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Environmental Studies Essays

The Remarkable Pennsylvania Snowstorm of February 2009

On February 3-4, 2009, a narrow band of heavy snowfall impacted Chester and Lancaster Counties in Pennsylvania. While surrounding areas received little precipitation, this band produced over a foot of snow in under 6 hours, a truly remarkable event (Beachler et al., 2009). What factors led to this highly localized, high-intensity snowfall? The Origins of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 766

Strategic Mission-Driven Sustainable Business: “Stoneyfield”

Reading through Chapter 13 Case and learning Stonyfield supply chain was an intriguing and interesting experience. Stoney Field organization, with the help of Samuel Keyman and Gary Hirshberg as the lead directors, had an outstanding ambition to create a healthy product for its consumers and they did so. Hirshberg is also very confident and committed ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1845
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Greenland’s Sediment Flux: Filling a White Spot-On Global Sediment

Introduction Sedimentary dynamics largely determine the shape of Earth and nutrient cycles (Bendixen et al., 2017). Sediment flux transports organic and inorganic matter across the terrain, mainly induced by erosion. Greenland, which has ice sheets covering 80 % of the island, only through the process of glacial melt and with erosion and subglacial discharge, makes ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1813

The Crossroads: Synthesizing Perspectives on Meaningful Work, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy

Introduction Based on the articles by Potts, Alexander, Denning, Kiesling, Hemendinger, and Splett, Module Three’s research expands upon the critical response work started in the second essay. Adding an alternative perspective from Ramón Méndez Galain’s “This Country Runs on 98 Percent Renewable Energy” to the current discussion aims to enhance the debate (Denning, 2023). In ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

Marginal World by Carson

Initially, every natural creature was created uniquely and provided beautiful scenery to the people who appreciate nature. Nature is beautiful, and people need to protect the natural world because it allows them to meditate on various things. Many literary authors have written various nature genres about their experiences, but one of the novels that stands ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 983

Market-Based Approach for Addressing Automobile Emissions

Introduction One ubiquitous externality that affects societies all over the world is air pollution. The environment, ecology, and public health are all seriously threatened by it. The particular situation of vehicle emissions is urgently concerning in this context. Standard rules that may be ineffective and need more motivation for reducing emissions are frequently used in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3759

Why Are Sea Levels Rising, Why Is Water Quality Bad, and How Can We Fix It?

Executive Summary These rising sea levels and deteriorating water quality are major threats to our planet that cannot be underestimated, and action needs to be taken (Masterson and Hall). This executive summary describes a far-ranging and integrated approach to facing these interrelated challenges that attempt to lessen their impact on persons and environments. The proposed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1391

Eco-Business Strategies Are Unable To Tackle the “Ecological Problem” Facing Humanity Unless Accompanied by System-Wide Change Through Eco-Institutions

Introduction When faced with the urgent question of whether a mere set of eco-business strategies will be able to resolve in its entirety such an intricate ecological problem as this or do they require complementary systemic change through some form of eco-institution, then it is clear that since there are so many intertwined aspects at ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1520

A Journey of Water With Swimmers: A Case Study on Swimming Pools in Toronto

Introduction Today, water has become central to world problems, especially with the increasingly large urban population. From various parts of the world to urban areas, the shadow of the global water crisis hangs heavily. It is precisely in this nexus that Toronto, an international city proliferating, represents the challenge of the intersection between urbanization, climate ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3013

Out-of-Class Exploration: Exploring Laguna Coast Wilderness Park

Setting out on an instructive excursion past the homeroom, I, as of late, dove into the natural wonders of Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, situated in the core of Orange County, California. This active experience flawlessly coordinated with the ecological topics shrouded in “Biology: The Essentials,” explicitly zeroing in on Chapter 18: Population Ecology and Chapter ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 939

Smallville Scenario and the Disaster Recovery Plan

In July 2021, Smallville, a Northern California town of 5,200 residents, faced a catastrophic wildfire named the Blaze, resulting in 19,000 structure losses and 31 fatalities. The fire, characterized by its unprecedented speed, disproportionately affected those with low socioeconomic status (SES), intensifying challenges in recovery. The community, comprising primarily White, Asian, and Hispanic residents, faces ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1825

Comparing the Accuracy of Solar Radiation Prediction Using Different Machine Learning Models

Abstract This study compares the accuracy with which different machine-learning models can predict solar radiation. The research uses Meteorological data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to study GHI clear-sky GHI types of cloud wind speed, relative humidity, temperature, and pressure. The study uses exploratory data analysis to explore relationships among those factors. The ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3215

Texloop Investment for Dakota Industrial Co. Ltd

Summary The family-run clothing manufacturer Dakota Industrial Co. Ltd is considering going green by purchasing Texloop equipment. Texloop is a method by Circular Systems SPC for making environmentally friendly fabric from used textiles and clothing. The environmentally conscious Tsang family is considering constructing a fabric mill for sustainable clothing production (Chao & Terry, 2020). The ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2200

Reconsidering the Impact of Tourism on Wildlife

Tourism has long been regarded as a double-edged sword because of the disadvantages and advantages that it presents to the specific community or country. Tourism has always benefited a country because of the revenue it generates for the specific country. The benefits of tourism include environmental, economic, and cultural aspects recorded by the country and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2150

Effects of COVID 19 on the Ecosystem

The coronavirus pandemic is the most disastrous disease outbreak in recent times. The pandemic altered people’s lifestyles and affected multiple sectors. One of the significantly affected areas was the environment, which saw positive and negative impacts. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic ranged from improved air quality to increased hospital waste, marking the pros and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1401
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