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Global Workforce Shortages in Logistics

The global logistics industry is confronting a substantial deficiency in its workforce, as brought to attention by a recent investigation carried out by Descartes Systems Group. With 76% of examined leaders in supply chain and logistics acknowledging considerable scarcities, the consequences are particularly severe in the domains of transportation operations (61%) and warehouse operations (56%) (Westco, 2024). Post-pandemic conditions may ease workforce challenges, but the investigation shows a continuing fight for labour, knowledge workers, and leaders needed for successful logistical operations. This scarcity not only impacts financial and partner performance but also puts a strain on customer service levels (58%). Interestingly, 55% of leaders find knowledge workers to be the most challenging to recruit, thus highlighting the increasing significance of technology-enabled and data-driven expertise in contemporary supply chains (Westco, 2024). Effective leadership and management are needed to handle a global logistics worker shortfall, according to supply chain industry studies on issues, tactics, and technologies.

Article 1

Research focusing on several supply chain associations in various emerging economies stresses the critical impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which changed global supply chains severely and brought far-reaching challenges for manufacturing firms. Raj et al. (2022) explain that this scarcity highlights the critical need for strong leadership and management solutions, which are especially felt in rising economies. To address this labour shortage, leaders need to take a holistic approach that includes strategic hiring, large investments in training and development initiatives, and technology integration to improve supply chain and logistics operations (Raj et al., 2022). The study highlights how linked problems are and that tackling labour scarcity is only one aspect of a larger plan that also takes into account problems like supply inconsistency and material scarcity (SSM) (PIS). In this situation, effective leadership requires a combination of flexibility and hardiness to maintain smooth operations in the face of labour scarcity.

However, the effective management of workforce shortage challenges also includes recognizing knowledge workers as a source of in-depth expertise and potentially innovative ideas. The results show that knowledge-based workers are difficult to recruit, bringing out the changing Supply Nature towards ‘technology-based’ and data–driven processes (Raj et al., 2022). To make the logistics operations run smoothly, leaders need to develop strategies to spend time and focus on having skilled personnel that can handle the well intricate modern world of logistics. This includes the training of these employees in various programs and creating a culture that values lifelong learning. Technology can streamline operations and help management improve worker capabilities since the poll suggests a paradigm shift in hiring and retention techniques.

Article 2

Additionally, the successful implementation of leadership and management measures is critical to subdue challenges and enable supply chain activity operations to perform at their best in a global scenario where there is a looming deficit of the labour force in logistics. While Yildiz and Ahi’s (2020) study focuses on performance management in the building supply chain, its results can also be used to deal with the larger problem of a lack of workers in logistics. As shown by the proposed hybrid model combining the Analytic Network Process (ANP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) methods, leaders make strategic decisions by figuring out which key performance metrics are most important and ranking them (Yildiz & Ahi, 2020). Leading companies in the logistics industry can standardize how they look at, track, and improve workforce-related issues by making these performance measures match the most recent version of the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model.

Managing the global shortage of workers requires leaders to be strategic and use new decision-support models. The combination of the ANP, TOPSIS, and DEMATEL methods provides a thorough decision-making strategy that goes beyond standard models. As a result of a lack of workers, the study suggests that leaders should focus on measures like Cash Cycle Time, Return on Working Capital, and Perfect Order Fulfillment (Yildiz & Ahi, 2020). Using these metrics to track success and make decisions in logistics operations is essential. Clear and risk-free decision-making is important for good leaders, and the suggested hybrid model gives managers a structured way to deal with the problems caused by the lack of workers. These innovative decision support models can assist executives in making better judgments and making their workforce management methods more adaptable and resilient to meet today’s logistical environment.

Article 3

Furthermore, with a global need for logistics workers, leaders and managers need to be able to make the most of game-changing technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT). Regarding Sallam et al.’s (2023) survey work, IoT applications are very important in changing how supply chain management is done. Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into logistics processes is crucial for leaders to understand, especially when it comes to dealing with labour shortages. Through sensor-filled devices and real-time data streams, IoT gives leaders better visibility and control, which helps them increase productivity, make better use of their employees, and streamline processes. Good leadership means embracing these technological advances, knowing how they will change the way people work together, and using IoT solutions carefully to lessen the effects of labour shortages.

The paper stresses that in light of the global shortage of workers, management efforts should also include change management and workforce growth. Using the Internet of Things (IoT) in the supply chain needs a change in culture and the learning of new skills by workers. Leaders must take the initiative to manage change to encourage a mindset of using technology and lifelong learning. Furthermore, programs for developing the workforce are important to give workers the skills they need to use and benefit from IoT technologies nicely. Leadership can close the knowledge gap and make sure that employees are not only able to adapt to changes in technology but also actively add to the optimization and innovation that IoT makes possible by spending money on training and development.

Article 4

Lastly, effective management and leadership are essential to overcoming the difficult obstacles presented by projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), especially in light of the worldwide lack of workers in the logistics sector. Logistics networks along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) confront challenges that impede their ability to operate efficiently. As such, leaders need to take proactive measures to overcome these impediments, as explained by Nitsche (2020). This entails adopting a proactive approach to comprehending the unique labour issues inside the vast logistics networks connected to the Belt and Road Initiative. To solve labour shortages, leaders must emphasize cooperation and flexibility while ensuring that their teams are in line with the initiative’s objectives. To be effective, leadership must also be forward-thinking, especially in light of the uncertainty surrounding the BRI’s development. To ensure that workers are flexible and adaptable to changes in the logistics environment, leaders must plan for the initiative’s possible effects on labour dynamics.

To deal with the lack of workers around the world, managers should look at and combine the problems that exist in logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) along the BRI paths. Furthermore, Nitsche’s research shows that to get information from LSCM pros; leaders can use a structured method like the Nominal Group Technique exercise. After finding barriers, management teams must come up with complete plans to overcome them, taking into account both how successful they are and how hard they are to solve. Additionally, management should also look at and get ready for possible BRI growth scenarios. This includes keeping an eye on how logistics networks are working right now, as well as getting prepared for potential changes, encouraging new ideas, and taking advantage of any chances that come up.


Transportation and warehousing operations are impacted by the severe labour shortage that the global logistics sector suffers. The ongoing shortage of labour and knowledge workers presents problems for both financial performance and customer service, even with possible post-pandemic improvements. According to studies on COVID-19’s effects, new decision support models, and IoT integration, good leadership is very important. Addressing labour shortages in developing economies, putting performance management models into place, and dealing with problems in projects like the Belt and Road Project all require proactive leadership. A comprehensive and forward-looking approach helps leaders handle change carefully, support the growth of their employees, and use technology to provide resilience in the face of ongoing problems.


Nitsche, B. (2020). Decrypting the Belt and Road Initiative: Barriers and Development Paths for Global Logistics Networks. Sustainability12(21), 9110.

Raj, A., Mukherjee, A. A., Jabbour, A. B. L. de S., & Srivastava, S. K. (2022). Supply Chain Management during and post-COVID-19 pandemic: Mitigation Strategies and Practical Lessons Learned. Journal of Business Research142(1), 1125–1129. NCBI.

Sallam, K., Mohamed, M., & Mohamed, A. W. (2023). Internet of Things (IoT) in Supply Chain Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices. Sustainable Machine Intelligence Journal2.

Westco. (2024). Western Cooperative Company – Stock Quotes.

Yildiz, K., & Ahi, M. T. (2020). Innovative decision support model for construction supply chain performance management. Production Planning & Control, 1–3.


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