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LinkedIn Essays

Strengths and Limitations of Linked as a Social Media Tool

LinkedIn, developed in 2003, is a networking social media tool that connects prominent professionals with their respective fields of operation within varied industries, intending to enable professional communication, mentorship, and potential job opportunities (Crant, 2014). Moreover, LinkedIn is a platform businesses use to market their products and services to recruit potential employees and interact with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720

Symbian Case Study

Symbian is a renowned brand dealing with operating systems; therefore, it is normal to face stiff competition from new entrants in the market, such as Apple. The best way to react to this new threat is to develop a strategy that will match the competition while still catering to the client’s needs and the company’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650
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Job Search for Graduates

Technological advancements have infiltrated every area of human life. Hence it has made each human process easier to handle. Most of the processes have been simplified, making it easier for companies and the whole human life. One of the heavy processes that have been simplified by technology is the job search for graduate students. Before, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Job Posting Websites

Linkedin Linkedin is a job posting website and URL Linkedin is for professionals looking to further their careers by networking, finding jobs, and learning new skills. It is an international website that allows people worldwide to connect and utilize resources from each other’s experiences and hire others (LinkedIn, 2022). LinkedIn is a professional network designed ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 841

The Role of Social Media in Business

Social media is a platform that enhances sharing of thoughts, ideas and information through virtual networks and communities using computer technology. Social media users use different gadgets not limited to computers, tablets or smartphones via websites or using applications. Social media has transformed and influenced many people and businesses in the professional world (Harlow et ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1244
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