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Logistics Essays

Global Workforce Shortages in Logistics

The global logistics industry is confronting a substantial deficiency in its workforce, as brought to attention by a recent investigation carried out by Descartes Systems Group. With 76% of examined leaders in supply chain and logistics acknowledging considerable scarcities, the consequences are particularly severe in the domains of transportation operations (61%) and warehouse operations (56%) ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1568

Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Industry

The logistics and supply chain industry plays crucial role in ensuring the efficient movement of goods and services from suppliers to customers. Supply chain management emerged as a strategic posture for contemporary firms. Supply process began with slow and often error-prone affair. The process of getting merchandise company warehouses to customers was longer days. Orders ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2032
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The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Transportation and Logistics Management

Abstract This study examines the impact of developing technology on logistics and transportation management, taking into consideration both their advantages and disadvantages. In addition to addressing the potential implications of developing technology, the introduction emphasizes the importance of logistics and transportation management in enhancing supply chains, customer satisfaction, and corporate performance. Using examples from real-world ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8309

Research on Possible Problems Affecting Direct Relief and Solutions to Tem

Introduction Direct Relief is a renowned nonprofit humanitarian organisation dedicated to improving the health and lives of people affected by natural calamities like poverty, emergencies and natural disasters worldwide. It was founded in 1948; Direct Relief has provided essential medical resources and assistance to needy communities. This is in reflection of its longstanding commitment to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1762

Lean for Logistics and Supply Chain, or Not?

Introduction Thе continuous pursuit of efficiency аn oрtimization hаs led tо thе emergenсe of Lеan principles in various industries. In thе realm of “lоgistics аn suррly сhain managеmеnt,” Lеan hаs gained рrominence as a methodology tо strеamlinе processes, eliminate waste, аn enhance оverall operаtionаl perfоrmance. Тhis paper delves intо thе backgrоund аn histоry of Lеan, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

Feasibility Study for AirAustralsia

The viability of establishing the inexpensive carrier AirAustralsia to serve the Australasian sector is critically examined in this paper. The research examines the logistics and supply chain components needed to assist the company’s endeavor. Various professional managerial techniques and approaches, such as the Balanced Scorecard, Benchmarking, and PEST evaluation, will be utilized in the assessment. ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3623

An Analysis of the Supply Chain Network of Walmart Companies

As an American-based and multinational retail corporation, Walmart has been known for its efficient supply chain management system that integrates well with appropriate methods and theories. It stated that Walmart’s supply chain strategy utilizes models like a financial model, network model, material logistics management model, and bottlenecks model to focus on direct long-term relationships with ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3014

Logistics and Supply Chain Planning and Control

Introduction The Hewlett-Packard Company, commonly shortened to Hewlett-Packard (HP), is a leading information technology in California. The brand’s wide selection of products targets a large and varied audience. Essentially HP is an IT company that produces software and computer services and is an essential brand of computers and computer-related items. Additionally, this aids in weathering ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2326

Reverse Logistics as a Competitive Advantage

Introduction Given the fierce competition from rapid technological advances and globalization, companies have sought to enhance logistics and supply chain efficiency in recent years. Banihashemi et al. (2019) inform that the increasing concern about adopting green strategies as a sustainable environmental solution and green legislation, in addition to the volume and vast manufactured products by ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1465

Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCML)

Introduction Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCML) is a multifaceted and interdependent system that oversees the transportation and distribution of goods and services from the producer to the ultimate consumer. Supply chain management involves coordinating and controlling the flow of goods, information, and financial resources from the initial stages of production to the ultimate delivery ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 606

Summary of 4 Examples of Flexibility

Introduction Flexibility in the supply chain has become an essential factor for organizations to achieve their strategic goals. Supply chain flexibility allows an organization to manage disruptions, improve responsiveness, and increase customer satisfaction. In this paper, we will discuss four examples of supply chain flexibility, including inventory, production, distribution, and supplier flexibility. Inventory Flexibility Inventory ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics and supply chain management are two closely connected models vital for businesses to efficiently and successfully manage the flow of goods and services from suppliers to consumers. Logistics denotes the management of the physical flow of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption, which may also encompass transportation, storage, inventory ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Analyzing Global Supply Chain and Logistics Operations: The Case of DHL

Introduction As globalization takes root in the world business arena, there has been a dire need for the movement of products across borders. DHL is a global company that provides logistic solutions to clients worldwide. Presently, the company has divisions in more than 200 companies across the globe. The company also takes pride in always ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

Leveraging Big Data and Analytics for Improved Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A Case Study

Background Logistics and supply chain management are crucial components of modern business operations. In a fiercely competitive, globally integrated economy, good supply chain management can differentiate between success and failure for many businesses (Fosso Wamba et al., 2018). Supply chain management is the coordination of all operations involved in producing and delivering goods and services, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2864

Logistics for Customized Shoes

Since its launch in 2014, the Australian shoe company Sole Authority has gained the loyalty of its patrons. Senior management has just begun looking at the prospect of offering personalized shoes. According to preliminary market research, a subset of their present and potential clients may want personalized shoes and be willing to pay more for ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1642
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