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Environmental Management at IBM (a): Making Sustainability Sustainable Through Passion and Process

The case study explores how IBM manages environmental performance through a blend of passion and systematic processes.

Section I – The Situation

The case study examines the environmental management practices employed by IBM, a global technology company. The timeframe of the analysis spans from the late 1960s to the present (Henderson & Barido 2009). Wayne Balta, the central figure in the case, has been Vice President of Corporate Environmental Affairs and Product Safety at IBM since 1999. Balta is actively engaged in the formulation and execution of IBM’s environmental sustainability initiatives. IBM is confronted with growing demands from diverse stakeholders urging the company to showcase its commitment to environmental responsibility and effectiveness. Conversely, IBM is in a favorable position to harness its fundamental strengths, such as innovation, technology, and analytics.

The primary challenges confronting Balta and IBM include:

  • Striking a balance between the emotional commitment to environmental sustainability and the procedural aspects of environmental management.
  • Quantifying and communicating the value of environmental sustainability poses another significant issue.
  • Integrating environmental sustainability into IBM’s business strategy and culture

In conclusion, Balta faces the challenge of harmonizing its objectives and incorporating them into IBM’s comprehensive business strategy and cultural framework.

Section II – The Causes/Hypothesis/Proof

The following are the internal and external factors that have caused the situation.

Internal factors:

  • IBM has steadfastly committed to environmental leadership through its corporate policies and dedicated staff since the 1960s (Henderson & Barido 2009). The commitment is deeply rooted in IBM’s core values of trust, responsibility, and innovation, driven by the belief that environmental sustainability benefits both business and society.
  • The implementation of IBM’s comprehensive environmental management system. By utilizing the environmental management system, IBM can continuously monitor and enhance its environmental performance.
  • IBM’s strategic and inventive environmental sustainability initiatives encompass projects and programs to generate value for both IBM and society; for instance, the Smarter Planet vision and strategy leverage IBM’s technology for enhanced efficiency and sustainability.
  • External factors:
  • The escalating environmental consciousness and expectations from various stakeholders seek evidence of IBM’s environmental responsibility and performance.
  • The burgeoning environmental challenges and opportunities in the global market, encompassing factors such as globalization, presenting both risks and opportunities for IBM. Globalization can expand IBM’s environmental footprint and influence, reaching emerging and developing regions.

Section III – Alternatives

Given the circumstances and underlying factors, there are potential courses of action that Balta and IBM may consider. The first alternative entails adhering to the existing environmental management system and sustainability initiatives by preserving IBM’s environmental reputation and mitigating risks associated with change. However, it may limit IBM’s potential to increase the value and impact of its environmental actions.

Alternative two includes increasing emotional dedication to environmental sustainability throughout the company by empowering stakeholders to contribute to IBM’s environmental goals and values. The approach fosters a culture of environmental innovation and collaboration, inspiring others to align with IBM’s sustainability vision.

Alternative three is for Balta and IBM to enhance processes by refining and optimizing the environmental management system and sustainability initiatives. IBM can demonstrate and report the environmental and financial benefits of its sustainability efforts to allow identification and address gaps and opportunities for improvement. However, the option brings challenges in data collection, affecting the accuracy of results.

Key questions for consideration include:

  • What are the current strengths and weaknesses of IBM’s environmental management system and sustainability initiatives?
  • What industry and market benchmarks exist for environmental management and sustainability best practices?

Section IV – Recommendation

The criteria guiding my alternative selection encompass the following:

  • Alignment with IBM’s objectives.
  • Feasibility and accessibility of resources for implementation.
  • Impact on IBM and society.

The overarching objective for Balta and IBM is to establish sustainable sustainability through a blend of passion and process, effecting enduring, positive change in IBM’s and its clients’ environmental performance. The decision will be successful due to indicators such as enhanced recognition of IBM’s environmental performance, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and augmented revenue and market share for IBM.

My recommendation is to pursue a hybrid of the alternatives 2 and 3. The approach leverages IBM’s strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and threats in achieving environmental goals.

Section V – Implementation and Control

Several steps can be followed to execute the suggested course of action. Step 1 involves conducting a thorough analysis and stakeholder engagement to identify and comprehend their needs and expectations regarding IBM’s environmental responsibility. Step 2 is to develop an education plan to enhance awareness of IBM’s environmental goals. Step 3 entails establishing a system for rewarding stakeholders’ accomplishments and innovations in the environmental domain. Lastly, step 4 involves a thorough review of the implementation outcomes. The process is essential for assessing the effectiveness of the environmental management system and sustainability initiatives.

The company would assess the success of the strategy through the following indicators and metrics (Hristov & Chirico 2019):

  • Energy consumption, waste generation, and environmental compliance for both IBM and its clients.
  • In relation to environmental actions and initiatives, the revenue, profit, cost, and market share for IBM and its clients.

Success would be gauged by the number and quality of patents, publications, awards, and testimonials for IBM and its clients on environmental products and services (Hristov & Chirico 2019). To determine the most effective course of action, the company should utilize internal and external data like environmental reports and stakeholder surveys concerning environmental management and sustainability.


Henderson, R., & Barido, P. P. D. L. (2009). Environmental Management at IBM (A): Making Sustainability Sustainable through Passion and Process.

Hristov, I., & Chirico, A. (2019). The role of sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs) in implementing sustainable strategies. Sustainability11(20), 5742.


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