies in sharing critical medical information, communication breakdowns between healthcare professionals, and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1713

Ethical Considerations in Healthcare Professionals

Ethical Considerations in Healthcare Professional’s Disclosure of Medical Errors Introduction Making ethical decisions is crucial in the healthcare industry. Healthcare practitioners frequently encounter moral conundrums that necessitate critical thought and decision-making to protect patient safety and welfare. The disclosure of medical errors is one crucial issue that needs ethical attention. Healthcare professionals face complex ethical ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2519

Improve the Accuracy of Patient Identification

“Improve the Accuracy of Patient Identification” is one of the 2021 National Patient Safety Goals (Joint Commission, 2021). This objective highlights how crucial it is to identify patients accurately to protect their safety and avoid mistakes in medical facilities. Achieving this aim at my workplace brings both possibilities and problems. Enhancing patient safety is one ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 621

Inefficient Nursing Documentation by Registered Nurses in a Medical Ward of an Acute Hospital Results in Medical Error

The documentation of nursing care is an essential component of healthcare delivery, as it forms the basis for communication, decision-making, and continuity of care. However, inefficient nursing documentation by registered nurses in a medical ward of an acute hospital can result in medical errors, leading to adverse patient outcomes, prolonged hospital stays, and increased healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7702

Managing Medication Errors

Today’s healthcare system has a serious problem with medication administration safety. Since drug administration mistakes can significantly affect patients’ health and well-being, healthcare organizations must take all necessary precautions to guarantee that medications are given to patients safely and precisely (Page & McKinney, 2020). This root cause analysis and improvement plan will look into a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1437

Use of Technology in Medical Operations

Medical errors are increasingly becoming a serious concern among medical practitioners and the public. These errors occur in almost any healthcare setting, including nursing homes, hospitals, surgery centers, and pharmacies. The most common medical mistakes include delayed diagnosis, delays in treatment, failure to take proper precautions, technical errors, and medication errors. Medical errors are inevitable ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2134

Medication Administration Errors and Strategies To Reduce Nursing Errors

Introduction Medication administration is a crucial element of every healthcare provider’s work. However, it can be challenging to achieve perfection. Errors are more common now than ever since many nurses work double shifts. Errors in the administration of pharmaceuticals are a kind of medication-related mistake. There are three main types of these mistakes: those made ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3805

Laboratory Staff Member’s Safety and Health Procedures

In a laboratory setting, achieving safety is complex, defined as freedom from danger, harm, or injury. Water analysis and research facilities that handle hazardous samples, materials, and equipment must minimize inherent hazards to protect people, buildings, and equipment. To maintain a safe workplace, each manager, supervisor, analyst, and member of the laboratory support staff has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1494

Safety Risk Assessment: Medication Errors

Introduction Medical errors are among the most common causes of iatrogenic negative outcomes in the healthcare sector (Ahmed et al., 2019). Medical errors occur when a medical officer incorrectly diagnoses or treats a disease, syndrome, behavior, injury, infection, or some ailments. Ahmed et al. (2019) further add that medical errors occur due to failure to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225

Inter-Professional Collaboration

Introduction Inter-professional working, especially in engineering and healthcare, is critical. Working together enables professionals from the same area but different branches to share information. Furthermore, it increases the awareness of the team members of each other’s skills and knowledge which then leads to continued advancement in decision-making (O’Daniel & Rosentstein, 2008). Inter-professional in healthcare is ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2595

Medication Administration Safety Risk

When specific work environment factors are present, medication delivery errors and other safety hazards are more likely. The critical source of unnecessary patient damage in the healthcare system around the globe has been the hazardous pharmaceutical practice. The majority of which takes place during the administration of medicine. Preventing and preventing medicine delivery problems depends ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1192

Consequences of Medical Errors

Introduction Health care in most states and countries is not safe, but it can be following the results and reports given under IOM 1999 in a year approximately 44,000 people to 98,000 people die in hospital. Medical error is the failure to take deliberate action to complete an intended purpose or use a wrong plan ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 796
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