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Supply Chain Essays

Mitigating Global Supply Chain Risks in the Automotive Industry

Introduction The automotive industry has been facing more and more supply chain disruptions at the global level in recent decades. As automakers have implemented just-in-time manufacturing principles and sourced components from every end of the earth to lower costs, their intricate supply chain network is vulnerable to risks such as natural disasters and geopolitical conflicts. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1927

Impact of COVID-19 on the Rising Global Economy

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (World Health Organization, 2020). It was identified late in December 2019. Coronavirus resulted in symptoms like the common cold, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath, causing many deaths, especially those in the older age brackets. It resulted in the closure of churches, schools, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3208
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Global Workforce Shortages in Logistics

The global logistics industry is confronting a substantial deficiency in its workforce, as brought to attention by a recent investigation carried out by Descartes Systems Group. With 76% of examined leaders in supply chain and logistics acknowledging considerable scarcities, the consequences are particularly severe in the domains of transportation operations (61%) and warehouse operations (56%) ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1568

Cyber Security Architecture

Monitoring, Vulnerability, and Patch Management Cybersecurity has always been more important than in the rapidly changing world of modern technological society for such giants as Apple Corporation on a global scale. As an innovator and a leader, Apple meets new cyber threats constantly, which emerge as soon as the device’s technology evolves. First, computer security ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1603

Competing Through the Supply Chain – a Case Study of Walmart Inc

List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Meaning Definition AI Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence alludes to the intelligence of software or machines. INC Incorporated It alludes to an incorporated company that is recognised as a legal entity different from its members. 1. Introduction Initially, companies tried different strategies aimed at reorganising and restructuring their supply operations in order to ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4793

Nature of the Relationship Between Carole and Perdue Using Resource Dependence Theory

Way(s) that Carole is dependent on Perdue The significance of resources Carole relies on Perdue for necessary supplies is consistent with the Resource Need Paradigm’s first assumption, highlighting how vital external resources are to an organization’s survival. Carole’s chicken farming business depends on Perdue for its essential needs of chicks, feed, and market access, highlighting the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 760

Enhancing Quality in Export/Import Operations: Objectives, Precedents, and Contribution

Abstract/Summary In the complex and vast world of global trade, the success of export/import operations is inextricably linked to the basic principle of quality. This in-depth examination begins a full investigation of the many facets that quality incorporates within the context of export/import transactions. This research attempts to unravel the complicated fabric that characterizes success ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1514

“Case Study: Zaras Secret to Retail Success in Its Supply Chain”

Introduction Inditex is one of the world’s top clothing retailers, with eight brands, including Zara, Pull & Bear, and Massimo Dutti. Zara, which Inditex owns, has revolutionised clothing design, production, and distribution with its “fast fashion” business model. According to Saragih et al. (2020), effective supply chain management and integration impact operational capabilities and performance. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2264

Consider What the Supply Chain Might Look Like in the Future

In recent times, the supply chain management landscape has undergone remarkable shifts, driven by technological progress and an escalating focus on ecological sustainability. Pioneers like Ferguson and Souza (2010) underscore the significance of closed-loop supply chains, a strategy that bolsters sustainable business operations. Jena and Sarmah (2016) further dissect the forthcoming dimensions of procurement management ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 775

The Impact of E-Commerce on Small Businesses

Introduction To comprehensively understand the impact of e-commerce on small businesses, it is crucial to conduct a multiple case studies analysis using a qualitative research design. The approach raises awareness for small businesses on the opportunities and challenges of the technology and its significance in the modern market context, such as increasing profits in the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2644

Lean for Logistics and Supply Chain, or Not?

Introduction Thе continuous pursuit of efficiency аn oрtimization hаs led tо thе emergenсe of Lеan principles in various industries. In thе realm of “lоgistics аn suррly сhain managеmеnt,” Lеan hаs gained рrominence as a methodology tо strеamlinе processes, eliminate waste, аn enhance оverall operаtionаl perfоrmance. Тhis paper delves intо thе backgrоund аn histоry of Lеan, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

Reverse Logistics as a Competitive Advantage

Introduction Given the fierce competition from rapid technological advances and globalization, companies have sought to enhance logistics and supply chain efficiency in recent years. Banihashemi et al. (2019) inform that the increasing concern about adopting green strategies as a sustainable environmental solution and green legislation, in addition to the volume and vast manufactured products by ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1465

Global Business Environment

1. Introduction This paper emphasises the dramatic changes in international trade over the last several years due to fluctuations in the supply chain, consumer preferences, and other factors. As a result, businesses of all sizes, even multinational conglomerates like CRH, have had to learn to adapt quickly to shifting market circumstances and client preferences (Miguel, 2022). ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4216

How Artificial Intelligence Has Transformed Transportation in Supply Chain

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely adopted over the past several years, and this has resulted in a sea change in the supply chain industry. The transportation sector is one area where AI has had a significant impact. Supply chain managers have been able to optimize transportation networks, lower costs, and increase delivery times ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2302

Supply Chain Management for Daze Home Furnishings

1.0 Introduction DAZE Home Furnishings is a furniture company that specializes in high-quality and timeless furniture pieces. The company is committed to providing customers with the best possible customer service and quality furniture. To achieve this, DAZE Home Furnishings has developed a strong supply chain management system that enables them to compete in the market ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2211
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