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Environmental Sustainability Essays

To What Extent Is Climate Change/ Environmental Sustainability Significant in Education Studies?

Introduction The intersection of climate change and environmental sustainability through educational studies is a fundamental crossover point where our earth’s fate is dictated by present and future human actions. As temperatures across the world are increasing and ecosystems face various disturbances, it is vital to understand the underlying dynamics of climate change and the corresponding ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1280

The Impact of Environmental Sustainability on the Market Values of Residential Property in Abuja, Nigeria.

INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Introduction Sustainable development has become increasingly urgent worldwide as human activities put growing pressure on the environment and natural resources. The concept of sustainable development emphasizes meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Falkenbach et al., 2020). Within efforts undertaken by ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4774
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The Impact of Environmental Health on Human Well-Being

Abstract This paper aims to observe the complex relationships between the environment and human fitness, directly connected with their conduct in natural environments. The margin of exposure (MoE) concept is essential in evaluating threats associated with human ecological exposure because it covers all viable manifestations of health threats that could occur. In addition, average indoor ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1452

Geopolitics and International Political Economy

Geopolitical and International Political Economy Dynamics in Colombia Colombian geopolitics greatly influenced the nation’s image and were major milestones shaping the energy sector’s development in the last few years.[1] This, in turn, implies that the geopolitical context does not encompass only the Colombia territory but also the neighboring states that are involved with the energy decision-making ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2298

Strategies for Sustainable Industrial Decarbonization

Introduction In today’s global marketplace, the manufacturing industry is essential when the need to think of new ways to improve sustainable development and environmental sustainability is combined with requirements for efficient production and competitiveness in the market (Appolloni et al.,2022). With the rapid growth of climate change, there is growing attention on carbon removal technologies ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2741

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability: A Pilot Study on Addressing Air Pollution in Suzhou City

Introduction Addressing air pollution remains a more pressing environmental governance factor. Social integration quickly changes to focus on environmental sustainability orientation. The global community is concerned with the constantly changing climatic conditions facing and disturbing normal livelihoods. Urban centers with higher emission percentages are hence instrumental in championing these campaigns. China is popular with its ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2396

International Agricultural Development: A Comprehensive Perspective

International agricultural development is a comprehensive concept involving solving today’s critical issues related to food security, financial stabilization, and the rational use of natural resources. Finally, the aim is to increase agricultural outputs and improve livelihood, especially for the poor people in developing areas. Development of policies and intervention measures are influenced by ethical consideration ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1015

The Dynamic Interplay of Transnational Corporations and the State in Shaping the Global Economy

1.0 Introduction The business field has experienced various changes in modern society. Globalisation is one of the aspects that has brought these changes by enhancing business activities across different countries (Dicken, 2015). For the global market to operate effectively, various forces are behind its success. Transnational corporations and states are some of the notable details ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2482

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability in Virginia: A Call to Action

Introduction: One of the major challenges in the world today is environmental sustainability, with Virginia being in the lead here. Rapid development poses serious risks to the Commonwealth’s natural wealth, also threatened by increased urbanization. This paper addresses key issues concerning Virginia’s environmental sustainability and explores problems and recommendations. Renewable energy, green transport, waste management, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2565

Recommendation Report on Global Internet Accessibility

Introduction This report examines and compares fibre optics, 5G, and low Earth orbit satellites as options to expand global internet access. The goal is to identify the most equitable and sustainable solution by assessing the critical factors of each technology. Specifically, quality of service, costs, environmental impacts, technical capabilities, regulatory environments, and real-world Accessibility are ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2431

The Impact of Neglecting Green Habitat and Environmental Sustainability in Urban Planning, Housing, Resettlement, and Migration

1.0 Introduction and Background Contemporary urbanization presents an ever-pressing challenge as a substantial proportion of the global populace gravitates toward urban centers. This demographic shift has profound implications, and one of its most critical facets pertains to the proper alignment of environmental sustainability within the framework of urban planning, housing, resettlement, and migration strategies. Governments ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3052

Environment and Development

Introduction Integration of environmental changes into most of the development aspects is crucial in the current economy due to disruptions of progress recently. Sustainable development contributes to satisfying the present generation’s needs and protecting the future generation. Lack of coordinated action to balance the development aspects can affect the quality of the environment. Sustainable social ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3618

Report of European Parliament’s Expectations From Companies That Operate in the EU

Introduction In response to the recent article by Reuters titled “EU Parliament Backs Company Checks on Suppliers for Human Rights Abuses,” published on June 1, 2023, this report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the European Parliament’s expectations regarding sustainability requirements for companies operating within or registered in the European Union (EU). This report ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1615

Report on Becoming a Sustainable Business Organization

Introduction Sustainability has become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced business environment. Companies no longer have the luxury of solely focusing on their bottom line; they must also think about how their actions will affect the world around them and their community. The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept is a crucial framework for gauging sustainability, and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2305

Vegetarian Diet Benefits

Introduction The possible preferences of embracing a vegetarian diet in a world that’s becoming more health-conscious have pulled in a few considerations. In a vegan diet, no meat, fish, or poultry is consumed; instead, a focus is set on plant-based meals such as natural products, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. There are benefits of considering ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1782
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