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Making Agendas Actionable- Reducing Saturated Fats in Tortillas

BOAD Representation

Benefit Outcome Action Deliverables
Reducing Saturated Fats in Tortillas 1. Reducing the Risk of Heart Attacks 1.1 Implement healthier cooking methods in tortilla production and minimize saturated fat consumption by 55%. 1.1.1 Research and adopt cooking methods with lower saturated fat content.
2. Weight Loss 1.2. Promote tortillas as a healthier option for weight-conscious consumers in the next six months. 1.2.1. Develop a marketing campaign highlighting the lower saturated fat content and weight-loss benefits of consuming these tortillas.
2.1. Train tortilla manufacturers in new cooking methods. 2.1.1. Monitor and regulate tortilla production to ensure compliance with healthier cooking methods.
2.2. Collaborate with nutritionists and fitness influencers to endorse and recommend these tortillas for weight management. 2.2.1. Offer promotions or discounts to encourage consumer adoption of these healthier tortillas.


The initiative to decrease saturated fats in tortillas aims to donate to the health and well-being of customers with two primary outcomes: reducing the risk of heart attacks and enabling weight loss. The wider benefits of this inventiveness include enhanced nutritional knowledge among the public. The BOAD representation outlines specific actions and deliverables to attain these outcomes.

Reducing the risk of heart attacks through the reduction of saturated fats in tortillas is attainable by implementing healthier tortilla preparation methods that significantly decrease the quantity of saturated fat utilized in tortilla production for instance adopting corn over other methods (Zelman, 2023, para. 3). Researching and embracing cooking techniques with lower saturated fat content, tortilla manufacturers can improve the nutritional content of their food product. Embracing such methods, pooled with stringent monitoring methods to guarantee compliance, contributes to consumers’ lower general intake of saturated fats. Scientific evidence constantly associates minimized saturated fat intake with a diminished risk of cardiovascular illnesses (Zhu et al., 2019, p. 1). This makes the efforts to minimize fat used in the production of tortillas an important step toward improving consumers’ heart health and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Implementing healthier cooking methods in tortilla production and minimizing the quantity of saturated fat used by 55% can be the starting point for reducing cardiovascular illnesses among tortilla consumers. However, this may not be achieved with proper control measures being put in place. Firstly, there is a need to ensure the quality and taste of tortillas after the reduction of saturated fats is vital. This can be maintained by implementing rigorous quality assurance procedures and taste testing mechanisms to sustain consumer satisfaction. Secondly, tortilla producers need to adopt new ingredient sourcing and focus on healthier ingredients, like the corn tortilla, because of their low level of carbs and saturated fats (Prevention, 2017, para. 4). If well implemented, such initiatives may result in spillover effects like influencing industry trends that force food manufacturers to embrace healthier cooking. The reduction of saturated fats in tortillas will enhance awareness among consumers on the healthy implications of the high levels of facts in their food, including the risk of cardiovascular illnesses (Wang & Hu, 2017, p. 424). The risk of the proposed initiative is that consumers may not like the new products’ taste, leading to decreased consumption of tortillas.

Another action proposed in the initiative to achieve the first outcome is conducting Research and adopting cooking methods that use lower saturated fat content. To achieve this outcome, industry players must collaborate with food scientists, research institutions, and culinary experts to develop and adopt the most effective and feasible cooking model. Similarly, the adopted model must comply with food quality and safety regulations to sustain compliance. Maintaining food safety and quality is important for ensuring that food consumed is safe and not contaminated (Deskera, 2023, para. 1). However, implementing such initiatives will help enhance innovation in the tortilla food production industry as one of the spillover effects. Researching and accepting cutting-edge cooking techniques will position the tortilla manufacturers as innovators in the food industry, possibly attracting positive attention and partnerships. Again, through research findings, the tortilla industry will be able to improve the nutritional quality of processed food products related to excess unhealthful foods/nutrients (Mitcha et al., 2017, p. 9). However, the practical implementation of researched food preparation methods, such as equipment adjustments, staff training, and possible production delays, may need to be improved. A phased approach and appropriate training programs can alleviate these challenges.

One of the deliverables will be to promote tortillas as a healthier option for weight-conscious consumers in the next six months. This can be done through different means of communicating to consumers with technology. Firstly, tortilla companies should implement consistent messaging initiatives through marketing campaigns to pass accurate messages about the health benefits of tortillas with reduced saturated fats (Cook, 2023, para. 4). Secondly, the companies should implement customer education programs that will provide consumers with tortillas with information about the link between less concentrated saturated fats, weight loss, and overall health. An effective campaign may contribute to a wider shift in consumer behavior towards selecting healthier food options, positively affecting the entire food industry. Consumers may be cynical about marketing privileges regarding weight loss benefits. Offering scientific evidence and recommendations can help build integrity.

Developing a marketing campaign highlighting the lower saturated fat content and weight-loss benefits of consuming these tortillas is essential for attaining the initiative. Guaranteeing that the marketing campaign aligns with the general brand image and values is vital. Unvarying evaluations of consumer feedback and brand awareness can guide adjustments (Cook, 2023, para. 6). The organizations in the industry should use social media to monitor consumer reactions, and handling any misrepresentation or negative comments quickly is essential for sustaining a positive brand image.

Studies have revealed that eating food with lower saturated fats contributes immensely to shading weight healthily by eating food with low calories (Kim, 2021, p. 20). Weight loss is important as it reduces the risk of contracting obesity, which is also linked to heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. Therefore, implementing an initiative to ensure tortilla production using reduced saturated fat is important for consumers’ health. Many actionable initiatives can be implemented to reduce the level of saturated fats used in the production of tortillas.

Training tortilla manufacturers in new cooking methods is crucial to reducing saturated fat use in tortillas. However, this actionable initiative may only be achieved if effective control measures are implemented. The training programs must be effective to attain the outcome. The efficiency of the training program in training manufacturers with the essential skills and knowledge should be frequently assessed. All food manufacturers need to be trained in food safety and quantity (Nicely, 2020, para. 1). Feedback from participants can guide enhancements. Guaranteeing that all producers embrace the new cooking approaches consistently is vital. Training is important not only for quality and safety assurance, but training programs can improve the general skill set of tortilla manufacturers, possibly enhancing the quality of other products in their portfolio. Tortilla manufacturers may repel or face challenges in adjusting to new cooking approaches. Unremitting support, demonstrations, and a steady transition can mitigate resistance.

Monitoring and regulating tortilla production to guarantee compliance with healthier cooking methods is another action that will play a huge role in achieving the desired outcomes. Implementing a system of unvarying audits and inspections can help identify any nonconformities from the healthier cooking approaches and take remedial action quickly. Food safety specialists tend to have wide knowledge and education in numerous topics, but the staff handling the products (Nicely, 2020, para. 1). The spillover impacts of the initiative or action include improved industry standards. Monitoring and regulating compliance can contribute to developing industry standards for healthier food production methods, setting a practice for other food sectors. Inadequate observation of the food production process may result in non-compliance going overlooked, conceding the initiative’s integrity. Adhering to the seven principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points are recognized internationally as one way of attaining compliance (Nicely, 2020, para. 7). Therefore, food production firms should invest in robust monitoring system to avoid non-compliance.

To effectively implement the actions and remain relevant in the market, tortilla manufacturers will have to collaborate with nutritionists and fitness influencers to approve and commend these tortillas for weight management. Studies have highlighted the impact of influencer legitimacy on consumer trust and emphasize the prominence of aligning influencers with the promoted product’s values (Grafström et al., 2018, p. 12). Selecting influencers with credibility and an honest alignment with health and fitness is crucial. Guaranteeing that contractual agreements with celebrity influencers comprise clauses linked to ethical promotion and precise information dissemination is essential. Successful partnerships will inspire other food producers to engage with culinary experts, nutritionists, and influencers, nurturing a culture of health promotion in the industry.

The outcome of losing weight may be achieved by offering promotions and discounts to encourage consumer embracement of these healthier tortillas (Karpyn, 2020, p. 12). The companies should ensure that promotions precisely reflect the health benefits and are not misleading the consumers and the masses. This can be achieved through regular and timely reviews of promotional materials to prevent miscommunication. Successful sales promotions, among other marketing strategies, will set a benchmark for reasonable pricing strategies, encouraging other producers to offer healthier substitutes at competitive rates.


Cook, J. (2023, August 1). SMS Campaigns: How to Engage Customers With Powerful Text Messages. On Digital Marketing.

Deskera. (2023, March 17). Best Practices for Food Manufacturing Quality Control. Deskera Blog.

Grafström, J., Jakobsson, L., & Wiede, P. (2018). The impact of influencer marketing on consumers’ attitudes.

Karpyn, A.; McCallops, K.; Wolgast, H.; Glanz, K. (2020). Improving Consumption and Purchases of Healthier Foods in Retail Environments: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health202017, 7524.

Kim, J. Y. (2021). Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. J Obes Metab Syndr. 30(1):20-31. doi: 10.7570/jomes20065. PMID: 33107442; PMCID: PMC8017325.

Nicely, L. (2020). Training in the food production industry.

Prevention. (2017, July 25). Corn vs. Flour Tortillas: Which Is Healthier? Prevention.

Wang, D. D., & Hu, F. B. (2017). Dietary fat and risk of cardiovascular disease: recent controversies and advances. Annual review of nutrition37, 423-446.

Zelman, K. M. (2023). Differences Between Corn vs. Flour Tortillas. WebMD.

Zhu, Y., Bo, Y., & Liu, Y. (2019). Dietary total fat, fatty acids intake, and risk of cardiovascular disease: a dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies. Lipids in health and disease18(1), 1-14.


Appendix A: Top Food Sources of Saturated Fats Consumed in the USA

Top Food Sources of Saturated Fats Consumed in the USA

Appendix B: Nutritional Profile of Acorn Tortilla

Nutritional Profile of Acorn Tortilla

Appendix C: Nutritional Profile of Corn and Flour Tortilla Compared

Nutritional Profile of Corn and Flour Tortilla Compared

Appendix D: A Plate of Corn Tortilla

A Plate of Corn Tortilla


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