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India Essays

Staffing Recommendations for New Call Centers in India

It is essential for these organizations to identify core issues and trends that need to be addressed through human resource (HR) practices in this globalized labor market. The knowledge about global labor dynamics simplifies the process of resolving such issues as cultural conflicts, labor laws from one place to another, and talent shortages (Choong & ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1131

Reducing the Negative Consequences of Health Worker Migration in India

Introduction The Indian healthcare sector, characterized by the coexistence of different forms of ownership and various medical system distribution, is confronted with a significant problem related to health workers’ emigration (Karan et al., 2021). The Indian healthcare system applies allopathic practices and indigenous systems like Ayurveda and homeopathy to try out people’s vast heterogeneous healthcare requirements. This is, however, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1934
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Ethical Analysis: CapraTek’s Call Center Set-Up in India

Rhonda’s engagement in CapraTek’s section into India outlines this challenge within the world’s commerce arrangement. There was a complicated moral predicament Rhonda had to bargain with as she was relegated to set up an unused call center. Rhonda’s judgment was addressed, and the corporate control framework had escape clauses. Applying the Society for Human Resource ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 831

Cultural Influences on Gender Stereotypes: A Focus on India and Asian Societies

Introduction The effect of culture on societal norms, beliefs, and values is deeply significant in influencing perceptions of gender roles and stereotypes. Cultural diversity not only enhances societies but also substantially impacts the creation and continuation of gender stereotypes (Unesco, 2022). This essay aims to investigate the intricate connection between cultural variances and gender stereotypes, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1023

The Future Scope of Supply Chain Management in India

Modern business strategies must include supply chain management (SCM), which covers the complete process of organizing, sourcing, producing, shipping, and receiving returns for items. SCM is defined as the whole procurement, marketing, and operations management of raw materials into completed goods and services that are subsequently delivered to the final customer (Sharma et al., 2021). ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2962

Cultural Change About Farmer Protests in India

Abstract This research paper delves into the profound cultural shifts triggered by the farmer protests in India, primarily focusing on Punjab. It examines the complex confrontation between the government and the agricultural community, how these protests exacerbated already-existing cultural inequalities, and how new social norms emerged as a result. By utilizing ethnographic research techniques, participant ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1838

American Studies- Why Other Communities/Nations Fall and Others Rise

Introduction Over the years, there has been a surge of variety of factors resulting in the rise or decline of communities and countries. The growth or decline of a nation or society closely affiliated with its demographic. Studies and philosophers have done a deep dive into the factors impacting the success or failure of a ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4394

Arranged Marriage in India

For decades, arranged marriages have been an important part of Indian society. Parents pick their child’s mate based on caste, religion, and socioeconomic status (Chattopadhyay & Chattopadhyay, 2019). Arranged marriages in India have evolved in response to changing ideals about marriage and relationships. Traditionally, arranged marriages were employed to protect family lineage as well as ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1149

Honda HRM and People Management Challenges in India

Introduction Honda Engine Co., Ltd. is a Japanese worldwide public partnership producer of cars, cruisers, and power gear, settled in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. The organization was consolidated in 1948 with 34 representatives and 1 million yen capital. Honda began as a bicycle auxiliary motor maker in a little production line in Hamamatsu and has since ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2765

Global Risk Assessment: CSL Limited

Executive Summary CSL Limited, a global leader in the biopharmaceutical industry, is exploring expansion to India owing to its favorable market conditions and is considering entering through Greenfield investment. The economy in India is highly attractive, as it demonstrates significant economic growth despite facing macroeconomic issues. Technological infrastructure advances rapidly while legal concerns are reduced ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2850

Global Marketing Plan – Сemex, India

Executive summary The report develops the global marketing plan for Cemex’s entry into the Indian construction industry. Cemex deals with selling cement into the global market, with operations in 28 countries. The analysis of the external micro and macro environment indicates that there are favorable factors that attract Cemex into the Indian market. These include; ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3097

Marketing Plan for Bioko Treats in India

Executive Summary: The techniques Bioko Treats can employ to grow its business in the Indian market are laid out in this marketing plan. Ghana-based Bioko Treats crafts handmade chocolate from ingredients obtained locally. Bioko Treats has the chance to enhance its clientele and boost sales as the Indian chocolate market is expanding quickly. To succeed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1508

History of a Woman in Sports India

This essay is written based on an interview with a woman named Sunny from India and her experiences in sport participation. To the interview paper, growing up in India as a woman, the chances of participating in sports and becoming national champions are low compared to being a man (Khondker et al., 2018). Being a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1265

Argumentative Essay: SYL Canal

SYL is also called the Sutlej Yamuna Link Canal. It is a canal that is under construction in India. This canal is about 214 kilometers (Ghuman, 2017). It was constructed to connect the Yamuna and Sutlej rivers. Once the canal will be completed, it is expected to divert the excess water from river Satluj to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1472
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