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Factors Contributing to Organizations’ Successful Digital Transformation

Problem Statement

In the current business environment, “digital transformation” is widely used to describe how digital technology is incorporated into every area of an organization’s activities (Schneider & Kokshagina, 2022). While adopting a digital transformation strategy can benefit businesses in various ways, including increased productivity, reduced costs, and better customer experiences, many businesses need help to successfully implement these initiatives (Schneider & Kokshagina, 2022). It is, therefore, essential to understand the elements contributing to the success of digital transformation projects. Failing to implement digital transformation initiatives successfully can result in considerable expenses and lost opportunities for businesses (Florek-Paszkowska et al., 2021). In contrast to (Florek-Paszkowska et al., 2021) finding that 70% of digital transformation programs fall short of their objectives, (Osmundsen et al., 2021)discovered that just 13% of businesses succeed in their digital transformation goals. (Osmundsen, et al., 2021)Suggests that these figures highlight how challenging it is to implement digital transformation efforts across the board successfully and the necessity of identifying the success determinants.

Another illustration of the challenges of digital transformation is the potential for digital technology to significantly improve patient outcomes and lower costs in the healthcare sector (Holotiuk & Beimborn, 2020). According to (Alauddin et al., 2021), adopting digital technology within the healthcare sector needs to be more active and usually successful (Alauddin et al., 2021). A survey by the American Hospital Association found that healthcare institutions needed help implementing digital technology, citing challenges such as a lack of leadership, insufficient funding, and opposition to change (Alauddin et al., 2021). This underlines the significance of pinpointing the elements that lead to effective digital transformation in healthcare and other sectors (Alauddin et al., 2021).

Purpose Statement

A case study research design will be applied to this study. The research aims to understand the elements that support healthcare organizations’ effect on digital transformation. Healthcare organizations have recently prioritized digital transformation to sustain their competitiveness in the digital era (Massaro, 2021). Despite substantial technological expenditures, many firms need help effectively implementing digital transformation efforts (Massaro, 2021). A case study approach will be used to explore people’s experiences and understanding of their views on the digital transition (Krasuska et al., 2021). The mentioned research design will assist in understanding the elements that lead to effective digital transformation from the viewpoint of persons who have gone through the process (Krasuska et al., 2021).

The results of this research might have a significant impact on businesses undertaking digital transformation projects. The research will demonstrate how firms can successfully plan and carry out digital transformation efforts by identifying the key aspects that lead to successful digital transformation. Consequently, there may be an improvement in customer satisfaction, corporate performance, and competitive advantage. By offering a thorough understanding of the elements that contribute to effective digital transformation inside businesses, this study seeks to add to the body of knowledge already available on the topic (Holotiuk & Beimborn, 2020).

Research Questions

The qualitative research plan entitled “Factors Contributing to Successful Digital Transformation in Organizations” includes the two research questions listed below.

  1. How do healthcare organizations/industries define and approach digital transformation?
  2. What are their goals concerning implementing digital transformation initiatives in the healthcare industry?
  3. What are the most crucial success factors for implementing digital transformation initiatives in organizations?
  4. Methodology and Design

Case study design, as mentioned above, will be applied in this study. It is mainly used to deeply examine a specific event or phenomenon, frequently in a particular setting (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Data is typically collected through interviews, observations, and other methods and analyzed through pattern matching and explanation building (Creswell & Poth, 2018). The study will investigate the experiences of organizations implementing digital transformation initiatives. Case study design, in most cases, concentrates on the study of an individual’s subjective experiences and the meanings they ascribe to those experiences (Zhu et al., 2014). It involves bracketing or setting aside preconceived notions or assumptions about the studied case study to completely comprehend the participants’ experiences.

This study will conduct semi-structured interviews with participants who have participated in digital transformation initiatives (Zhu et al., 2014). The semi-structured interviews will elicit rich and detailed descriptions of the participants’ experiences, including their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions regarding the digital transformation process. The interviews will be directive, allowing participants to freely express their experiences and perspectives without the influence of the interviewer’s biases or presumptions (DeJonckheere & Vaughn, 2019). It is important to note that phenomenology also entails applying data reduction techniques to recognize patterns and themes that emerge from the data. In this study, the data reduction procedure will entail identifying significant participant statements and clustering them according to their meanings. These clusters will then be analyzed to determine the data’s most prominent themes and patterns (DeJonckheere & Vaughn, 2019).

For several reasons, this case design makes sense in relation to the research topic. First, digital transformation is an intricate and organizational process, making case studies a natural fit to investigate people’s firsthand experiences and gain insight into their viewpoints. According to (Crowe et al., 2011) case study is an adaptable research strategy that permits alterations to the study considering new information. This adaptability is crucial for investigating dynamic and complicated processes like the digital transition (Crowe et al., 2011). Furthermore (Crowe et al., 2011) say that case study design provides an in-depth and all-encompassing comprehension of the topic under investigation. This research may light the underlying aspects that lead to effective digital transformation by investigating the subjective experiences and viewpoints of persons who have completed digital transformation projects (Alauddin et al., 2021). In addition, the research can collect rich and thorough data that represent the participants’ lived experiences and opinions via the use of a non-directive technique of interviewing (Crowe et al., 2011). Finally, this research design is suitable for investigating what makes for a successful digital transition regarding business matters (Crowe et al., 2011). By focusing on the internal experiences and views of people who have gone through digital transformation projects, the design facilitates a rich and comprehensive comprehension of the topic under investigation (Crowe et al., 2011). It is well-suited to examine complex and dynamic processes like bullying and even discrimination due to the adaptability of the design, which enables researchers to modify the study as new insights arise (Massaro, 2021).

Sampling and Population

Sampling and participant selection play crucial roles in qualitative research studies. This section describes how research participants will be selected and how samples will be drawn for the proposed study of the factors that contribute to successful digital transformation.


Most of the projects healthcare organizations that have undertaken digital transformation projects will make up the population of this research (Burton-Jones et al., 2020). Healthcare organizations that have significantly altered their business models, procedures, or technology as part of their digital transformation projects are included in the population of interest (Burton-Jones et al., 2020).

Sampling Method

The study’s participants will be chosen using a purposeful sampling method. Using the non-probability selection strategy known as “purposeful sampling,” researchers might choose participants based on their background knowledge, professional experience, or other distinctive qualities connected to the topic (Cameron & Green, 2015). Participants in this research will be chosen based on their knowledge of and experience with organizational digital transformation projects (Gummesson, 2006). The moment of data saturation will define the sample size. The moment when more data is added without producing new themes or insights is known as data saturation (Gummesson, 2006). Reviewing the information gathered from the interviews and document analysis can help pinpoint the point of saturation (Gummesson, 2006).

Participant Selection

The following conditions will be used while selecting study participants:

  1. have launched an initiative to alter their business digitally
  2. have experience bringing digital transformation initiatives into action
  3. comprehend how the organization’s digital transformation efforts have played out

People will be recruited to participate in the study using several channels, such as trade shows, online professional networks, and word of mouth. Participants will be contacted through phone or electronic mail and asked to participate in the research. In the email or phone call, one gets an offer to participate in a semi-structured interview and a brief explanation of the study.

Participant Characteristics

Participants in this research will likely be CEOs, managers, or other important stakeholders in firms that are undergoing digital transformation. The gathering’s attendees will represent various professions and company sizes. A thorough knowledge of the aspects that contribute to effective digital transformation will need input from a wide range of individuals, each likely to bring their unique viewpoint and set of experiences to the table (Gummesson, 2006).

Data Collection

Semi-structured interviews and document analysis will be used for data collection. In-depth information about people’s experiences and viewpoints on a topic may be provided via semi-structured interviews (Holotiuk & Beimborn, 2020). Organizations implementing digital transformation projects will be interviewed for this research using semi-structured questions. Depending on the preferences and availability of the participants, the interviews will be held in person, over the phone, or by video conferencing (Burton-Jones et al., 2020). The firms will also analyze documents to gather information on their digital transformation efforts. Implementation paperwork, strategy papers, yearly reports, and other publications highlighting the digital transformation process fall into this category. By using several sources of information, we better understand the aspects that contribute to a company’s successful digital transition (Gummesson, 2006).

Ethical Considerations

Informed permission, secrecy, and participant autonomy and privacy shall all be upheld to guarantee the ethical protection of human beings. All participants will provide their informed permission before any interviews are conducted, and they will be allowed to leave the research at any time. By utilizing fictitious names in the final report, we can ensure that our participants’ privacy is protected and that our data is safe from prying eyes. (Fink, 2019)

In conclusion, this study’s sample and participant selection technique uses purposive sampling to

pick participants based on their expertise and experience with digital transformation projects inside their respective firms. Participants are likely to include managers, executives, and other important players in the digital transformation process inside their respective firms. The sample size is defined by the point at which data is saturated. It is important to note that the study will employ semi-structured interviews and document analysis while abiding by ethical standards. This will help gather in-depth information on people’s experiences and perspectives on digital transformation (Fink, 2019).

The study will use purposeful sampling to find individuals with specialized knowledge of digital transformation initiatives. It usually involves learning from others that have already undergone it. Purposeful sampling is significant in researching the elements that lead to effective digital transformation. Looking at it from this perspective, we can draw more reliable conclusions if data from interviews, document analysis, and both sources are combined. Overall, the sample and participant selection process will be done with much care, and it will offer insightful information about the elements that support an efficient digital transformation of firms (Fink, 2019).

Data Collection

Under this section, we detail the procedures that will be utilized to gather information for this investigation on the causes of effective digital transformation in businesses.

Semi-Structured Interviews

Data for this research will be gathered via semi-structured interviews. In-depth information about people’s experiences and viewpoints on a topic may be gathered via semi-structured interviews. Organizations implementing digital transformation projects will be interviewed for this research using semi-structured questions (Fink, 2019). Depending on the preferences and availability of the participants, the interviews will be held in person, over the phone, or by video conferencing. Participants will be able to speak freely about their experiences and ideas since the interviews will be non-directive. The interviews aim to get participants to talk in-depth about their emotions, opinions, and impressions about the digital transformation process (Chaffey et al., 2019). The study questions will serve as the basis for the interview guide, mainly consisting of open-ended questions designed to elicit detailed participant responses. The questions will be crafted to promote introspection and the provision of concrete examples from participants’ experiences with digital transformation efforts (Fink, 2019).

Document Analysis

The firms will also employ document analysis to gather information on their digital transformation efforts. Implementation paperwork, strategy papers, yearly reports, and other publications highlighting the digital transformation process might fall into this category. Using several sources of information, we may better understand the aspects contributing to a company’s successful digital transition. The examination of documents will include gathering and studying a wide range of files pertaining to the company’s digital transformation efforts. Findings will be supported by data from documents chosen for their usefulness in answering research questions. This method will contribute to the body of information supporting the study’s conclusions and round out our understanding of how digital transformation occurs in businesses (Fink, 2019).

Data Recording

An audio recorder will capture the information, which will then be transcribed into text for analysis. Participants will be asked to provide their informed consent before any interviews are done, and those interviews will be videotaped for the same reason. A professional transcribing service will make an exact copy of the material and check it for correctness before returning it to you. Document analysis results will be stored in a database or spreadsheet. The information will be filed and labelled to facilitate retrieval and analysis (Fink, 2019).

Data Analysis

Interviews will need to be transcribed, data will need to be coded, and themes and patterns will need to be identified. A deductive strategy (using themes established by the research questions) and an inductive strategy (using themes discovered in the data) will be used throughout the coding process. The coding process will be iterative, with codes being altered and improved considering new information. Software packages like NVivo will assist in managing and organizing the data gathered for analysis. NVivo is used extensively in qualitative research for data management and analysis. The software facilitates straightforward data coding and categorization, which facilitates the discovery of underlying themes and patterns (Bryman, 2016).


Credibility, transferability, reliability, and confirmability will be addressed via member checking, peer debriefing, and an audit trail of the data analysis procedure. By verifying with the members, you can be sure that your facts and conclusions are correct. To verify the reliability of the results, researchers often conduct peer debriefings with other experts in the field. Keeping track of all choices taken throughout the data analysis process, including coding and analysis, is essential to maintain reliability and confirmability. To combat issues with credibility, the research team will build relationships with the participants to foster an atmosphere where they feel comfortable opening up about their experiences. The study team will triangulate the data they get from different methods (interviews and document analysis) to provide more reliable results (Bryman, 2016). Researchers will fully describe the research procedures and participant attributes so that readers may judge the study’s generalizability to their situation. If this is done, the results will be more applicable to other companies that have implemented digital transformation strategies. To address trustworthiness and confirmability, the research team will keep an audit trail of the data analysis process to record and explain all analysis-related choices. To further confirm the reliability of the results, the study team will also solicit input from other researchers and industry professionals (Bryman, 2016).

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the study, we will use sing made-up names in the final report, shielding our participants’ identities and keeping our data private (Bryman, 2016).

In conclusion, this investigation of the factors that contribute to successful digital transformation in businesses will use semi-structured interviews and document analysis to collect data. A voice recorder will be used to record the interviews; subsequently, the transcripts will be analyzed. Transcribing interviews, coding data, and extracting themes and patterns will be necessary. To guarantee credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, team members will check each other’s work, engage in peer debriefings, and preserve an audit record of the data analysis process. Ethical principles must be followed to protect people. Using these data collection methods, businesses may understand the factors that contribute to a successful digital transition.

Data Analysis

To analyze the information gathered for this research on the elements contributing to effective digital transformation in businesses, we must transcribe the interviews, code the data, sort the information, and synthesize the results. Transcribing interviews word-for-word and organizing and labelling data for later use is what happens during data transcription (Lee, 2020). Deductive and inductive coding methods will next be used for the data to extract meaningful themes, patterns, and associations. The codes will be updated and altered as more information is gathered and examined (Lee, 2020). After the data has been coded, it will be grouped into more general groups according to their shared characteristics. The classifications will be derived from the study questions and modified as necessary throughout data analysis. Thematic and content analyses will be used to dissect the data collected for this investigation. The content analysis looks at what’s in the gathered documents, whereas the thematic analysis looks for overarching themes in the data. Synthesizing the results of the analysis will be the last stage. Data synthesis aims to give an all-encompassing picture of the aspects that contribute to effective digital transformation in businesses by combining the results from the interviews and document analysis. The research topics will determine the narrative structure of the synthesis. Member checking, peer debriefing, and keeping an audit record of the data analysis process will be used to assure the results’ legitimacy, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. As a result, this research’s data analysis approach will illuminate the many aspects that contribute to a company’s successful digital transformation. The safety of the research participants will be prioritized, and the results will be presented in a narrative style.


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