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Sidra Medicine Hospital Risk Management Project

Scope of the project

The Sidra Medicine hospital project was a large-scale construction project that aimed to provide world-class healthcare services to the people of Qatar. The scope of the project was vast, encompassing a range of complex logistical and operational challenges (McGonigle, 2020). The project aimed to deliver a state-of-the-art medical facility that would serve the population’s healthcare needs for decades to come. Several vital factors defined the project scope. Firstly, the hospital was to be a multi-specialty facility, providing patients with a wide range of healthcare services (Ghuloum, 2020). This meant that the project would require the construction of a range of different facilities, from specialized operating theaters to intensive care units. Each facility would require unique design and construction considerations, adding to the complexity of the project. It was a vital project mainly because of its key focus on women’s and children’s health

Sidra medicine hospital

(Poirier, 2018).

Sidra medicine hospital

Secondly, the project was to be built to the highest quality and safety standards. As a healthcare facility, the hospital would be required to meet strict regulatory standards, both in terms of the construction of the building itself and the equipment and technology used within it. This meant that the project would require great attention to detail and quality control throughout the construction process. Again, the project was to be delivered on a tight schedule. With the demand for healthcare services increasing rapidly in Qatar, there was a pressing need to deliver the hospital as soon as possible. This meant the project team needed to work quickly and efficiently to ensure the hospital was completed on time. Besides, the project was to be delivered within a strict budget. According to Caulfield (2019), the facility began receiving patients in 2018. The government of Qatar had allocated a significant amount of funding for the project, but it was still essential to ensure that costs were controlled. This meant that the project team would need to find innovative ways to deliver the hospital within budget constraints.

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is integral to any large-scale construction project, and the Sidra Medicine hospital project was no exception. The project involved various stakeholders, each with their own interests and concerns. A stakeholder analysis was conducted to identify these stakeholders, assess their level of interest and power, and develop strategies to manage their expectations and needs throughout the project (Ghaly et al., 2020). The Sidra Medicine hospital project stakeholders can be broadly categorized into internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include the project team, contractors, and consultants, while external stakeholders include government agencies, patients, and the wider community.

Internal stakeholders played a critical role in the success of the project. The project team, consisting of project managers, architects, engineers, and other professionals, was responsible for overseeing the hospital’s design, construction, and delivery. Contractors and consultants were hired to provide specialized expertise and support throughout the project. The project team had high power and interest in the project, as they were directly responsible for its success. Effective communication and collaboration were essential in managing the expectations and needs of internal stakeholders (Bertuzzi and Jamaleddine, 2016.). Again, external stakeholders also played a significant role in the project. Government agencies were responsible for providing funding, permits, and approvals for the project and had a high level of power and interest in its success. Patients and their families were also important stakeholders, as they would ultimately benefit from the healthcare services provided by the hospital (Merriman, 2016). The wider community was also considered an external stakeholder, as the hospital was expected to significantly impact the local economy and community. Managing the expectations and needs of external stakeholders required effective communication and engagement strategies, as well as a willingness to listen and respond to feedback.

Investigation through the owner

As the project’s owner, the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development was critical in ensuring that the project was delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. Investigations through the owner helped identify potential risks and issues, as well as develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure the project’s success. The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development was responsible for funding the Sidra Medicine hospital project and had a significant interest in its success (Ibnouf, Dou, and Knight, 2013). The Foundation was also responsible for ensuring that the hospital met the needs of patients, healthcare providers, and the wider community. Sidra facility was significant as it mainly focused on children’s and women’s health (Poirier, 2018). Hence, the Foundation conducted various investigations throughout the project lifecycle to achieve these goals.

One of the critical investigations conducted by the Foundation was a risk assessment, which helped to identify potential risks and issues that could impact the project. The risk assessment involved identifying and ranking all potential risks based on their likelihood of occurrence and potential impact on the project. Mitigation strategies were then developed to address each identified risk, helping to ensure that the project was delivered on time and within budget. Throughout the project, the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development also conducted regular site visits to monitor progress and identify any issues or concerns (Weber, 2016). Site visits allowed the Foundation to ensure the project was delivered following the agreed-upon scope, schedule, and budget. Regular communication with the project team also allowed the Foundation to stay up-to-date on any issues or concerns that arose during the project and take appropriate action to address these issues.

Undertaking potential problems into consideration

Considering potential problems is a critical part of any large-scale construction project, and the Sidra Medicine hospital project was no exception. Given the complexity of the project and the potential risks involved, it was important for the project team to identify potential problems and develop strategies to address them. By doing so, the team was able to mitigate risks and ensure the success of the project. One of the potential problems that the project team had to consider was the potential impact of extreme weather events, such as sandstorms and high winds, on the construction schedule. Given the location of the hospital in the Middle East, extreme weather events were a significant risk and could cause delays to the construction schedule. To address this potential problem, the project team developed a contingency plan that included provisions for rescheduling work in severe weather conditions.

Another potential problem the project team had to consider was the availability of skilled labor in the local market. The Sidra Medicine hospital project required significant skilled labor, including architects, engineers, and construction workers (Qoronfleh et al., 2020). Given the competitive nature of the local market, there was a risk that the project team would need more skilled labor to complete the project on time. To address this potential problem, the project team developed a recruitment strategy that offered competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract skilled workers (Khodr & Reiche, 2014). The potential impact of geopolitical risks on the project was also a concern for the project team. Given the political instability in the region, there was a risk that changes in government policies or regulations could impact the project. To address this potential problem, the project team developed a risk management strategy that included regular communication with local authorities and other stakeholders to stay current on political changes.

Risk Identification

Risk identification is a critical part of effective risk management, and the Sidra Medicine hospital project team spent significant time and effort identifying potential risks associated with the project. By doing so, the team was able to develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure the success of the project. One of the risks identified by the project team was the potential impact of supply chain disruptions on the project. The hospital requires a significant amount of specialized equipment and materials, and any supply chain disruption could delay the construction schedule (Gazzi et al., 2020). To address this risk, the project team developed a risk management plan that included identifying alternative suppliers and developing contingency plans to ensure the project could continue even during a supply chain disruption.

Another risk identified by the project team was the potential impact of changes in building codes and regulations on the project. Given the project’s long timeline, there was a risk that regulations and codes could change during the construction period, potentially impacting the design and construction of the hospital (Gazzi et al., 2020). To address this risk, the project team developed a risk management plan that included ongoing monitoring of regulatory changes and the development of contingency plans to address any potential impacts. The potential impact of labor shortages on the project was also identified as a risk by the project team. Given the size and complexity of the project, a significant amount of skilled labor was required, and any shortage could delay the construction schedule (Yassoub et al., 2020). To address this risk, the project team developed a risk management plan that included developing a comprehensive recruitment strategy and establishing relationships with local educational institutions to ensure a steady supply of skilled labor.

Risk Analysis

In the Sidra Medicine Hospital project context, risk analysis is a critical component of the risk management process. Risk analysis involves identifying, assessing, and evaluating potential risks to the project and determining the likelihood and impact of those risks. There are two main types of risk analysis: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative Risk Analysis

Qualitative risk analysis involves assessing risks based on their relative likelihood and impact. This analysis is based on subjective judgments and uses a scale or ranking system to prioritize risks. In the case of the Sidra Medicine Hospital project, the project team could conduct a qualitative risk analysis by identifying potential risks and assessing their likelihood and impact on the project objectives. For example, risks such as delays in obtaining permits, changes in government regulations, and labor disputes could be assessed using a qualitative approach.

Quantitative Risk Analysis

Quantitative risk analysis uses mathematical techniques to estimate the probability and impact of identified risks. This analysis relies on data and is more objective than qualitative risk analysis. In the case of the Sidra Medicine Hospital project, the project team could conduct a quantitative risk analysis using tools such as Monte Carlo simulations, decision trees, and sensitivity analysis. For example, using a Monte Carlo simulation, the project team could estimate the probability and impact of risks such as cost overruns and construction delays.

Risk Register

In May 2015, the company released an information risk management document. The aim was to protect the firm from various risks related to information security. They protected the information from affecting their operational and strategic goals and objectives (Essemmar, 2019).

All staff They had to ensure the manner information gets handled aligned with the directions issued.
IT Security Department They ensured information risk management implementation structure and policy.
Monitor major risk management to ensure relevant controls are ensured.
Recognize and evaluate the critical risks faced by the firm
Risk Owner Understand the impacts and probability of an existing risk on information assets.
Control owner Apply the relevant controls to minimize the recognized risks as per the approved treatment procedure.
Update an IT Security Manager as well as risk owners with a control implementation plan NIA policy V2.0 risk management (RM) – section 2

Other significant risks are associated with the project, including risks related to the project schedule, supply chain management, safety, quality, and cost. Another critical risk identified in the risk assessment was the potential for delays due to unforeseen circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions or labor shortages. Another one is the potential for supply chain disruptions.

Mitigation Plan

The Sidra Medicine hospital project had a comprehensive mitigation plan to address the risks identified and minimize their impact on the project. One of the key risks identified was the potential for delays due to unforeseen circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions or labor shortages (Javaid et al., 2017). To mitigate this risk, the project team developed a contingency plan that included developing a buffer in the construction schedule and establishing relationships with local educational institutions to ensure a steady supply of skilled labor (Gray et al., 2019). Another key risk identified in the risk register was the potential for supply chain disruptions. To address this risk, the project team developed a mitigation plan that included identifying alternative suppliers and developing contingency plans to ensure the project could continue even during a supply chain disruption.

The mitigation plan also included strategies for managing risks related to safety and quality. For example, the project team implemented a safety program that included regular safety training for workers and supervisors, as well as regular safety inspections to identify and address potential hazards. The project team also implemented a quality control program that included regular inspections and audits to ensure that all work met the required quality standards (Ali et al., 2016). The mitigation plan was regularly reviewed and updated throughout the project lifecycle to ensure it remained relevant and practical. This included regular risk assessments to identify new risks and the development of new mitigation strategies as required.

Control and Monitor Risk

The control and monitoring of risks are critical aspects of risk management in any project. In the Sidra Medicine hospital project, the team implemented various strategies to control and monitor risks throughout the project lifecycle. One of the key strategies used to control and monitor risks is regular risk assessments (Essemmar, 2019). The project team conducted regular risk assessments to identify new risks and to determine the effectiveness of existing risk mitigation strategies. Risk assessments were conducted by a dedicated risk management team that was responsible for identifying, assessing, and monitoring risks. Another strategy used to control and monitor risks was implementing a risk reporting system. The project team established a risk reporting system that enabled risks to be reported, assessed, and tracked throughout the project lifecycle. The risk reporting system was designed to ensure that risks were reported promptly and that the project team was aware of any changes in the project’s risk profile.

The project team also implemented various control measures to manage risks effectively. For example, the team established a change management process that required all changes to be evaluated for their impact on project risks. The change management process included a risk assessment component to ensure that changes did not introduce or exacerbate new risks. To monitor risks, the project team implemented regular risk reviews and audits. These reviews and audits were conducted by the risk management team and focused on identifying any new risks that had emerged and evaluating the effectiveness of existing risk management strategies. The results of these reviews and audits were used to update the risk register and the mitigation plan as required. Again, the project team implemented a risk escalation process to ensure that risks were managed effectively at all levels of the organization. The risk escalation process included a set of procedures for identifying and reporting high-priority risks to senior management, who could then take appropriate action to manage these risks.


In the Sidra Medicine hospital project, the project team implemented various auditing strategies to ensure that risks were effectively managed throughout the project lifecycle. One of the key auditing strategies used in the project was implementing a third-party auditing process (Ali et al., 2016). The project team engaged an independent auditing firm to audit the project’s risk management practices regularly. These audits were conducted regularly throughout the project lifecycle and were designed to identify gaps or weaknesses in the project’s risk management processes. The independent auditing firm conducted a comprehensive review of the project’s risk management processes, including risk identification and assessment, risk mitigation strategies, and risk reporting and monitoring processes. The results of the audits were used to identify areas for improvement and to develop strategies to address any gaps or weaknesses in the project’s risk management practices.

Another auditing strategy used in the project was internal auditing. The project team established a dedicated internal audit team responsible for conducting regular audits of the project’s risk management processes. The internal audit team worked closely with the project team to ensure that risks were effectively managed and that any issues or concerns were addressed promptly (Okashah et al., 2022). The internal audit team conducted regular reviews of the project’s risk register and risk mitigation plan to ensure that they were up-to-date and effective. The team also reviewed the project’s risk reporting and monitoring processes to ensure that risks were reported and monitored effectively. Ultimately, the project team implemented a risk assurance process to ensure that risks were being managed effectively at all levels of the organization. The risk assurance process involved regular reviews of senior management’s risk management practices to ensure that risks were being effectively managed and that the project was on track to meet its objectives.


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